The path to awakening: The universal laws of manifestation

  • 2018

Beloved Beings of Light,

In this meeting I wish to speak with all of you about the universal law of manifestation through a slightly more scientific and intellectual perspective, momentarily neglecting both creation and manifestation, which being in harmony with the Spirit are part of only of their spiritual inheritance, but also of their divine right and that is that a large part of the Lightworkers wonder why they are not allowed to take advantage of the divine influx of abundance in order to carry out their mission and achieve their dreams

One part is still struggling solely to survive and fulfill their daily obligations, while those beings who work through abuse and greed for power, who are totally immersed within the 3rd dimension, manage to become increasingly rich.

Universal laws are in operation

By this we mean that those neutral laws to which each existing being, whether saints and / or sinners, have to conform and by which they must be governed . These laws have existed for innumerable epochs, as a decree of the Source and have been disseminated throughout the ages by the Elohim, as well as by the archangels and also by the co-creators of the world in which you live. Each of the beings, encouraged by the divine spark of the Source, has the ability to access electromagnetic or cosmic energy in order to create from it; However, they have to know the rules involved in their use and know how they must extract the energy to be able to use it correctly.

To begin, it is necessary to have the appropriate mental attitude, but for that it is not necessary to be a spiritual, lively or good being, who has noble ideals; It is possible to act from a totally selfish perspective in order to gain power and manage to control the rest of the individuals . The universal laws of the manifestation will be working equally, since by examining and / or thinking carefully about those who have managed to accumulate great wealth and gain power, it is possible to discover that these beings move by a vision, they fully believe in themselves. themselves and the ability they have to get everything they want.

They acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to be experts within their field of action

Then they dedicate all the time and energy that is required to see their goals achieved and that is that when they carry it out, they do not give importance to any negative comments that someone else can make about what they do, nor do they doubt their work and much less Your ability to achieve what you want. In addition, they know how to attract to them those individuals who have aspirations and / or interests similar to yours . Their vision is firmly established within their minds and consciences, so that daily, at all hours, they are dedicated to doing what is necessary to shape the vision they possess.

What is the key to your success? Why do they achieve success while for many Lightworkers, it is really difficult to get what is necessary to live with grace and tranquility, in order to fully focus on fulfilling their spiritual mission while helping others?

Dear brothers, you are electromagnetic fields that radiate frequencies and vibrations, which expand and manage to attract similar energies, so if you have been repeating mantras and affirmations during the day and night wishing to obtain wealth, if you constantly talk about what they wish to achieve, they ask the universe with all their heart, so why have you not yet obtained it? The answer is simple and it is that they always have those old recordings in the deepest part of their subconscious, which they repeat: “ To be truly spiritual, I must put aside everything that is part of the material world. I have to sacrifice my well-being and happiness in the service of others, since by concentrating on my spiritual evolution, God will be the one who takes care of me . ” This is about the old complex of martyrdom, which you develop, because a small number of you have the appropriate mental attitude, which allows you to find yourself in front of a huge fortune, even if it has been granted by miracle.

What would they do if suddenly they are in possession of an immense amount of money?

We are not promoting here a notion of happiness linked to abundance or the feeling of accomplishment, nor the idea that if they deserve it or not and that they should not forget that we are talking about an influx neutral of universal energies. However, they have managed to perceive that a large number of those human beings who are in better conditions on Earth, are actually individuals who live bored and are unhappy . However, it must still be acknowledged that they know how they should go to the source of universal manifestation energies through their desires and their thoughts, but above all, through its determination, since at no time do they give up or forget their objective and it is that they never allow anything or anyone to interfere on their way to success; they focus on visualizing, wishing, believing and working for it.

To achieve this, the first thing they should do is to give thanks for everything they already have in their lives and recognize all the beautiful things that are part of it. Divert your attention from what is wrong with you, from what is around you and in the rest of the world; Try to appreciate what is good in your life, what fills it with beauty and surprises you every day. They have to act as if they had the right to receive all the abundance and appreciate all the beauty that the Universe possesses and the way in which they flow into their lives in an unlimited way until it really happens. We are not saying that they should waste money that they do not own, but rather that they should become aware of the different benefits that are currently available to them and that they can enjoy.

Their thoughts have greater power than they can imagine, but they must be aware that allowing fear, negativity, guilt and doubt to enter their lives, weaken and even completely cancel their claims . Be clear about what you want to attract into your lives and then affirm it consciously, without letting yourself be overshadowed by negative feelings, so feel the magnitude and strength of your souls, not your ego. Surrender yourselves fully to the supreme good and consciously thank each of the little miracles that allow the path through which you will be able to achieve success in what you want, since by focusing on the positive aspects of your lives, you will strengthen those energies and allow them to be more attracted.

Dare to dream, fight for what you want and claim everything that the Source has granted you while you are in this world.

TRANSLATION: Lurdes Sarmiento


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