What do my teeth tell me?

  • 2015

The emotional conflicts that reflect our mouth

TEETH ... Molars ... and Gums ...

The first information that dental decoding has forced us to admit is an unconscious whose laws go beyond our will and our decisions, this information is emotional in nature, there are emotional states in our hearts that we do not manage and that manage us throughout our lives.

It is considered a dental problem to the pain caused by a CARIES, the BREAK OF A TEETH or the LOSS OF ENAMEL. It often happens that people with poorly aligned teeth say they have problems, when in reality this is only an abnormality of the AESTHETIC order. It is also considered a problem to RECHINATE THE TEETH.

As the teeth serve to grind food, they are related to the crushing of ideas, to the new circumstances that must be assimilated, to CRAP THE SNACK.

The person whose teeth hurt usually has a hard time deciding, since he does not analyze situations well. The teeth also serve to bite. A problem in them may indicate that the person feels helpless and unable to defend themselves in life.

With regard to this topic, I present below the results of many years of research carried out by Mrs. MICHELE CAFFIN, dental surgeon:

- The 8 teeth of the upper right side: they are related to the desire to manifest what the person wants out; Every problem in one of these teeth expresses a difficulty in finding our place outside.

- The 8 teeth of the upper left side: are related to the desire to manifest what the person carries in himself; Every problem in one of these teeth expresses a difficulty in realizing your desire to be.

- The 8 teeth of the lower right side: they are related to the concretization of something, such as work; Every problem in one of these teeth expresses a difficulty in realizing our life.

- The 8 teeth of the lower left side: they have a relationship with the concretization of the sensitivity of the person, of everything that he carries in it; Any problem in one of these teeth expresses a lack of affective recognition of the family environment. Poorly aligned teeth also have some relation to the cited messages.

Since the right side of the body has a direct correspondence with our father, the problems on the teeth on the right side indicate that there are still conflicts pending with him, that is, it would be good if you had a different reaction to him, than what you will accept more. If it is on the left side, the same thing happens, but with the mother.

- The four upper incisors represent the place you want to occupy with your parents, and the lower four incisors the place they occupy. The implicit message in all dental problem is mainly that act, which concretices your desires. Learn to see the situations as they are. If necessary, agree to ask for help so you can discern better. Take care of your I WANT. Re-contact your inner power and grant yourself permission to defend yourself.

- If you suffer a problem of WEAR on your teeth and the ENAMEL is gradually disappearing, it is very possible that you are being used by those around you. In general, the person who lets himself be handled by others criticizes a lot internally, but does not assert himself outwardly. I want others to change. Your best protection so you don't let them use you is true love for your loved ones.

- The RECHINAR teeth, which manifests itself especially at night, is a sign that the person represses anger and tension during the day. The body, intelligently, frequently uses the night, the moments of sleep, to help us release the tensions experienced during the vigil. However, this release is temporary. You must deal with this contained anger before it causes you much more trouble than the one discussed here. Check the ghosts of the transgenerational.

Dental problems are linked to DECISIONS, especially when my teeth hurt. I postpone decision making, because the consequences of these choices scare me, make me lose security. It is associated with personal responsibility, my ability to make decisions, without being afraid of what will happen next.

- If I have a SPRING PAIN, I might feel hurt because I blame myself for not being able to communicate what I want. I have the pleasure of "showing my teeth" to take my place and show that I exist. I want you to listen to me, to respect me. I am aware that by communicating my needs and my desires, toothaches will no longer have any reason to exist.

When it comes to SARRO in the teeth, it is a form of internal aggression, a reaction that has not been resolved and emerges again. This can lead me to harden in my positions in the face of the decisions I have to make or that I made. My behaviors can change. Knowing that it is not beneficial for me to be available to my imagination, I develop rather the creative side of the circumstances. I try to find a way to better structure my thinking and my ideas; thus, it will be easier for me to take judicious initiatives linked to what I currently live. I accept to be aware of what happens in my life, to understand the essence of the determination that governs my universe. I check the side affected by dental problems and provide the appropriate solution. If it's up, I think of intuition and instinct; and if it is below, it is a decision of the rational and logical field, something physically dear.


