Guide Group: Message to Lightworkers

  • 2018

October 26, 2018

Channeled by Caroline Oceana Ryan

The last guide of the Ascended, Galactic, Elemental Masters of the Earth, Elders of the Fairies, Angels and Archangels known as the Collective

Guide Group

Caroline Oceana Ryan : My friends, Collective of Guides, as you know, it is quite common for people who are tired and frustrated with the state of the world to send me emails. From time to time I come to you with one of these messages, asking for your wisdom and encouragement for all who are experiencing this now.

Here is a recent email that I received from a Lightworker who is always working to receive higher wisdom and make his Light brighter, but who feels discouraged:

Lightworker: “I am trying to have good thoughts for the current political situation in this country (United States).

I'm so tired of all this hate and greed. We all need a break .

I feel that if I don't have good news / success in something after all this work, I prefer to leave. I'm tired of this limited life. My "job, " my roommate, my son's needs, political corruption.

Above all, I'm tired of empty promises that everything will be better . Although I would like to believe otherwise, I now think that the "Law of Attraction" is a pure lie, and that everything is about luck.

One way or another, I'm going to take a break, here or over the Rainbow Bridge. There is no difference for me anymore. ”

The Guide Group : We are glad you came to us with this question, my dear. Because what they are experiencing now is felt by many millions of people across the planet.

You are right in your perception that things have reached a terrible state in the United States and elsewhere in the world.

However, we assure you that much of this is Appearance, and that never tells the whole story.

Far from seeing a resurgence of thoughts, feelings and actions full of shadows on Earth, what they are witnessing now is the end of the old regime.

This is how humanity was programmed once to see life as a matter of self-protection based on fear, pure survival, competition for resources, despair driven by ego, armed conflict, chaos and sacrifice.

None of this has to describe life on Earth now. It does not describe his life and his principles, nor the life and principles of many millions of people.

And that is the hard part, right now, dear ones.

Because as they move towards a new day, in which their understanding of how life can be - one of Peace, prosperity, renewal, cooperation, compassion, intuitive understanding - as they move towards that beautiful New Earth, the old Power structure is exerting its last and desperate efforts to retain from your consciousness the Light that you came to absorb, and to transport yourself to every aspect of life on Earth.

It is not your role to take the depth of that darkness and density, nor is it their role to encourage you to go deeper into the Light.

Release the need to understand your machinations or replace them using the ancient form of purely external action to change things.

Your power is now completely within you, and you must powerfully protect those feelings, thoughts and beliefs.

The active participation of thousands of people is the power of unified human consciousness - when people gather and decide, like you, that they are leaving a limited life.

And that is, among other decisive moments, what they are asking to see now.

They are asking for inspiration, a reason to move on. They are asking for the necessary grace to see the Light in action, and to ignore the shadows.

They are asking to feel good about their life, be present and aware of it, and remember why they came here. And that is beautiful, and how it should be.

However, so that you can experience what you are asking, we ask you to take your eyes off the intentionally chaotic mismanagement of so much public life now and concentrate on the beauty of anything good you can find.

Any inspiring piece of music, art or community work.

Any positive action on behalf of any group or individual, whether it is to help someone less capable, to show some kind of encouragement or support to children or the elderly, to create a community garden, to volunteer to work with people without home or animals, the intention behind any kind of action or good deed that you take or observe now will be magnified in effect hundreds of times more.

Because what the afternoon news has not told you, while announcing a disaster, disturbance, mistake or other, is that everything that is done in the Light is now taking on a special force, resilience and expansiveness.

And so those acts, intentions, words, feelings, thoughts that come from the heart with a high intention multiply in force many times, reaching everyone to play a similar chord of satisfaction, gratitude and inspiration not only for thousands, but for millions of people.

The feelings that come from the heart multiply in strength.

That is why we are asking the Lightworkers to please concentrate now on beauty, goodness, charity, new life, and inspiring thoughts, views, and music now - and rest more., drink more water, have a time of daily silence, and listen to inspiring music of high vibration as often as possible.

Yes, there is tremendous pressure on your systems now. They will feel exhausted and "finished" some days, and ready to end life on Earth.

However, it is not Life that they are rejecting. They are the old three-dimensional forms, energies, restrictions and beliefs that your entire system is discarding and refusing to live with them.

They are also going through tremendous changes at all levels of their being that would exhaust or test anyone's patience and ability to cope with the situation.

There are also layers of radiation that are being added to your energies that you may not be aware of yet.

These can help them compromise their etheric energies (highly sensitive to their thoughts, physical well-being and emotions) in a positive and upward manner.

And that's why we encourage you not to think about “leaving, ” because you would only find yourself and your birth pains in the Ascension wherever you went, dear ones, even if you went out to rejoin life in the higher realms. .

There are still questions to answer, and old issues of this and many other lives on Earth to be resolved, and you have come here for that, along with the experience of Joy when you least expect it.

We ask you not to be discouraged, demoralized or depressed by the desperate last-minute tricks of lost souls.

Don't be so impressed with this that you think your machinations have something to do with you, or something to do with life on Earth now.

Because you are creating that Earth that you have hoped to see for so long.

Far from wondering when the madness will finally end, they have chosen to actively participate in the creation of that vision they dreamed of before incarnating : that of a New Earth and a human race that can no longer be damaged, deceived, exploited or betrayed.

They are in a large spacecraft of organic matter, spinning through the Universe at high speed.

Honor your place as a member of the crew of true importance in that ship, and find any reason to prevent your energy from going down, in favor of seeking what elevates your energy and mentality.

Time in Nature can be highly refreshing, doing a night walk is a much better option than sitting before the nightly news (which works for you even more at a vibrational level more than mentally and emotionally).

We are aware that you want to know “What is happening ?!” So ​​ask your team of Spirits what they need to ask, spilling any frustration and unhappiness, and ask them to fill you with their wisdom and guidance .

Act according to what you receive.

Now is the time to take your eyes off the "leaders" falsely appointed and realize that "The leader here is me, actually, and I accept that position."

Despite these pains and fatigue of what they have been observing, entire parts of their spirit are moving with joy to their new place as co-creator on a sovereign self-determined planet.

They are leaving behind forever the sadness of feeling that they have no options, and that everything is lost.

Everything is now found, and is within your own spirit and soul, and that of millions of other Beings of Light who came here to witness an unprecedented movement of 3D density to 5D brightness.

You will not miss that beautiful ship, we promise you.

Namaste, dear ones! They are never alone.

Guide collective

TRANSLATOR: Carolina, editor of the great family of the White Brotherhood

SOURCE: Caroline Oceana Ryan (2018) A Message to Lightworkers October 26, 2018.

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