Venus: aspects and importance in love relationships

  • 2019

The aspects of Venus, both in the individual natal chart and in the synastry or comparative of two letters, are essential to understand how a person manifests in the love field, as well as the affinity between two people.

Venus symbolizes the capacity for love of all kinds, not just romantic love. It also speaks of beauty, pleasure and harmony and its position indicates the sentimental inclinations of a person. In the comparative chart, aspects with strategic planets such as the Sun, the Moon and Mars reveal the love and sexual landscape of a love relationship.

The splendid vision of Venus in the night sky is traditionally associated with aspects such as beauty and pleasure.

The beauty of Venus seen from Earth as the star of dawn or dusk, has fascinated mankind since the beginning of time. No wonder then that he has been associated with so many beautiful qualities.

Venus as the planet of the Solar System

The planet Venus as such is the second closest to the Sun and has a size similar to that of the Earth. For a long time it was believed that it could harbor life, a circumstance that was exploited by science fiction writers.

Until it was discovered that the surface temperature was about 400 ° C and the atmosphere is almost all carbon dioxide, which makes it quite unlikely that life exists there, at least such as we know her

Another notable fact in reference to Venus is that its sense of rotation is contrary to that of the Sun and the other planets, except for Uranus, something that still remains unexplained. If we could look at the sunrise on Venus, at least above the layer of clouds that surround it, it would be seen that it rises from the west and sets in the east.

But returning to the astrological issue: How is it that Venus defines the direction in which each person focuses on love? At the time of birth the planets were in different positions in the zodiac orbit, as each one travels with different speeds.

Always from the point of view of an observer on Earth, the planets are located at a certain angular distance from each other and depending on this distance, they can have some of the following astrological aspects :

Major aspects

  • Conjunction
  • Trôgon
  • Sextile
  • Quadrature
  • Opposition

Minor aspects

  • Semi-sextile
  • Half-height

Conjunction, the triangle, the sextile and the semi-sextile are considered harmonic and positive, while quadrature, semi-squareness and opposition are considered disharmonic, although in certain circumstances they may be beneficial. and stimulants, depending on the planets considered.

There are other aspects considered of less influence that will not be named in this article, in which we will rather focus on the main aspects.

Angular positions between planets

How to know what are the aspects in the natal chart and in the compared chart? This will be determined by the relative angular position between the two plants to be considered, at the time of birth:

  • Conjunction: 0 º
  • Sextile: 60 º
  • Trine: 120 º
  • Square: 90 º
  • Opposition: 180 º
  • Semisextile: 30 º
  • Semicuadrature: 45 º

Very rarely these exact values ​​are found among the planets, so there is a tolerance margin called orb .

For a natal chart, the appropriate orb is often set in the range of 6th to 10th, depending on the specialist, and in the comparative chart or synastry the value is almost always halved.

The aspects of Venus are evident in the astral chart, which indicates the position of the planets at birth.

When the orb is within the selected range, the existence of the aspect can be affirmed, but if it barely falls outside the orb, some astrologers consider it relevant despite everything, calling it of potential aspect, although of less influence than an aspect that is within of the tolerance margin defined previously.

Example 1: Venus conjunction Mars in the natal chart

Suppose that in a natal chart the following position appears between Venus and Mars - obtaining your own natal chart is very simple online or through some application -:

Venus in Capricorn: 21º 31 '

Uranus in Capricorn: 22º 17 '

The difference between the angular positions of both planets is 0º 46 ', easy to find with the help of the scientific calculator, option degrees, minutes and seconds, therefore it is a conjunction.

This indicates that it is a very restless subject in the sentimental aspect, someone who falls in love easily and explosively, and is able to challenge the conventions. He is a person with unusual tastes in love and undoubtedly with a great sexual appeal.

He is also individualistic, spontaneous and very independent in love, but probably the initial spark lasts little, unless he meets an equally original couple that keeps him interested for a long time. Depending on the other aspects of your birth chart, this individual will most likely fall in love many times throughout his life.

Nonetheless, Venus and Uranus in Capricorn soften these “wayward” aspects a bit, since they give the individual some reserve and a good dose of common sense and ambition that balance to some degree the somewhat eccentric tendencies that this aspect could confer on them.

Example 2: Venus quadrature Mars in the natal chart

Venus in Gemini: 25º 18 '

Mars in Virgo: 19º 00 '

In this card Venus and Mars are in quadrature with orb is 6º18 '. It is in principle a disharmonious aspect, although it does not mean that the individual lacks sexual attractiveness. On the contrary, he is a person with great magnetism to attract the opposite sex, although it is possible that he will spend his whole life “in love with love”. The frustration of not reaching the ideal can make you selfish and impatient or even violent and possessive.

