How to protect ourselves against a risk of syphilis

  • 2017

SALVATION COURSE Unit 2. The hereditary Object of learning 3: Syphilis

Of the three main diseases inherited from the past, it could be said that syphilis, or so-called social diseases, are remnants of the excesses of the lemuria era, being of such ancient origin that even the earth itself is saturated with the germs of these diseases, made totally unknown by modern science. In the course of the ages men have suffered that series of infections, and millions died and were buried, contributing their infectious quota to the earth. In the lemuria era, the emphasis of the vital force was placed on the physical body, its development, employment and control and also on its perpetuation or reproduction. At that time the difficulties related to the abuse of sexual life began; this was, in a peculiar sense, the primitive essential evil, and this fact is mentioned in the ancient legends and insinuations found in the most remote annals and writings.

Parallel to the activity of the Great White Brotherhood was an activity of the dark forces. They should produce their effects through the sacral center, establishing an extremely vicious situation, which weakened the vigor of the human body, greatly increased the demands of the sexual nature by stimulation of the sacral center, artificially produced by the Black Brotherhood, which brought as consequently numerous unholy alliances and a wide spread of evil relationships. Then the planetary Being imposed a great new law of nature, expressed by the words "the soul that sins will die."

This law could be better expressed with the words,

"Whoever abuses what he has built will see it collapse due to the internal forces it contains."


  • Establish differences between the three diseases of humanity.
  • Establish relationships between risk factors and protection factors.
  • Define prevention and promotion actions against syphilis.


“Diseases are the effect of the basic centralization of the vital energy of man. From the plane in which these energies are focused, those determining conditions that produce poor health come from them. Consequently they manifest themselves as disease or as good health

INTRODUCTORY ACTIVITY: Between sexuality and creativity

Boyd, a charismatic 15-year-old boy who claims to be sent by God to heal; collapses and convulses during one of his preaching. He says he has direct contact with God, so there comes a time when he says he doesn't want to receive more treatment because God will take care of him. The doctor notices an abnormal growth of Tuberous Sclerosis, and affirms that it is what is causing all the symptoms of Boyd. During his stay at the Hospital, it seems that “God” through him will cure a cancer patient, with whom the boy has a certain tune. House vs. God is episode number 19 of the second season of the Doctor House series. The dilemma that arises in this episode is between medicine and healing, between science and faith, as well as between sexuality and creativity, since God manifests through the Son and Healing ability

Andy Beckett is a young lawyer whose life changes when he discovers he lives with HIV and is therefore fired from the law firm he works for. Then, he decides to hire the lawyer Joseph Miller to defend him during the trial, having to fight not only against society's opinion about this disease, but also against his own prejudices about homosexuality, in a touching outcome. Philadelfia is a 1993 movie starring Tom Hanks. The name of the film is due to the American city, its association with love and brotherhood, and where the parents of the country declared independence. This is why the issue of human rights is discussed.

  • After watching the series and the movie answer the following questions. What is the difference between healing for reason and healing for faith? What is the relationship between sexuality and creativity? What prejudices do you know about the sexual? What kind of rights have we had to defend until we differentiate the reproductive from the sexual?

When talking about syphilis and its relationship with sexual behavior, it is appropriate to differentiate behavior from orientation and identity. Sexual behavior is learned and is part of the instinct that identifies us with our animal part. Gender identity depends on our connection with love, our angelic part, implies deepening our experience of divine identity through the soul. Sexual orientation is a combination of learned behavior and the choice of self.

We are assured that God is Love, and this statement is an exoteric and esoteric truth. This underlying love of the Deity comes to our solar system primarily through Gemini, which forms a cosmic triangle with the constellations of the Great Bear and the Pleiades. Gemini is related to the energy body and is the intermediary as well as Mercury. The conjunction of intelligence and love at the psychophysical level is called Hermaphrodite.

