Kryon: "Magnetic change will make you wake up to Universal Consciousness

  • 2011

I am Kryon of the Magnetic Service, I welcome you to this meeting.

We are honored by the visit, some arrive by curiosity, others by causality but all arrive with the same purpose to find the light on the road.

My Partner Eduardo faces these tests (this is the first time the channel has been channeling outside its own institute), to see how to tune the channel, and each time it channels it, it will be able to receive more information light flow every day.

We said "partner", because it is by mutual agreement, nothing is demanded from anyone here.

We are old known souls, for which a purpose of service and light unites us, and he is proposed to do this work, and he has accepted it, he has been the one who has presented that spiritual contract, there is nothing obligatory.

For many, today will go unnoticed, for others, it will be the beginning of a new story, in which you. they are participating. Why do I say this? Because this is going to continue to grow and the partner knows it, he knows that you have to travel the country from end to end, bring the light and voice of planetary change to all those who want to hear or see, no it is easy to face one more public when it is unknown, some will laugh, they will think that it is the voice and the conscience of him that speaks that everything is false, but throughout history for thousands of years, the channels as they are called today in day, they have all received it, because in the old books, Moses, Abraham, with whom they talked with whom they received, the teacher the Buddha, the teacher Jesus, but let's not be so religious, a Chopin, a Mozart, a Beethoven took the musical essence for so much creativity ?, painters, such as Van Gogh, Rafael, Leonardo, that is also channeling, is to manifest the LOVE of God in different areas, in different places, that looking at a painting, listening to music makes us feel inside of the heart that we are alive, that We are part of this LOVE Universe.

Some are just calming down (referred to by the public), he feels shocked, because DNA is awakening old memories, here there are many Lemurian souls, old ..., old ..., other Atlanteans, pause .... There are some Mayas… an Inca (travels the circle of people with the thought).

Everyone knows this is in their imprint is in their DNA, what we try through the channel that in one way or another, the light and love awaken the sleeping strands, remove the implants, and remember that they are perfect.

That they have traveled many lives, many tragedies, to know what LOVE is.

And today they are here as new beings, with a veil of Isis that covers the conscience, that many fears make us go back instead of moving forward. That as our partner said a moment ago (refers to the previous talk), the only thing we try is to always transmit a message of LOVE, of HOPE, they will never find a channel with a message on this side of the veil, which brings misery, fears, sorrows, because that is not a message of LOVE.

We are in a great planetary change, and I know that many of your questions are what will happen with the 2012 that is being talked about so much. Let me tell you human souls, they are within that process of that change, that the media managed by narco-dollars, arms sales and international monopolies, all they create are fears, they put a screen for you . do not wake up, but somehow the change of the magnetic grid of the Earth that has been our work, makes you have a much larger space between your physical body and the poles, making a comparison, it is like a balloon that It is rising in the sky, it is as if you were on the Moon weighing 6 times less, floating and hitting jumps of 20 or 30 meters.

Do not be afraid that will not happen with the Earth, but yes, that magnetic field so that they had a practical idea is opening, it is being magnetized in a different way so that you wake up in the universal consciousness, ... so that you connect.

You see many fears, hatreds, wars, but nevertheless you also see that they come together every day, as today, that there are reikists everywhere, light workers, people who do homeopathy, who do yoga, Acupuncture, Chinese medicine people who are dedicated to painting, to art through love, others perform musical themes that open the heart, it means that there is a force, which the indigo children have long brought to this part, that It is being harvested, that sown long ago that my other partner Lee Carroll spoke for the first time I speak of indigo children, it is also being fulfilled.

Try to see it with another perspective, raise your fields of light.

Get out of the three-dimensionality and you will see that there is much more light than you think.

If you can !!, you have to have willpower, changes in habits, changes in small habits, do not want to be a Buddha from one day to the next, It is not the task is not what I express. Get up earlier, read the books you like, listen to good music, be you. and shine simply shine, is to radiate permanently.

Love is to understand that every being in front of you is part of the whole, that when you offend a brother or sister, an acquaintance or strangers are offending you. they are offending God, not because God is going to offend, but that vibration will affect their own emotional field.

We are all on the same path, the amount of people, the minimum necessary for planetary change has already been achieved, is being transmitted from mind to mind through the grid, all that radiation from love and wisdom, so that little by little with the free will of each one, -which we always respect and respect-, of the highest vibration will make that person Start changing.

Many of them will be struck living in total darkness on that dark night of the soul, because it is the only way they will wake up, the impulse of Love, will make it come out as a new immaculate lotus without mud spots, for others it will not be so difficult, they will only accompany others on that path of light.

But one way or another, the change of the magnetic grid is there, Gaia is changing its vibration is increasingly high, and no one can stop this change towards the 5th dimension . There is no exact date, we are in a unique moment.

After a study of the probabilities of the potential in humanity, to continue with this project, in 1985 it was decided that they were mature enough, to achieve that quantum leap, and it is There began to work with the Earth's magnetic grid that affects the propellers of our DNA and every Being that is on this planet. As the Sun also affects us with its sunspots, as it happens at this time, as the Moon also does, as Jiteriter is doing, we are all aligning with the Hunab Kub with the Sun Central of the galaxy with Alci n, all the celestial Ecuador, the middle part of the Earth, along with all the planets we align with that high vibrational field, all that brings change and that is LIGHT.