The individual might be tempted to get involved in dangerous or problematic relationships, or get involved in scandals in his quest for success and happiness. Divorce is not at all unlikely in those who look like this.

Venus in Gemini gives the subject a certain independence and intellectuality, so he is attracted to bright and intelligent people. Mars in Virgo tempers the excess of passion and channels it towards the pragmatic side of life. These aspects soften the disharmony of the square somewhat, especially if there are positive aspects in the letter that give the subject sufficient balance.

The aspects of Venus in the compared chart

Perfect couples do not exist, so in a comparative letter we will surely find harmonious aspects and others that are not so. The Venus - Sun and Venus - Ascending aspects describe the general picture of the relationship and its possibilities of lasting over time.

The symbol of Venus is the mirror and one of the colors associated with this planet is green.

Venus Mars indicates sexual compatibility, while Venus J piter informs about the tastes they have in common and the economic aspect of their association. Finally Venus Luna tells us about the daily facet and the receptivity of each member of the couple towards the emotions of the other.

Venus Sun

Conjunction, triangle, sextile : they are harmonic aspects that presage a solid, stable and lasting relationship.

Many cases of love at first sight occur among people with any of these aspects, especially with the conjunction, although some experts consider that it has a negative background, because it could give rise to competitive feelings. In the triangle and the sextile, participants will find it easy to express their mutual love and a good chance of a harmonious and lifelong relationship.

Quadrature, opposition : it is necessary to work on the relationship to eliminate roughness and misunderstanding in certain aspects of life in common. Participants may have very different ideas about pleasures and fun. Especially the square is indicative of possible misunderstanding, which leads to frequent discussions, more than anything in the economic aspect, which can eventually undermine the relationship.

Venus - Ascending

Conjunction, trine, sextile : they appear frequently in the compared letters of happily married people. It is an excellent omen for a long-term relationship. There is sexual attraction, camaraderie and a lot of solidarity.

Quadrature, opposition : curiously the opposition also appears in long-standing happy couples, which is because they complement each other and there is also a powerful sexual attraction among the participants.

Venus - Mars

Conjunction, trigone, sextile : the harmonious aspects are a sign of great sexual compatibility between the members of the couple. Especially if they are mutual, that is Venus of A and Mars of B in harmonic aspect, and Mars of A and Venus of B in harmonic aspect as well. This will be a relationship in which participants experience a strong desire for each other.

However, to guarantee an enduring relationship it is necessary that there are other positive aspects, otherwise the sexual attraction will be fleeting.

Quadrature and opposition : indicate that there is sexual attraction between the couple, but however fleeting. It is very probable that in the sexual aspect, each one manifests tastes very different from those of the other and therefore the infidelity may not be expected. If this aspect is presented in the comparative letter, we must look for other positive aspects and work them carefully to avoid disagreements.

Venus - Jupiter

Conjunction, trine, sextile : these aspects greatly benefit the economic well-being of the couple. It also indicates that both share similar tastes in terms of pleasant activities. It is a well-matched couple and a wonderful aspect that foreshadows understanding and a life full of shared moments and pleasant memories.

Square and opposition : these aspects will also have to be worked on, because they are evidence that the members of the couple share very different ideas of what is fun. Sharing is an essential part of every relationship. Couples with this aspect may feel distanced because they do not feel they have things in common.

Venus - Moon

Conjunction, trine, sextile : they are positive because they emphasize the understanding between the members of the couple and the feeling that they can always count on each other. It will be a relationship full of tenderness and sympathy.

Quadrature and opposition : it may be difficult for members of the couple with this aspect to express their mutual feelings, but that does not mean they do not exist. It can presage incomprehension or lack of commitment. If the comparative chart has other positive aspects that compensate for this, it is worth working on this facet. Otherwise it could happen that eventually there is no definitive commitment in the couple.

Dear reader, this is just a brief review of this fascinating discipline that is Astrology. Its purpose is that you get to know yourself and your partner better, giving you the necessary tools to enhance the positive aspects and work on the less favorable ones. So go ahead and study your natal chart and compare it with those of your loved ones. Surely what you find will bring you many surprises.

AUTHOR : Fanny Zapata, editor in the big family of

  1. Giani, G. 1988. The book of the astrological couple. Pyramid Editorial.
  2. Venus group. Astrological reports Recovered from:
  3. Orozco, G. 2000. Our relations and Astrology, Techniques for its study. Editorial Text.
  4. Ruiz, S. Online Astrology Course. Recovered from:

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