Change from the Mystical Sense, Change from the Self

  • 2017

What does change mean from the mystical sense ? Today and now! I invite you to reflect on your life, your actions and what you want to achieve, it will be the main input for you to achieve a mystical and real change in your life .

Ask yourself, are you willing to change in mystical sense, in order to be better than your own today, managing to create a better life ? As a person, are you willing to break habits, mental patterns and beliefs that can throw you instead of getting up?

Come with me! Through some experiential techniques, you will be able to advance along the real path of change from the mystical sense, being happy, serene and with a strong mind .

Change from the Mystical Sense: Commitment to the Self

... Only from the emptiness, you and I, can we generate new and renewed structures so that a new life emerges, in order to control the reins of one's destiny. Precisely, in this scenario, a real change begins to be born from the mystical sense.

To achieve change, anyone can point the way, however, you as a person are the only one who has to do all the work . The great Spiritual speaker Jiddu Krishnamurti already said “ If you don't know your own relationship with property, if you don't understand your relationship with your wife, with your children, how can someone else resolve the conflict that arises from that relationship? ".

The answer asked by Master Jiddu is simple, just understand yourself . Why? Basically because you and I, we are the source of all misunderstanding and confusion, and only in this way, by understanding ourselves, can we resolve conflicts.

When we understand ourselves in the relationship

T are you willing to change in a mystical sense, in order to be better than your own today, managing to create a better life? As a person, are you willing to break with habits, mental patterns and beliefs that can throw you instead of getting up?

When there is an understanding of one's mental structures, of the answers based on what is known, of the responses and reactions, we can change in a real way ; otherwise, we only walk from the known to something known that we believe more satisfactory, but in the end it will give the same results. And why are the same results achieved? Precisely because the previous conflicts were not resolved in advance, using as a fundamental basis the understanding of oneself and the cessation of the I.

Only when there is a complete knowledge of oneself, what we know, what we usually conceive, decide, has an end, leaving the mind completely empty of everything known. Only from the emptiness, you and I, can we generate new and renewed structures so that a new life emerges, in order to control the reins of one's destiny. Precisely, in this scenario, a real change begins to be born from the mystical sense .

This is how the writer and holistic thinker Victoria Erickson interpreted it, by ensuring that the transformation is not sweet and bright, it is a dark and murky, painful push. An outcome of the falsehoods he has carried on his body. A practice in the confrontation of their own created demons. A complete uprooting before transforming Deep! Right?

However, before entering this exciting world of change from the mystical sense, I want you to dedicate a moment of your time, and reflect on the following questions.

What do I want to change ?

What do I want to change for ?

Is the change I want to make a product of greed, of ego, of fear, or of not appreciating what I enjoy today?

Will change lead me to find my Light to enlighten me, and to be twinned with everything?

Does this change I want to make help me accept and transcend my darkness ?

Does this change come from the understanding and compassion of myself ?

Before making the change, am I aware that it will be uncomfortable, that there will be those who oppose and / or criticize me, who may provoke teasing and have to start from scratch?

I invite you to answer with dedication and fidelity to these questions, because if you do so, you will understand if the change you want will be really well - being, or, on the contrary, they are only the product of your ego, your fears and false illusions I will explain it to you in detail.

... when changing, whether chosen or not by you, you will always experience uncertainty and discomfort, you must concentrate on your mind and your heart, which first of all change, there will always be the opportunity to create a better situation for yourself, to those around you and for the world in which you are existing.

When you want to change in response to your ego, you will notice that fear, greed and false illusion will prostrate in your life; and even if you made the desired changes in it, you will never be happy or full, you will not achieve total and efficient well-being .

Surely you are wondering, then ... What should I do? Start your change agenda by thanking, valuing your life and that of the people you want and are around you, establish healthy and lasting relationships, enjoy the well-being you have today, avoid observing and detailing what you lack, your fears and what you want.

Now, if the change or changes you want to make are to improve something in yourself, to progress in your spiritual evolution, to elevate your vibration and peace, I congratulate you !, you are taking the right paths, despite being uncomfortable paths, painful, that require a strong temper and a strong mind to withstand everything.

From the mystical sense, it is important that you keep in mind that there are changes that go beyond your own expectations and decisions. I speak exactly of the changes produced by death, natural disasters, the growth of children and other family members; also, the changes concerning the couple, the culmination of cycles and stages, the trips or different locations of place of residence or work, among many other changes external to itself .

You should know that, when changing, whether chosen or not by you, you will always experience uncertainty and discomfort, you should concentrate on your mind and your heart, that first of all change, there will always be the opportunity to create a better situation to yourself, for those around you and for the world in which you are existing. From a mystical sense, at all times, you should keep in mind that you have the choice to turn that change into something beneficial .

Now, when a change arises, your attitude should be of gratitude, of serenity and peace, why? Basically, why, as a result, you can more clearly realize who you are without judging yourself, without recriminating yourself; on the contrary, you will begin to understand and observe yourself better, you will observe without judgment the decisions that you have been making, your attitudes, facts and forms that have taken you to the place where you are, what you should do to raise your vibration and begin your process of enlightenment, to create peace and well-being in your life, what you should do regarding your contribution in the world around you, the level of adaptation that you cultivate, the points that you must reinforce in your person so that the change is beneficial for your soul, for the souls that surround you, for your environment and the level of vibration you emit.

You should know, that first of all change you will always have to thank, it is your extraordinary opportunity to learn from the great Master called Change that will always help you to observe the Truth that exists in your life .