ACTIVITY ONE: The creative mentality

One of the biggest problems for psychologists today, and to a lesser extent for doctors, is the increase in gender dysphoria, (female or male). Both arguments are presented in order to prove that this tendency is due to the fact that the race is slowly becoming androgynous and that the future hermaphrodite man or woman is gradually appearing. This is not true. Most men have a masculine gender identity, and women have a feminine identity. Sexuality is less clear: it is a mixture of erotic, romantic attraction, sexual behavior and self-identification, and each one is situated at a different point on each scale.

Homosexuality is what could be called a "residue" of the sexual excesses of the lemuria era, if you want it is an inherited tare. The egos that were individualized and embodied in that vast period, are those that today show homosexual tendencies. In those days, the sexual appetite was so pressing that the normal process of sexual intercourse did not satisfy the insatiable desire of the advanced man of that period. The force of the soul, which flowed through the process of individualization, served to stimulate the lower centers, so illicit methods were practiced. A large number of those who then practiced them are incarnate today and the old habits are too powerful for them. However, they have made considerable progress on the evolutionary path, hence their healing at this time is possible if they wish. With relative ease they can transfer the sexual impulse to the laryngeal center, and then become creators in the highest sense, using the felt and circulating energy, correctly and constructively. Many of them already automatically begin to do so. On the other hand it is well known that among the so-called artistic types, homosexuality is very prevalent. I say "so called", because the true creative artist is not a victim of these old and predisposing bad habits.

On May 17, 1990, the World Health Organization (WHO) excluded homosexuality from the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Other Health Problems.The United Kingdom government did the same in 1994, followed by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in 1999 and the Chinese Psychiatric Society in 2001. While gender identity disorder is classified as a disorder in the ICD-10 CM, in DSM-5 it was reclassified, moving from the category of sexual disorders towards its own, and renowned as a gender dysphoria with the aim of avoiding stigmatization towards transgender individuals. This reclassification clarifies that gender disagreement does not constitute mental illness in itself, but that its critical element is the presence of clinically significant discomfort associated with the gender condition.

I could point out here that homosexuality is of three types:

  1. The result of old bad habits, being today the main cause, and indicates:
  • Individualization on this planet, since those who have individualized in the lunar chain are not susceptible to these dangerous characteristics.
  • A relatively advanced stage in the path of evolution, acquired by the egos of Lemuria that succumbed to this desire and satisfaction.
  • The subsequent study of sexual magic, plus a constant and insatiable sexual and physical impulse.
  1. Imitative homosexuality Countless people who, belonging to all social classes, imitated those of better classes (if I can use such a paradoxical term) and acquired bad habits in sexual relations, which otherwise they would not have done. This is one of the prevailing reasons why today abounds among many men and women, based on a very active imagination, in addition to a powerful physical or sexual nature, and a lascivious curiosity. I say this after careful study. This justifies the large number of sodomites and lesbians.
  2. There are few and very rare cases of hermaphrodism. These people combine both aspects of sexual life, creating a real problem, which is greatly aggravated by human ignorance and denial of facing facts, by early and erroneous education and by widespread misunderstanding. There are few cases, since their number, in relation to the world population, is still insignificant. The fact that they exist constitutes something of real interest for the medical profession and a subject that arouses the mercy and sympathy of the humanist and the psychologist's understanding, since they are facing a difficult situation.

I have extended on this topic, because it is useful for them to know such facts, and the information will be of value to them. It sheds light on that problem that an increasing number of people must face. Psychologists, social workers, doctors and all those who deal with group training constantly face this problem, and it is fair that a difference be established between the types to consider, clarifying the issue.

  • Make a comparative table between sexuality and creativity based on the colors of the rainbow.

ACTIVITY TWO: Passionate emotionality.

