Healing Crystals: Methods to clean and recharge your crystals

  • 2019

In our previous article on the care of our crystals, we talked about this task as a duty that we have the bearers of healing gems, which we acquire when adopting them and that will be the means to keep them in optimal functioning. Additionally, we explain the most common way to clean and recharge our crystals. In this article, we will continue with this topic and we will mention other methods of care used by crystal therapists, in order to leave our readers with several options from which to choose and adapt to their needs, preferences and, especially, to each crystal that decide to add to your collection.

Despite the benefits that we can find in the most common form of cleaning, already explained previously, that is, cleaning and recharging using sea salt and sunlight, it is clear that this method is not effective for all crystals, and as we have mentioned throughout these deliveries, it is the bearer's job to establish a line of communication with his crystal to discover which technique best suits it. In addition to the above, there are crystals that limit their ways of cleaning according to their characteristics. For example, most brightly colored crystals should not be exposed to the sun for a long time, as this deteriorates their brightness and the quality of their colors, further decreasing their effectiveness in connecting with certain energy points or chakras. On the other hand, some crystals, due to their chemical and energy composition, should not be exposed to water or salt, since there is a possibility that they release toxic substances that can be harmful to health, it is important that everyone who decides acquiring a crystal has this basic knowledge to avoid exposing others or himself to possible damage, among these crystals we find: sodalite, lepidolite, selenite, chrysocolla, celestin, calcites, cyanites, fluorites and any type of druse.

What other cleaning methods exist?

After cleaning with sea salt, the second most common method of cleaning crystals is cleaning by means of smoke, which is considered the oldest technique since it comes and is used since the origin of the crystal therapy. It is also the favorite by Native American tribes, whose culture is considered the cradle of crystal healing therapy. This shamanic technique is preserved to this day and is used by many crystal therapists due to its ease and accessibility.

To clean a crystal using smoke, the gem should be placed in a container, making sure it is heat resistant and burning incense around it. The smoke that it produces should be kept inside the container, either by placing the palm of the hand on it or a lid, with the intention of purifying the glass inside it as much as possible. deeply possible. For this method to be effective, the glass must be in contact with the smoke for at least fifteen minutes, ideally one hour.

This form of crystal cleaning is the mà © sr recommended for those crystals that are set or supported by a chain, as is the case of those used as pendulums. For these cases, it is recommended to hold the crystal using the chain and rotate it slowly in circular movements around an incense stick, clockwise. We will make sure that the smoke reaches all surfaces while our mind is focused on cleaning and purifying the glass. During cleaning, the ideal number of turns is eight, but this will depend on the glass and the concentrating capacity of its wearer. To perform a smoke cleaning, the most recommended incenses are those that have energy cleaning properties, such as: sage, rosemary, cedar, eucalyptus and sandalwood, being this Last especially beneficial, since it also helps to recharge our crystals.

The third most common method of purification for healing and personal crystals is the cleaning using earth, being another extremely ancient technique since its origin is attributed to the ancient Mayan tribes. Probably the greatest benefit of this technique, which makes it superior to those described above, is that it allows the crystal to reconnect with the energy of nature and its natural mineral energy, being ideal for those crystals that we perceive, have blockages or need the reopening of the energy channels that may have closed during its cutting and crimping. Therefore, it is considered an excellent method to use with our new crystals, since the primary contact with the earth favors its connection with the universe, and therefore, with us.

To purify with soil, we must sink the glass under clean soil that is not treated or fertilized with any chemical. Additionally, it must be land that is not “restricted”, that is, land that is not in pots. Once we have covered the glass with soil, it must remain buried for three full days after which the glass must be washed with very cold water and let it dry under sunlight for an hour.

The next and last method we will try is cleaning using water at different temperatures. Cleaning with warm and cold water is probably, after sea salt, the most used technique among experienced crystal therapists to clean those crystals that can be exposed to water, since the crystals purified in this way do not need to be specifically recharged and they strengthen their energy after each cleaning, allowing them to stay with us for a longer time doing their healing task.

In reference to the above, it is important to make a section to mention that, despite the importance of cleaning and recharging our crystals, this constant treatment has in the long run debilitating effects on them, gradually wearing down their energy to the point in that they will need to be constantly recharged, taking this step as more fundamental than purification as a crystal remains in our care over time. This is why cleaning using temperature shocks is recommended, since it extends the life of our crystals, causing them to acquire more strength and capabilities to transmit their beneficial effects, in addition to recharging them with positive energy. To perform this type of cleaning, warm water must be dropped on the glass for a couple of minutes, taking into account that it should not be too hot — since excessive heat alters the properties of the subtle minerals of our crystal— . After this step, the glass should be submerged in a container filled with cold water, which should preferably come from ice cubes that have melted. Once these steps have been completed, the glass should be allowed to stand in the water for a few minutes before recharging it in direct sunlight.

Recharge with solar energy and recharge with lunar:

Once we have our crystal clean, the next step is to reconnect it to us and the universe. For this we have mentioned the recharge with sunlight but, as we already mentioned, this is not the ideal way for all types of crystals and in some cases, recharging using the moonlight is recommended.

Although both stars are equally efficient in filling our energy crystals, sunlight is always preferred because it requires less time, since, to be optimally charged with lunar energy, the crystals must remain under the full moon throughout the night . However, this choice will depend on the preferences of the crystal therapist, influenced by the use we plan to give to our crystal. Given this decision we must consider that sunlight will load them with a stronger energy, focused on renewal, rebirth and warmth; while the moonlight will mainly favor a more emotional, sensitive and subtle recharge, which is why it is more commonly used for those crystals of soft and spiritual vibration, such as those intended to be visualization or meditation crystals.

Finally, and to close, I want to emphasize again that each cleaning method and each form of recharging is a choice that comes from the conversation and prior connection with our glass, where there is no better or specific method that we should follow as a manual but each one possesses and gives our gems different properties and benefits that we must explore, experience and finally, adopt some as our own.


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