Be honest with ourselves

  • 2015
Today is the best day to shed those veils that try to hide our lights and our shadows ... We are what we are, accepting it implies starting a journey inside us, in silence, with unlimited Love for ourselves. We are Divine Lights with flashes of Love, Peace, Gratitude, Compassion and Harmony ... Why hide them ????? The Ego sends us the ancestral order that we are impure, that we do not deserve to be happy in our Light. The Ego sends us shame, to lock ourselves in the unworthy. The Ego sends us the endless criticisms and judgments towards ourselves, which we reflect towards the outside world, in contradictions, confusion and chaos. The Ego does not know about love, it only acts by pain, opening wounds towards itself and towards others, because in this way, everyone is on a “plane of equality”… incomplete in suffering and separation. The Ego is very skilled, because it manages to camouflage itself of Love ... managing to deceive its bearer and all those who see its "external form" as the incarnation of Love, but not for a long time the Ego manages to maintain this love idyll ... Like the Ego, he knows nothing about Love and acts automatically, he forgets that his true place is to accompany the Heart, being his faithful follower. Then ... The veils that the Ego used to confuse, fall when ... The word is not accompanied by the heart ... When the action is not born of Love ... When the thought takes distance from Love ... When the feelings are of possession, dominion and authoritarianism, Very far from unlimited Love. Being honest with ourselves, is ... Let go of the Ego, to take root in our hearts !!! How to know that we inhabit the heart? * When we manage to feel the wounds healing them with forgiveness, compassion and acceptance, attributes of love. * When we understand that everyone builds their path in their own way between their lights and shadows. * When it is accepted that the shadows do not belong to us, because we are Light, we are Love. Then…. We set aside the veils to want to be Light and accept in the humility of our heart, that we are incarnate Light. We are Light and in our Light we can Heal ourselves. Get rid of the masks of wanting to “seem”, To BE !!!!! We are ONE in the coherence of ourselves. In Love it is Unlimited and Unconditional of our Divine essence. In the Peace that begins in our hearts. With Love, Ashamel Lemagsa. Source:

Be honest with ourselves

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