Self-reflection and Personal Help

  • 2011

Accustomed to a sedentary, imaginary life, those children, those abandoned and marginalized prodigies, who were always and are in the last row sleeping before growing up to be listening to something that has not felt their soul, their own being. Children who were born forever to be children but the abstract performance similar to the best film ever invented obstructed the growth of these little ones, and turned them into lost bullets of a gigantic aimless society, lost in the middle of an ocean that can never reach to understand why they were not born to understand it, they were born to change it, even if governments rushed to bring out drugs, sex and money in their lives so that instead of fulfilling their strong mission they would fail and be lost in the streets of our robotics cities

Today thousands of them unfortunately still sleeping. They let themselves be defeated by society, they let themselves be defeated by their parents, they let themselves be lost by the party, they stopped trusting themselves, they stopped listening to the whisper of the soul the great cosmic conscience, their ideals and their values ​​were left for their lives to get an imaginary money created, that the only thing that it entails is that when you start dealing with it you stop being free, it is as if you had signed a pact with the devil himself.

There is no turning back everything you do, thereafter, it cannot be done without first having to resort to it. You and I live today, WE LIVE to get money, without it it seems that you can not do anything and when you have it you still not satisfied struggles to get double, but for what purpose? And when you have ten times more what will you do ?? There is never a cap and humans always want more and more. When you die, who will leave, you will leave yourself alone as here you came or you will leave with your house, your car and your money. We fight throughout our lives to acquire whims and false needs that we were taught since we left the womb of our mothers.

But do we really believe that as a human race are we following the right path? We really believe that these child prodigies, your children, are we giving them the best we could give them? They say that One is not born is made. I would say that one is not born, they DO, and who is that someone who does? Who does it to a lesser extent are his parents, in larger terms he would say that it is schools, universities, teles, and the street. Unfortunately they are what make our children but we have started to think that they are being taught? Does it really think what you are teaching them? You teach them what you know, what they taught you, and the one that I teach you another had also taught you. And so on. There is the story of one who tells an anecdote and tells it to a friend of his and that his friend tells it to another and that other to another and that other to another and at the last one the news arrives hears the opposite that he what the first had said.

We have for a second thought about what values ​​we have as people, what values ​​our laws have? Life is not as we have been taught or taught. It could be that what they teach in schools is a tiny part of what some really know. What values ​​do you learn to be educated? That those who do not do their homework are left without a patio, that those who do not study suspend the exams ... if you do not do this you will not have the other. That's how it works, gentlemen. If you don't do what they want you to do, you will be punished or you will be nothing. If you don't have a profession to study, you won't be anything. If you do not work like everyone else you will be despised and set apart. Children learn from punishment that is the education they are given in the coming and past times. How does a jail work ??? If you do not comply with the rules in the premises, it will lead to the consequences. What a difference there is between the two. ANY. A jail and a school are the same. they all spend the day locked in an enclosure, some learning books about things that do not enrich the soul but deteriorate it, others learn mistakes or injustices in their lives, take them out to distract them to the patio a little time and whoever passes by takes the line designed by they punished, bitched or abused psychologically or physically.

If you do not follow the rhythm, the pattern that sets this society is nobody and they will fuck you everywhere until you take out your guts and the good values ​​you have. Is it in a jail where they want their children to learn? Is it in a jail where you want to continue living today?

We live in decline the human race has long stopped evolving. Science and physics tell us that we come from the monkeys (even if it were not) I believe that in order to evolve again we should go back to return to the time of the monkeys. At least they live according to nature. Who wanted to eat jumped from tree to tree until he found his prey or fruit. Whoever was thirsty went to the river to drink crystal clear water without contamination or plastic sulfate or fluoride. Who wanted to rest looked for the most comfortable and comfortable branch to appreciate the warm breeze of the summer sun or simply taste the wide window called sky.

They did not let themselves be dazzled by fashions or jewels or technologies that instead of putting them to good use made everything they manipulated them so that we would continue being more slaves even and more asleep, this is the era of technology where your personal growth no longer matters what It matters that we are robots. Lately and in movies there is always the message that in a few years we will already live with robots without realizing that they refer to us we have become robots. Everything you think will not come from you will come from everything you've been learning since childhood.

This world is a cage with bars at all times you are in the great prison, in the great matrix. You are at work, in your house, on the street. It is everywhere everywhere where what you step on or what you see has been done with laws and money, you will be inside it. You will be the bird locked inside the cage, you will be the fish locked in the fish tank. You will only know the food that you give from your master, you will only drink the water that your master is interested in, he will only show you what suits him, you will only see what your master wants you to know, alone, you will only end up dying without having known more beyond that cage, you will die without having the pleasure of tasting freedom, you knew that there was something precious but you could not experience it because of a cage and your master. Imagine for a moment that those metallic bars were imaginary and that in reality there were no bars other than in our distorted mind, imagine that those bars were only made of paper laid by our masters so that we thought we were not able to go through them and fly. Welcome to reality, we have always been free what we have not believed and we do not believe. They know why, because we don't believe in ourselves. We think that the world has always worked like this, that there is no other way of life that is not what we see in our closed eyes and we are even afraid to think of another type of life because we always knew this, they only taught us this. Stop doing what others have wanted you to do. Experience, know, when you have the courage to go inside and change those old patterns created and enter new adventures, something wonderful, mysterious happens to you. It happened to me, it does not mean that it has to happen to you but I do know that when you start to see the fiction that surrounds this planet and start to wake up and not only think about it but ACT to change everything that always They had made believe, that is, radically change your life. Something magical awaits you. Something will happen to them that they will not be able to see the world again with the same eyes, an overwhelming synchronicity will lead them every day to see this world as a magical learning where finally you will feel free, you will understand everything, you will see that everything had been made to measure so that the glory in the end was more intense, everything was a masterpiece cast by the great creator so that based on learning you will remember what you were, what you are and what you will be, so that you would realize that every day, that every good or bad experience had been put expressly by him to make you learn a great lesson that you will never forget. He wanted to take you on this path, He wanted you to have faith in a better world, He wanted you to have faith in yourself and make you understand that all the obstacles you encounter are nothing more than tests to make you descend of the real path of every human being., there are neither good nor bad, both are one. All the bad thing that can happen to you is only because it is the only way to make your mind understand that there is something that in your life you are interpreting and doing wrong, the only way it has to make you wake up from this real dream called life .

This is the great game, assume that your life is a game, where if you dare to enter and understand the obstacles, you will win them and they will disappear until there is no trace and in the end you will laugh at everything and for finally you can happily disrupt life.

I remember those moments, for a while I experienced them, now I had to take the last step to unleash myself from everything that tied me to my old belief system, to the life that they wanted to introduce me, the life that the great majority lives without even wanting to change it to be able to extend without worries, without looking back at those majestic wings that we all have and remembering again what it is to fly.

I know from my own experience that there is something much better than this. You just have to believe in it and enter even if it seems the most unimaginable believe in it and in the end you will find your reward. It doesn't matter that anyone trusts you, follow the instinct that guides you, feel the energy that fills you, turn off your mind and just listen to your silence, just feel. There you will find the answers you are really looking for. And nobody will be telling you, no gurus, no teacher, no book, no politician, no friend, no girlfriend, no TV, Absolutely no one, you will take them out for yourself and so finally you will have reunited with the whole.




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