... When a change is made in your life, the immediate thing to work is to completely calm your being, calm your mind, your emotions and your physical being, for what purpose ?, to raise your vibration, and from that high point, to be able to understand the route and sense of change or what caused the change that has taken place in your life, thus generating something totally fresh and renewed, a real re-evolution in your own life.

In relation to this exciting theme, the great Master Khalil Gibran wrote some words that speak of death . He says:

“What is to die but stand up naked?

And, what is to stop Breathing, but to Leave the Breath Free of its restless swings so that it can Rise and Expand and, already unhindered, seek God?

Only when you drink in the River of Silence will you sing of Truth ...
And only when you have reached the Top of the Mountain will your Ascent begin.
And only when the Earth claims your members, will you dance for truth. ”

When a change is made in your life, the immediate thing to work is to completely calm your being, calm your mind, your emotions and your physical being, for what purpose ?, to raise your vibration, and from that high point, to be able to understand the route and sense of change or what caused the change that has taken place in your life, thus generating something totally fresh and renewed, a real re-evolution in your own life. What a show! True?

Master Krishnamurti tells us about the changes and serenity, I want to share with you the following Text, I know about the wonders it has!

“The revolution is only possible now, not in the future; the regeneration must be now not tomorrow. If you want to experience what I just said, you will see that there will be an immediate regeneration, a quality of something new, fresh; because the mind is always calm when it is interested, when it wishes or intends to understand. The difficulty for most of us is that we have no intention of understanding, because we are afraid that, if we understand, there could be a revolutionary action in our life, and that is why we resist . Amazing words! True? I invite you to read them again and meditate word for word.

When a change is chosen by you, the idea is that you evaluate it before making it, think about the consequences of your decision, think about its realization and its results . Also, it is advisable that, by changing, immediately after, you move away a little from society that would not understand your change, many times society by not understanding your change will require explanations, create unfounded comments, and make their own conclusions known of what you should be, of what would have been better or not for you, pretending to express what they think is best for you by having endeavored to materialize the change in your life. If you do so, congratulations !, you are under the real mystical sense of change .

So, I invite you to get away from people and the river of opinions and comments, and even, in some changes it is better to get away from that portion of society completely, which would also be part of the change, for what purpose ?, to calm your mind, strengthen your character and later, face with a strong mind everything that your change entails. Now, not only will society be, but you yourself, you will have to face the consequences of your decisions.

Everything that I have told you, materializes very well in a phrase that you can find in the Panchatantra book, an ancient book of the collections of stories that are possessed of Sanskrit literature. He says: "Faced with the danger of losing everything, the wise man leaves half of it and gets ready with the other half, since the loss of everything is difficult to bear . "

In the East, the ideogram or crisis writing means "mortal danger" and "unique opportunity, " perhaps we can thus illustrate what a radical change means in life.

Also, before making a change, you should have techniques that help you calm your being, cultivate a strong mind and stay cheerful .

... From a mystical sense, at all times, you should keep in mind that you have the choice to turn that change into something beneficial.

Techniques for you to be happy :

I am going to tell you some techniques, the most efficient ones, so that you can advance through the great and exciting world of joy . Remember that joy is a fundamental source for exercising change from a mystical sense.

1. Visualize a cascade of joy that cleanses you, that flows within you, around you; observe how that waterfall is beautiful and iridescent colors, that bathes you and heals your Being completely, that it fills and heals your life. It is so, that you receive and accept that joy, so that it is installed at all times in your life and in your whole Being.

2. Receive the sun's rays to cleanse your energy and the bodies that make up your entire Being .

3. Let the energy of the sea and water cleanse you, heal you and fill your Being with purity .

… Learn from the great Teacher called Change who will always help you observe the Truth that exists in your life.

Techniques for you to achieve serenity:

1. I invite you to do daily Meditation .

2. Perform Meditation in Motion ( Taichi ).

3. Fulfill an activity in which your entire Being is abstracted (art, work, service, etc.).

4. Work the Earth, plant trees, grow plants, water your garden, collect the fruits of your lawn.

5. Dance and / or play music.

6. Perform an exercise that benefits you, avoid entering into competitions or unfitting your body. You can practice Hatha Yoga .

... I invite you to realize what you can change, value how high and deep that change can take you, realize it consciously, thank you for your ability to realize it, as well as to be able to calm yourself throughout your process.

Techniques for you to keep a strong mind:

1. Stay away from social opinions.

2. Strengthen and build your self-esteem .

3. Allow yourself to be as you are.

4. Avoid judging or judging others.

5. Accept the darkness itself so that your Light shines.

6. " Know yourself ." So Socrates asked too.

7. Listen to what your heart dictates to you, go where it guides you, follow it with confidence and security.

To conclude, I invite you to realize what you can change, value how high and deep that change can take you, realize it consciously, thank you for your ability to realize it, as well as to be able to calm yourself throughout your process.

I already told you at the beginning of the Text, there is a phrase that is very important to me and that, from my Existential Being was expressed one day by my Soul, says: “ Learn from the Master called Change, so that you can observe the Truth

Photo Courtesy Master Mireya Mya


Mireya Mya, Director of Tao University and Professor of Taichi. Researcher and innovator of Kung Fu formations. Bachelor of Marketing with a Master's Degree in Sports and Cultural Marketing. During his Life Project he has been able to receive various awards and recognitions for his great work in business welfare, in the Human Being and in the Care of the Environment.

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Review and Correction : William Hernán Estrada Pérez, Editor in the Great Family of the

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