Archangel Michael. Channeling of Henrique Rosa. Part I.

  • 2019
Table of contents hide 1 May the Great Creative Divine Light expand love in your hearts! 2 And any force field that expands the light leads to a multiplication of the light on various levels of the mind and consciousness, attracting the Light found in the subtle planes of the soul to the denser worlds of matter. 3 The human being is waking up and questioning the meaning of life, is seeking to unravel the mysteries of life and evolution; He is wondering where he came from and where he should walk. 4 The human mind moves bands of very wide and slow vibrational frequencies, so it is attached to theories, dogmas and fixed to erroneous concepts. 5 The future of the human being will be the result of what he created and what he is creating today, and that he will return to himself to destroy his fantasies, transform his mistakes and transmute his hatred, his fears, his discriminatory and enslaving actions. 6 This is a great revolution, at the moment in which it contributes to an expansion of consciousness, of the mind, and to an opening of its spiritual faculties, so that everyone has the necessary conditions to come into direct contact with their souls, with all the Beings of Light, with all beings that live on other planes, worlds and other dimensions, because in this way the human being will know the reason for his existence, his true goals and what the Creator expects of him.

Channeled Message

In Portuguese the Original.

May the Great Divine Creative Light expand love in your hearts!

One of the problems of the human being is the fact that he has no conscience or conviction of who he really is, nor of his divine origins. He is not aware of what he represents within the planetary and solar systems, nor of his real functions in each reincarnation.

He does not understand that it is a microuniverse and that the energies that compose it correspond to the energies of the macrouniverse, which includes constellations and galaxies.

The human being believes that he believes in God, believes that he has faith, but in reality his attitudes are not consistent with this.

The Aquarian Era is an era of transformative, transmutative and also energies that create the group union .

These energies are coming to Earth and multiplying the force fields, or energy fields. They multiply what is negative and what is positive, which causes a force field formed by hate energies to attract more hate, as well as a force field formed by loving energies attract more love.

And any force field that expands the light leads to a multiplication of the light at various levels of the mind and consciousness, attracting the Light that is found in the subtle planes of the soul to the densest worlds Of the mattery.

This is one of the actions of aquarium energies expanding on the planet. Because of this, the world stage is apparently of great chaos .

All negative and destructive, enslaving and manipulative forces try to multiply and, at the same time, all positive, libertarian, justice, equality, fraternity, love actions tend to unite and multiply.

The fanaticisms are also multiplying and the worst of them, as has been said several times by several Masters in this School, is the religious, because he is completely blind, not caring about killing or Die in the name of God.

They are going through a difficult and delicate period of the evolutionary process of this humanity, where Aquarian energies are leading everyone to great questions and also awakening their consciousness, moving his deepest and most true feelings, and to dilute the illusions that imprison the mind.

The human being is waking up and questioning the meaning of life, is seeking to unravel the mysteries of life and evolution; He is wondering where he came from and where he should walk to.

The work of the Creator is not summed up to a single physical body, or to a single planet, to a single planetary system or to a single evolutionary line . Many do not stop to think and do not question.

Why in such a fantastic universe does the human being exist? And for what? To do what it does, that is, destroy everything?

Obviously not!

A New Humanity and a New Earth are emerging, those who really seek their inner truth seek answers that lead to a definitive awareness of their real functions in the planetary and universal evolutionary process.

Because life is divine and all its principles are liberating and innovative to favor that all beings, without exception, continuously commune with the Forces of Divine Creation to manifest and expand them.

Yet much of this humanity is not aware that there are thousands of loving forces being moved continuously, minute by minute, at all levels of life and in all beings.

The human mind moves bands of very wide and slow vibratory frequencies, so it is attached to theories, dogmas and fixed to erroneous concepts.

In order for the mind to move other faster vibratory frequencies, an internal positioning is necessary that leads it to observe and tune into the energy centers (chakras) that reside in dense and subtle bodies.

Creation came from the highest to the lowest frequencies, from the subtlest to the densest; today they are at the lowest and densest frequencies of matter, however there are other higher frequencies that move their subtle bodies.

If Creation came from top to bottom, or better, from spirit and soul to denser bodies, how can human beings understand Creation only on the physical plane? This is an inconsistency!

If you cannot move within you loving energies, of wisdom, fraternity, equality, freedom, of respect for the other beings that live and evolve in this planetary system, then they produce energies of pain and suffering, generating intolerance, incoherence, aggressiveness, similar forces in your direction.

The future of the human being will be the result of what he created and what he is creating today, and that he will return to himself to destroy his fantasies, transform his mistakes and transmute his hatred, his fears, his discriminatory and enslaving actions.

Therefore, political, economic and religious systems are in ruins. Because when a religion feeds a hatred so great that it leads man himself to kill thousands of others, it means that religion is over; What exists is pure fantasy, fanaticism, nothing more.

What we do not perceive is that the chaos we live today was generated by a small part of humanity ; It is not a chaos generated by the majority, but it still does a lot of damage, a lot of noise because that plot is organized, united, while the majority is not!

Your Masters and we are very concerned about those who have missions and tasks to rebuild and create solid foundations for the New Earth, the New Heaven, to help the souls of the New Humanity and anchor the new race on Earth so that members of this new New Humanity race grow, mature, and from it a New Civilization emerges .

The vast majority do nothing, only a small minority is doing something for the spiritualization and evolution of Humanity.

We have spoken that the Aquarian Era is an era of group action, therefore, we must act, bring to the consciences of human beings more teachings, more practice, more experience, more experience ; it is necessary to guide so that the Great Divine Light, which resides within each human being can manifest itself, so that everyone can rediscover the true God and the adequate tools to walk with their own feet, open their conscious spiritual channels and communicate directly with Teachers, Angels, Guides, Mentors, and other Beings of Light, but without intermediaries and for the benefit of the evolution of humanity and the Earth.

This is a great revolution, at the moment in which it contributes to an expansion of consciousness, of the mind, and to an opening of its spiritual faculties, so that everyone has the necessary conditions to come into direct contact with their souls, with all the Beings of Light, with all beings living on other planes, worlds and other dimensions, because in this way the human being will know the reason for his existence, his true goals and what the Creator expects of him.

The Creator does not expect him to be a slave, to blindly obey other men and religions or political systems. What the Creator wants is for His children to be free, but with responsibility, with equality, with love, with fraternity, with wisdom and Light .

Therefore, you will have to devote more time to your souls, to provide that, both of us of the Angelic Line ; As of the Energy Line, we have the possibility of coming to help you, as well as your Masters.

We can give them experiences that expand their consciousness, so that much more quickly your channels are unlocked and your mind is decontaminated.

It only depends on a true internal posture, which leads to a dignified action in favor of your evolution and your fellow man.

¹ School of Synthesis.
² Esoteric science teaches that there are seven evolutionary lines in our planetary system; only three are known for now, that is, the Evolutionary Line of Men, Angelic Beings and Energy Beings.

Continue in: Archangel Michael. Channeling of Henrique Rosa. Part II

Spiritual Channel: Henrique Rosa

PORTUGUESE-SPANISH TRANSLATION: Patricia Gambetta, editor in the great family of

SOURCE: Journal of Esoteric Sciences. A Universal Knower gives Feel. Henrique Rosa and Lourdes Rosa.

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