Message from Melquizedek: Disengaging You

  • 2015

The best way to free yourself from challenging situations is always to let go of your emotional attachment, not to stick more to your desires and conditioned habits, which can be a difficult process but it is one that is worth doing at heart And with determination. Dear ones, letting go does not mean saying goodbye to your responsibilities or stop caring. It means that you understand that you are not your thoughts or your emotional reactions, desires and desires, that no situation defines you, and that you are neither your character nor your conditioned patterns. They are just thoughts, emotions, feelings that leave an impression on your sensory perception. They already know that it is not right to continue supporting them beyond what they are, nor to support a fragmented version of our true authentic self.

Change can be difficult, but you shouldn't fear it. Just because they feel comfortable and safe where they are now does not mean that it is all that it is. If you do not venture beyond your comfort zone, you will never know how much more you can become.

When you stick to the purpose of things, even if you think it is good for you to do so, you may be influencing the reason why you are not attracting more, something better to promote Growth and development at all levels. There are people out there who truly believe that sticking to something or someone is a demonstration of great strength, but letting go requires much more. Dear ones, it is important to understand that letting go encourages you to live in a more harmonious state of mind and assists you to restore balance in your whole being. Letting go allows others to be completely responsible for themselves, and allows them to be responsible for their actions and choices, removing them from situations and events that do not belong to them. When they let go they give themselves the gift of living with less stress.

Many dear beings still think that to let go they must yield something. Remember, whatever it is that you are holding on to, that is not really yours in the first place. We encourage and urge you to embrace change without belittling your own personal values ​​or beliefs. When they allow themselves to let go of a feeling, a situation, or even a person who was holding them back, preventing them from growing or being their authentic self, they have much greater scope to love, to see, to appreciate and to not have empty pockets but be filled with the universe that embraces everything.

My dear ones, the key is not to identify on a personal level with what is happening inside. When you are agitated, let it be. They are already being confronted with many things and one of them is not to let go of turbulence or discomfort, but to let it go. As they let their emotions and feelings pass they are also at the threshold of liberation ... by waking up to inner peace and golden silence. Being witnesses of the internal processes of your mental and emotional self without getting caught in them indicates that you are approaching unlimited liberation.

Letting go brings them their freedom. Just because they feel dissatisfied in their life or current situation does not mean they have to act on it. Within you have the ability to give a positive turn to any situation for the best. No matter what happened in the past, and even if that past was yesterday they are not bound by it, nor are they bound by their conditioned ways of doing things or by their desires or their ideals and assumptions about themselves.

The genuine and immediate work of liberating themselves from anything that has been discouraging them requires that they see themselves embroiled with thoughts, emotions, feelings and even with their perception, and then change their focus to one of only existing, one who is seeing what is happening while letting the muddled thoughts, emotions and perceptions pass so that they dissolve on their own, and without reacting with any of them or assuming that a part of them is you.

Letting go and ending the need to hold on will take time. They have to be willing to commit to refining their self, to improve their internal vision by taking consistent and gradual steps that, although they seem repetitive, are necessary. With each step, my dear ones, you will lead to inner freedom. And that internal freedom encourages a feeling of joy and empowers them to love more purely and become more effective in their lives and in what they can give life altruistically.

As we are approaching the end of this week's broadcast, think about what areas in your life are dragging. Is there anything you are holding on to that is causing stagnation at the same time? Practice the immediate process of freedom by letting go and becoming less dependent and insecure. Then recognize how becoming less muddled brings them greater freedom as they allow to pass what worries them, saddens them or hinders their growth.

Remember that when you let go, you are not giving in. They are simply accepting that it is time to move forward without the enormous display of emotions that end up exhausting them - moving forward peacefully, with love and appreciation at every step.

I AM Melquizedek

Source :

Received by Julie Miller

Message from Melquizedek: Disengaging You

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