For most human beings, a large number of influences and impulses emanating from the astral plane are predisposing factors in all matters for which the individual is interested, apart from those conditions that (imposed by the environment and the period in which he lives) are inevitable for him. The astral plane is a center of emanating dynamic force, which has fundamentally conditioning effects, due to the stage of individual consciousness that has the majority. The disease is primarily an effort on the part of the natural physical body that seeks relief and release from internal pressures, subjective inhibitions and hidden retentions. First of all, from an esoteric point of view, all physical illness is the result of:

  1. Erroneous stimulus, or overstimulation, or poorly applied stimulus and internal tensions somewhere in the mechanism.
  2. Inhibitions, psychic starvation, and those accumulated subjective forces that stop the influx of life forces.

It will also be observed that (in the field of health) all problems are solved through the correct use and management of force, so that the free influx of energy is effected.

A large part or perhaps most of the ailments that the common man suffers are based on astral causes or a clearly defined desire. A formulated desire finds expression in some form of activity. Of these, homosexuality is the easiest to define. The other diseases that humanity has inherited are not so easy to clarify or define. The man or the woman are victims, but the cause of the illness or difficulty (physical or psychological) is hidden in the distant past, than the victim (due to his limited knowledge ) is unable to investigate, nor can it reach the cause that produces the effect. What can be affirmed is that, in all likelihood, desire was the initiating impulse. What human beings are today, and what they suffer, is the result of their distant past, and the past presupposes long and entrenched habits. These habits inevitably result from one of the following two factors:

  1. Desire, which dominates and controls the action,
  2. Mind control that replaces desire, through a planned campaign, will in many cases contradict the desire normally felt and defined.

Therefore, I would like you to grasp the importance of the emotional sensory body and its power to initiate those secondary causes that manifest in this life as disease.

Syphilis and arthritis fall into the category of diseases that are mostly based on the satisfaction of physical desire. Cancer and diabetes are more definitely in the type of diseases linked to internal emotional desires and in the life of desires, which in many people has been violently inhibited. Infectious diseases such as measles and scarlet fever, smallpox or cholera are quite curiously and definitely group diseases and allies to mental nature. This will surprise you, but it is so.

The astral body is for the majority of humanity, the main determining factor to consider. It is a preponderant cause of poor health. The reason for this is that it has a powerful and predisposing effect on the vital or bioenergetic body. The physical body is the automaton of any internal body stronger than it. If we remember that the vital body is the receiver of energy currents, and is actually composed and formed by such currents, and these currents impede the activity to the physical body, it is evident that the It will be powerful to control the physical body in the physical plane. There are therefore two energy currents that should be considered when studying the factors that lead to activity on the physical plane. I will remind you in this regard that illness is an activity of the physical plane.

  1. The current of life itself, anchored in the heart, determines the vitality of man, his ability to work and the duration of his existence.
  2. The predominant energy currents that come from the astral, mental or almic bodies. These control their expression on the physical plane.

Regarding the masses of the world and what we call the vast unreflective public, the current of life and the current of astral or desire energy, are the predominant factors. These can be of inferior or mediocre quality.

With regard to the thinking public, the predominant factors are those two currents plus a constant influx and a growing surge of mental energy.

In connection with the intellectuals of the world and the aspirants (those who are prepared to enter or are on the path of probation), we have the three currents mentioned reach a point of equilibrium, thus producing an integrated and coordinated personality. Among them we can count the mystics of the world and the creative workers, who are aware of inspiration and spiritual contact, which indicates that the energy of the soul begins to flow.

As far as the disciples of the world are concerned, we have a group of men and women who begin to be controlled by the energy of the soul, while the other three energies are increasingly subordinated to this higher type of control.

It must be remembered that there are two other types of energy that we must consider, when we consider the intelligent man.

  1. The energy composed of the merged and mixed forces of a coordinated personality.
  2. The energy of the physical plane, finally identified by the aspirant or disciple, who comes to be rejected in such an absolute way that opportunely constitutes one of the main factors for the liberation of the centers.

Finally, the moment comes when the apprentice works simply with three types of energy, while manifesting in the incarnation: the energy of life itself, the negative energy of the personality and the positive energy of the soul. In this way it becomes an expression in conscious manifestation of the three aspects of the Trinity.

