How to attract health to your life using the law of attraction

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 “We are entering the era of energy medicine. In the universe everything has a frequency and what you should do is change it or create an opposite frequency. It's that easy to change anything in the world, both a physical and emotional illness. ” Doctor Ben Johnson, The Secret. 2 Thoughts of stress, anxiety and fears lower defenses. 3 In a happy and positive mind the body will live in health and beauty. 4 If you are already suffering from a disease and want to attract health:

If you want to attract health to your life you can use the law of attraction . Our body, like everything around us, both people and objects or situations, is the product of our thoughts.

In the scientific world, this phenomenon has begun to be observed with the study of quantum physics. Doctors are also beginning to see the incredible evidence that our emotions physically condition us. Both as for well and for worse.

The law of attraction allows us to ask the Universe / God / Source what we really need or look for in our lives.

So if you have a disease, whatever, you can help your body heal by changing your thoughts.

We are entering the era of energy medicine. In the universe everything has a frequency and what you should do is change it or create an opposite frequency. That is how easy it is to change anything in the world, both a physical and emotional illness. Doctor Ben Johnson, The Secret.

You should continue with the treatments that the doctor gives you, of course, but you can speed up the healing process using your thoughts and feelings. As with anything else you wish to manifest in your life, health works the same.

Thoughts of stress, anxiety and fears lower defenses.

You should know that when a person has negative thoughts about his body, he is affected. The fear of getting sick also attracts the disease.

In a happy and positive mind the body will live in health and beauty.

To maintain health, focus on thoughts of happiness, abundance and prosperity

If you are already suffering from a disease and want to attract health:

  1. Stop paying attention to the problem, do not put your focus on the disease because you will create more.
  2. Don't tell everyone how bad you feel, how much it hurts and the bad prognoses that doctors have given you. If you are asked about the disease, tell them that you are getting better, and feel it in your body, feel the health living in you.
  3. Medicines also have their place, use them. Ask the universe to provide you with a wonderful doctor who will give you just what you need to heal and so it will be. Follow his advice and also collaborate from your thoughts.
  4. Focus on perfect health beyond what you are suffering. Visualize your body healthy, completely healthy, and strong.
  5. Do not listen or pay attention to the diseases of others, add energy to the disease and make the vicious circle continue: illness, talk about illness, more illness.
  6. Visualize that your body has already healed . Have faith. Feel healthy What you ask will be given. Believe and you will heal.
  7. Thank you for having perfect health . You can focus on the place where you have the disease, for example if it is in the stomach you can say: "Thank you for my perfect digestive system." If, on the other hand, you have bone problems: "I appreciate my healthy and perfect bones . "

Do it, no matter if you feel a little silly, nobody has to know. Or if!

  1. Laugh! Look at life and find the beautiful. If you don't see it at first, look for it, there it is: a sunset, a child's laugh, a hug or a kind word, a book or a cup of tea, the view from your window.

Stay in a state of peace and joy. Seek to surround yourself with positive people. Read books and listen to positive audios and repeat them.

Take advantage of the disease to change, to find the good in you. You manifested it to bring out a pain that exists within you.

Now that you have some tools to collaborate in your healing, use them. You have no excuses!

DRAFTING: Carolina, editor of the great family of the White Brotherhood

REFERENCES: Rhonda Byrne, 2007, The Secret. Barcelona, ​​Uranus Editions.

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