The teeth symbolize the decisions, the solid entrance door that allows me to bite with all my teeth in life! Inner and outer reality pass through my teeth that are one of the means to express myself entirely in this universe. The tooth is one of the very hard attached organs that represents the fundamental energy of my being.

The inner capacity to welcome new ideas, love and inner food is manifested by healthy and hard teeth. The teeth are, in part, the mirror of being. When the food passes through my mouth, it also conveys feelings that can affect my teeth at a shorter term. Thus, altered teeth (for example: with decay) indicate a weak affirmation of yes, an unacceptable reality for me and the fear of taking my place in the universe with the responsibilities that this it implies. Although I have difficulty in making certain beneficial decisions for myself, I must remain open to the available means that allow me to overcome the most delicate situations. The teeth also represent my willingness to go forward, to do things well, my ability to give life to my thoughts and my emotions. A deep conflict, guilt connected with an emotional situation carried with words, or any inner disorder can be manifested by a reaction in the teeth and even in the gums.

I can then clench my teeth or ense ar my teeth to defend myself from an external aggression in a situation that makes me strongly react. I close the door, resisting what he wants to enter into me or, on the contrary, what he needs to get out of me.

- The INCISIVES (the front teeth) are related to the fact of not doing such an action.

- The CANINOS are linked more with the fact of being able to exercise certain authority over the decisions that I have to make. They may be affected when I feel “stretched out” in the face of a decision I have to make.

- PRE-MUELAS indicate my degree of agreement with my decisions.

- As for the MUELAS, they represent my degree of happiness in the face of the decisions that were made or that I still have to make. Tooth enamel will be affected when I have the feeling that I don't have the right to "bite" in a situation and dentin will be affected when I think I won't be able to "bite" in a situation, doubting me, of my abilities

NEW MENTAL MODEL: I agree to be open to love, without being afraid of losing the gratitude of others. I love myself as I am, with all my qualities. I must take care of my teeth, "dress" my personality. The teeth have no mask! I keep myself - without judging myself and being open to external criticism. I transform my thoughts into authentic love and my teeth remain in good health!


At the moment that the biological sense is understood (what our body tries to tell us so that we act in coherence, feel, think and do the same) of what happens to us or happens to others, of the symptom, of the experience ... it can be transcended and act the way we decide. And of course the symptom disappears.

The gums are part of the oral mucosa that covers the maxillary bones near the teeth. They are the basis of vitality and aggressiveness, of confidence and self-confidence.


-Fear of carrying out a decision we have already made, since we fear the consequences.

-Ability to maintain what we have already decided.

- Postponement of the decisions we have to make.


-I can't catch the bite.

-I can't keep what I have.

-Words not said.

-Wishes not expressed.

-I hear an insult and can't answer.

- Lack of predisposition to defend themselves.

Bleeding gums:


-We are not happy with the decision we have made.

- Ancient sadness, loss of the joy of living.


-The war is foreseen (a great conflict). Artillery has been prepared for a great battle in which much damage is expected.

Five guidelines to HEAL gum problems:

1 - Allow yourself to express your needs.

2 - Allow yourself self defense.

3 - Trust in our inner power when we make a decision.

4 - Consider mistakes not as failures, but as path changes.

5 - Regenerate vitality allowing a pleasant and joyful life.

Image: Relationship between teeth - organs and their possible diseases

Recommended book on Amazon: "Dental Decoding" by Christian Beyer.

Thanks to all the specialists who have dedicated and dedicated their lives to research, thanks to which we can share this information from their texts: Enric Corbera, Christian Fleche, Hamer, Salomon Sellam, Christian Beyer, Lisa Bourbeau, Louis Hay or Alejandro Jodorowsky among many others.

AUTHOR: Mireya Larruskain


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