  • Prepare a comparative table of risk factors for sexual infection with protection factors.

ACTIVITY THREE: The sexual instinct

Although it is more than five centuries old, that there is full knowledge of its etiology and its diagnostic methods, and that more than 60 years ago penicillin proved effective for its treatment, syphilis reaches the century XXI enjoying very good health. It is HIV that has contributed to its validity in the last thirty years. In our day and in our environment, syphilis is not only present, but represents a worrying reality. The relationship between syphilis and HIV forces us to suspect and seek its coexistence in all cases in which it is diagnosed.

The concomitance between syphilis and HIV infection is a frequent situation and the reason is that in part both pathologies share the route of sexual transmission and presuppose similar risk behaviors. In addition, the presence of one of them facilitates the spread of the other. That is why it is considered appropriate to request HIV from all patients with syphilis. There is currently no doubt that all STDs increase the transmissibility of HIV, and recent studies have begun to elucidate the biological basis of the epidemiological association between this virus and other diseases.

As the centuries passed and the lemuria race underwent the evil impulses of animal nature, the first types of venereal diseases gradually appeared; In due course the entire race was contaminated and produced its disappearance; Nature collected its taxes and demanded inexorably its price. It is worth asking here how could these primitive inhabitants of our planet be responsible, since there was no sin where there is no sense of responsibility or awareness of doing wrong? The Hierarchy in those days had its own teaching methods for these children's villages, just as the child can be taught in the early years not to acquire certain physical habits. At that time, humanity knew very well what evil was, because it was physically evident and it was easy to perceive it. The punishment was obvious and the results immediate; Race Instructors made sure that the cause and effect were observed quickly.

At that time the first tendencies to marriage also appeared, something different from promiscuity; the creation of family units became the object of attention and was the goal for the most evolved. This was one of the first tasks undertaken by the Hierarchy and the first effort to carry out any type of group activity, giving the first lesson about responsibility. The family unit was not stable as it can be today, but still its relatively short beginning was a great step forward; the segregation of the family entity and the development of the sense of responsibility have continued firm until culminating in our current marital system and in the accentuation, in the West, of monogamy; It has led to Western pride about lineage and ancestry, interest in genealogies and linkages and the intense horror that the Western thinker feels about syphilitic diseases, since they affect the family and their offspring.

However, two very interesting things are happening today. The unity of the family, on a world scale, is being destroyed due to the hazards of war and - to a lesser extent - the modern views concerning marriage and divorce. Rapid and definite cures of sexual diseases are also being discovered, which makes people tend to be more foolish. However, when the healing is perfect, in the long run it will safeguard the race and after death they will return to the ground free bodies of all plague that has contaminated the earth for infinite ages. This will produce a gradual purification of the soil. Cremation will also help in this purification process. The destruction by fire and the intensity of heat generated by the application of military methods are also helping, and over the next million years we will see that syphilis (inherited from lemuria) will disappear, both from the human family and from the soil of the planet.

In the course of the ages, humanity entered the Atlantean stage of development. The conscious control of the physical body was below the threshold of consciousness; the etheric body became consequently more powerful (a fact that is often not considered) and the physical body as an automaton reacted more strongly to the impression and orientation imposed by the desire of nature in constant development. Desire was transformed into something more than a simple response to animal physical impulse and primitive instincts; He went to objects and objectives foreign to the body, to material possessions and what (when seen and coveted) could possess. Just as the main sins of the Lemurian era (if they can be called sins in their true sense, taking into account the lack of intelligence of the race) were committed by the abuse of sex, analogously the greatest sin of the Atlanteans was the theft, Very widespread and general. The germs of aggression and personal acquisition began to manifest themselves, culminating in the great war between the Lords of the Luminous Face and the Lords of the Dark Face. To seize what they coveted and believed necessary, the most evolved of that race began to practice magic.

  • Prepare a list of actions for disease prevention and health promotion.

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