Message from Sananda: The plan for your new life 5D

  • 2018

Channeled by Adele Arini, February 21, 2018.

My dear friends,

The time has come for you to choose. Make a decision now, once and for all.

Do you want to fully embrace your Fifth-dimensional Being, or do you want to continue to get involved with the old three-dimensional way of living that is based on fear, lack, duality and separation? What I am talking about is its level of commitment to the path of Light, the path of Mastery / Ascension and the path of Love.

The path of Mastery and Ascension is not a path that can be done 'part time'. It requires your full time commitment to be the embodiment of Divine Love. This means that in each of your thoughts, words, approaches, feelings, reactions and actions, you should always strive to align them with Love and not with Fear. Unity and no separation. Abundance and no lack.

The path of light is a full time job.

When you face daily challenges, most of you, light workers who are reading this, still react from a victim mentality.

The you of the "past" (which by the way is an amazing and powerful being of the Divine Creator), has attracted (on a Higher level) to your lives these difficulties to make you advance in your path of Light .

You created the challenges of your life, and guess what? You have the power to easily de-create these challenges by dominating the problems that life has forced you to face. Don't run away anymore. Do not delay it more.

We never said that the path to the Master was easy and without challenges. Everyone, without exception, on this planet is being forced to face their greatest fears, to transmute and heal those fears and emerge victorious when they are ready. Until that happens, they will continue to face the same blockages in their life, again and again, until they learn the lessons.

What they have to remember is this: they have done it many times before. I know each one of you who is reading this. In your many lives in the higher dimensions, on other planets / star systems, and for some of you, in your past lives, Atlanteans and Lemurians on Earth, you have attained Master Lighting .

They have been tested and especially chosen for their brilliant Light, strength, courage and tenacity, to live their current life, so important to help with the planetary healing and ascension of Gaia and humanity. Each of you has an important role to play.

Time is NOW to embrace your true, Multidimensional and powerful Higher Self.

You are no longer acting harshly. There are no more excuses.

We, your friends and loved ones in the higher dimensions, we all realize the price that this road is charging you. As the light waves continue to bombard the planet every day, most of you feel exhausted, tired and fed up with how the Ascension process is making feel . You longed for your true Home and some of you even thought you should never have volunteered for this Mission.

We want you to know that we have understood very well and that we continually send you our loving support at every moment of every day . Their yearning for the Home, for Unconditional Love and Acceptance, for the Joy, Freedom, Perfect Peace and Abundance it brings, is a sign that they are ready.

Ready to finally realize that your true Home can be found inside . They have always been in the Home, in the embrace of our Creator all the time. Now they are not only waking up to this Higher Truth, but they are also working hard to make the Earth an exact replica of their Heavenly Home.

Together, you and I and your teams have planned this great adventure with emotion, passion, joy and with so much Love. And we, your team of Guides and Angels, are constantly fulfilling the promise we made to you before you were born: always be there to support them every step of the way and help them fulfill their individual missions with joy.

The only question I have left to ask is the following:

Are you ready to fully compromise your life and your whole way of being with this cause?

If YES is your immediate response, then rest easy, your beautiful and magnificent 5D life you have always dreamed of, is now beginning to develop. The plan of your new life of fifth dimension, which has been created by your Higher Self, will continue to be revealed at the perfect time to guide your path.

You are leaders, guides, anchors and the embodiment of the light of higher dimensions, and your lives will be the shining examples for others who are looking for their own way back to HOME.

The next step is simple. It is important that they commit to living a life of high vibration. Every choice, word, thought, way of being and action is important. Do your best to constantly align them with the Light and Love of your Higher Self.

Live a life of high vibration: in the choice of your thoughts, words and actions.

And when in doubt, always take the time to go inside and ask yourself: As an incarnation of my Higher Self, what should I say, think or do in this situation that I am now facing?

Staying in high vibration sounds easy, but in everyday life, with the struggles and challenges in which they are involved, it can be difficult to achieve.

Below are 6 gold guidelines that most of you already know and just need another reminder:

  1. Commit to at least 15-30 uninterrupted minutes per day to simply "be" still and meditate and communicate with your Higher Self and your spiritual team.
  2. They drink a lot of water since integrating and anchoring the Higher Energies requires that their bodies remain hydrated. This keeps your whole being balanced.
  3. Always choose high vibration foods and drinks . This means that they should not consume alcohol, caffeine, sugar or fatty foods, high in calories and not nutritious. The consumption of parts / bodies of animals decreases their vibrations since fear and suffering at the time of death remain in the parts of the body that you eat. So, when the time is right, consider adopting a vegetarian lifestyle, as this will help keep your vibrations high . Drinking raw, fresh and pressed juice every day is also recommended as its high vibrations will elevate your spirit!
  4. Take root on the Planet daily and spend more time outdoors in Nature every day. Walking barefoot in nature for at least 10 minutes a day is highly recommended.
  5. Move and exercise . You all know the benefits of exercise because it helps you focus, gives you clarity and keeps you healthy.
  6. Release ALL your addictions and your wasted time . This includes: watching too much television, reading / watching too much news, spending too much time on social media, etc. You yourselves `know 'the bad habits and unhealthy addictions to which you still cling. Be honest with yourself and ask for our help to free yourself from all this.

Remember rule number 1:

If their current focus on something that is in their lives (such as a book they are reading, a television show, the news, a movie, a stagnant situation, a recent fight, a past event, etc.) makes them feel bored, tired, exhausted, restless, meaningless, sad, angry, depressed, or any other negative feeling, this is the way your Higher Self tells you to immediately stop what you are doing and change the focus!

They are constantly being reminded, by the way they feel, that they choose an activity / approach that improves their vibration and the quality of their life in the long term.

Adopt this guide for at least 21 days continuously and without interruptions, which is usually the time it takes for a person to change and form new and healthy habits. And in a short time, your life will change to reflect the Highest Vision you have had for her and each morning you will wake up in joyful anticipation of the adventures that the day will bring.

The 5D plan of your life will manifest with ease and perfection and there will be nothing that prevents you from reaching the heights of Joy, Love, Peace and Abundance and share them with every soul you encounter on this journey of life.

I am walking with you, every step of the way. They are never alone.

I send you a lot of love and light.

His brother in the Light,


TRANSLATOR: Carolina, editor of the great family of the White Brotherhood

SOURCE: Channeled by Adele Arini. Copyright 2018. To publish, please keep this article in its entirety, and provide the link below. Much love and gratitude.

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