If not, observe, for years the greatest enemies have been tried, they have fought each other during the cold war, Russia and North America and we were going to end up in a nuclear war, and from the night for the morning it disappears as if by magic Russia self-destroyed, the world economy that so many times we have spoken in Lee Carroll's books that immense bubble of paradise money collapsed and is going to collapse again they are covering at this exact moment with creating a new war on international terrorism again, and from within the great north, the US is in a moment of break, so it is happening with the Catholic Church, which from within the light comes out, to show the darkness there was.

It is not necessary to attack the enemy simply it is enough to wrap it in LOVE, so that the Christ manifests within him, a small light erases any darkness.

The message we wanted to give today in the individual part of each one of you. not personally, but individually, is that you have to be confident, that you are not alone, and beyond that believe or not in this message, whether or not you agree with what is expressed here today, you are honored, you He accepts them as they are, who entered accompanied by many angels, and even if they say no, they do not accept what has been said, they will be accompanied by the same number of angels and with the same Love, no one will blame them for anything, nobody will point the finger, keep this always in mind are you. those who blame themselves, those who fear, those who distrust, we simply love them on this side, no matter what that decision is, there are many paths, there are many truths on this plane, but all in the end reach the source, return to the center.

Try to open your heart that will erase your fears, believe more in you. love each other, in general we try to help others but, without the inner strength and being well it is very complicated.

Remember that, it is superb, it is not self-centered, begin to change you, anchor energy begin to Radiate, and do not want to change those around you.

Law of attraction right? Pause…

The relevance of Uruguay in magnetic change

Uruguay is living a few moments of change, the intensity of the Light, like the Sun itself when its light is projected on a tree creates shadow.

We fear the shadow, the darkness, that is an old ruse of the old school, believing that in the duality putting fear, we conquered more partners, more participants of some temple.

In this duality both light and dark have to subsist, but as we move on to the other plane, we rise in LIGHT towards the 5th dimension, things there will be totally different.

Then on the one hand we see a lot of violence, TV. It shows us steals permanently, there are cameras everywhere, there is something palpable in society, neighbors and friends tell us about some tragedy, what nobody shows are these meetings of light for example, this one here today.

Uruguay in that international concert, and I do not want to put ego, or become patriots thinking that they are the best, but they must be responsible to really know, that they have always been that cushion mattress of a lot of problems at the social, economic, bordering level, since this nameless country was created, because it is a Republic that is east of the Uruguay River (Oriental Republic of Uruguay), but with content to two huge countries such as Brazil and Argentina or the Portuguese and Spanish and before the Conquest, the natives of this region took in their hands the ancestral knowledge of the human genome, of DNA.

It is here saved when the Atlanteans passed and went up the Uruguay River, that heart that pumps eternal knowledge is here !!, and in this planetary change of energy, in which we have today throughout America, from north to south, through the Andes mountain range that energy of light that is the Kundalini (Snake of light).

There is a turning point that is Uruguay, you must preserve in Light and with Love, the blood (Ruby) of the Christ that is manifested through the wisdom of Mª Magdalena the golden energy, there is the change of DNA of all human beings of the planet

There is a thousand evidence that the Atlanteans were and passed through here, following their sacred route to form civilizations in Machu Pichu, Lake Titicaca and so many centers of power and culture, until we reach what we now call Mayas and the Aztecs.

But you as a people, as a nation, we must keep in mind that this place is also sacred, that it has unique energy centers, that we must take care of, clean, harmonize, there are in: Colonia, Salto-Paysandú stay the Aurora-Padre Pio, in the Sierras de Minas el Arequita, in Piríapolis, there are them in Rocha, and in lots of points that form the tetrahedral star, a perfect Merkabah of anchoring of loving energy.

That is why we must be aware of this immense work, which is not to carry the world on your shoulders, if it is not simply, IRRADIAR, in our house, in our home, at work, it is with our example of Light and Love that change begins, and remember and send light or go to visit those places that we already name and other energy centers.

Because there are many people who will leave low vibration, to recharge with the powerful light vibration of the place, is the exchange, as above is below. Correspondence Law

And the place is contaminated and you have to be purifying permanently.

I deeply thank you for the light work, which some are already doing very consciously, others are just waking up and others are doing it unconsciously.

There are changes at the cellular level, in the way of sleeping, they can also feel itchy throughout the body, it is the energy of their DNA that is exploding at this time, which is waking up (it was descending in the room Ono-Zone energy) as bites of fleas, dizziness, sensitivities.

There are many planetary changes that at some times take them out of their minds, but we must realize, that all that old energy is coming out, Karma is burning, our Karma is disappearing, it is time to leave behind that heavy backpack, to make this quantum leap

12/21/2012 for many will be another day, they may not see the changes, but the changes are happening and will continue to occur.

The next special year in 2011 each month they live will be 9 months of wisdom and learning, 1 month for 9, that quantum leap, that leap of Light, is accelerating more and more.

Chest pains, dry throat, hands that perspire and itch, are changes of the new energy.

We wash your feet, we honor you, because you have decided to incarnate in this material part to raise the Light and perform the magnetic work from Earth.

We are Beings of Light who have not had that experience, we stand at their feet for the magnificent work they are developing, even if you do not believe it.

I am Kryon of the Magnetic Service that Bliss and Love accompanies you and divine grace fill your heart.


By Eduardo J. Saligari . Channeling on November 3, 2010 at the Institute “Awakenings” of Reiki Master Carmen Rosas

Uruguay, Montevideo, Diving, Be Happy Institute || - This message is free and free distribution, it is requested to name the source in all cases.

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