Meditation: Beating the Creation of God, by Raúl Horbeín

  • 2011

This meditation is a manifestation of the Love of God, who participated in its physical elaboration were only instruments for its realization. It has come to you through Divine Will and in this same Will you can share it with whoever needs it and values ​​it. It is the Divine Love poured into this meditation, in each music note, in each voice, in each word, in each vibration and in each palpitation, which makes it special. Receive it with equal Love, because it has been created by you and for you.

From the creation of the beloved planet earth his mission was known: to allow infinite beings to move from darkness to divine light. The Earth, like a great being, full of mercy and love, I accept the entrustment. Immediately, beings from many confines of the universe came to inhabit it, with the purpose of evolving towards the Love of God, for centuries and centuries that are lost in the immensity of the ages that the Earth has existed.

During this mission, our Beloved Earth, like us, has lived countless experiences, growing and strengthening more and more, and just like us, also receiving in its being the consequences of our wrong actions, of everything far from the light divine And the Earth, as a loving Mother, has long charged her children and her creations, even if they hurt her, because she knew we needed this experience for our spiritual growth.

Just like a mother, who understands and accepts the little touches and whims of her young child, knowing that it is part of her growth, the Earth has allowed us to have the experiences we needed for our growth, more, now that we have grown older, Our Mother understands that it is the time to heal and heal us of everything that has caused her harm, and she invites us, calls us, asks us to join her and heal us, filling us with Love, Light and Divine Will, to join us again to creation.

This healing work our Beloved Earth has already begun. From her beloved presence I Am, her Intimate, her spirit, the earth is radiating Divine Light in waves that completely cover her, in a sphere that begins in the Quantum of her Heart Center, and is expanding throughout her inner being, until to reach the crust, to all the beings that inhabit it, to all humanity and its creations and to spread across the sky, beyond the atmosphere, through its moon, to the end of its energy body.

It is this throbbing of divine light that is healing the Earth, and its intensity is increasing. To the extent that he is now expelling out of it everything that hurts him, that is harmful to his being, and as part of his being, humanity, animals, plants and minerals are being healed with it. We are cells that make up organs of a greater being that we call Earth, which is healing from the depths of its being to its last components.

It is to contribute to this healing process that this meditation has been created. It is very simple and also very deep, and to realize it first you have to go to our beloved presence I Am, which is the same Beloved presence I Am of the Earth. This is important to be clear from the beginning, there is only one Beloved Presence I Am in all creation. From the form of our language we can sometimes assume that a person has a Beloved I AM Presence, and that another person has a different Beloved I AM Presence, and this is not so.

The Beloved I AM presence is one for all creation, for the creator is one. So when I feel my Beloved I AM Presence, I am feeling the Beloved I AM Presence of the Earth, of all the beings that inhabit it, of every human being on earth, of each and every one of the Beloved Ascended Masters, of Our Sun, of each Sun of the entire universe, and of each being created by our divine fathers and mothers throughout the Cosmos, is a wonderful thing!

The moments that meditation exposes are simple. The first is to put one hand on the center of our chest, and the other on top of it to touch, feel and join our Beloved I AM Presence, and thus join the heart of the Earth. Then, in the second moment we feel and visualize how a beautiful sphere of divine light is created from the Heart-Center of the Earth and begins to expand throughout its being. It is necessary at this time to slowly separate the hands from the chest and slowly open the arms, as we feel the expansion of the Divine Light sphere.

As the divine light spreads, we visualize the interior of the Earth, its crust, the humanity that inhabits it and all our brothers and sisters with whom we live, its atmosphere, its magnetic field, including the moon, until we reach the border in that the earth ends its electromagnetic influence on the universe, so far it comprises the being of the Earth, a being that like us is composed of several bodies, some denser, others more subtle, and others completely etheric.

Upon reaching this third moment we are being nothing more than channels of the infinite divine light, we are open doors through which the essence of God comes and floods our Beloved Mother, we are cells that shine and radiate divine light in a beautiful and immense harmony formed With all the other cells that resonate with her, we are and are in one heart, giving us Love, giving ourselves to God, to each other, and to our Beloved Earth, who also gives us the beating of her heart.

This moment can last a few moments or hours, depending on the time we have, and the moment of the Unified Swell of Divine Light that travels to the Earth, like an immense throbbing that fills us and in which, at the same time, we We shed our little drop, our contribution of Love. This divine swell comes and goes, and after performing this meditation several times, it is possible to feel this immense throbbing of the Earth, and to join it to be one heart. Welcome, Welcome to the Beating of God's Creation!

Great White Brotherhood of the Earth.

1) Meditation: "Beating of God's Creation"

It is an audio, with the background music of Vangelis and a meditation in which the Being is guided towards union with The Creator, through the recognition that the Beloved Presence I Am is one in all Creation. In this SugarSync link you can download the meditation:, since the file is large to attach here.

The audio is accompanied by a text, in which the principles on which the meditation is created are briefly explained and invited to share it with other beings. You have put in my heart that this text will be signed by "The Great White Brotherhood of the Earth", for being driven and sustained meditation by attach them.

The image of humanity also accompanies meditation, circling the Earth in a circle of divine light, which seeks to establish a visualization that strengthens the intention of meditation. I attach them too.

With love:

Raúl Horbeín Ramos Martínez.

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