A Message for Lightworkers, Channeled on June 7, 2019 by Caroline Oceana Ryan

  • 2019

We want to share with you another Message for the Lightworkers, Channeled by Caroline Oceana Ryan on June 7, 2019, I hope you enjoy it and apply it to your life!

You may also be interested: A message for Lightworkers, April 26, 2019, by Caroline Oceana Ryan.

Message for Lightworkers, Channeled on June 7, 2019

You have come here with great purpose, and you should not be prevented from completing (Lightworkers)

This week's Guide of the Ascended, Galactic, Elemental Masters of the Earth, Elders of Faery, Angels and Archangels known as the Collective :

Greetings, dear!

We are very happy to have this moment to speak with you today.

And we see that among the many pressures and daily expectations for which you are responsible, you are also dealing with powerful data of Light that flows from various parts of your Universe, including your own souls.

Understand that in these days of solar eruptions and solar winds, and the astrological changes that impact humanity in many ways, changing the old cycles and patterns that have existed for millennia, and attracting new and more high forms of experience, that their own souls are also responding to this influx of higher Light .

His messages reach him at the cellular level, which he then downloads and decodes while sleeping, as well as during his waking hours (Message for Lightworkers )

These inform you about the various aspects of the mission of your soul that have been ongoing, although they have not been seen by you until now in your earthly life.

Although mostly unseen, you and your fellow Light Bearers entered with rare and powerful ground missions

His messages reach him at the cellular level, which he then downloads and decodes while he sleeps, as well as during his waking hours (Message for Lightworkers)

These energies do not try to hide from you their deeper meanings and unknown languages.

They are beyond language as you know it, and they are flowing in each of your cells, not only to update your Earth in the New Human Forms, but also to illuminate your consciousness of the Earth.

We are aware that this can be felt by causing a little cataclysm in a few days.

Not only are you supporting the tension of this drastic change, but you are dealing with the external results of these energy changes in your own life.

Now you will not attract to you the same kind of circumstances that you have created for so long in this and other lives on Earth .

Your co-Creations will now take a completely different form, one that serves the Light on a higher level than before . ( Lightworkers )

And at first, it may seem that you are in a kind of earthquake, where nothing is as stable as you once thought.

You may have recently faced or are facing a health or financial crisis, or have lost your home, your job or your business.

You may see that new or old relationships are lost along the way, as if they never belonged to you.

Even your clothes may no longer suit you, not the right styles or colors.

You may have intuitive moments when you feel, with almost no known reason, that your entire economic system will have changed at a certain time in the future. ( Lightworkers )

Or that housing and energy sources will be transformed at a certain moment in your life, even if you don't see that happening as a mass movement yet.

You may also be wondering why, if your cells have more Light, it does not appear to be getting younger or healthier.

Wondering why he seems to be more tired, sad and tired a few days instead of less.

You may even ask yourself: "Why did I come here at this time?" Since one shift after another affects your whole being.

We would say, that this is completely normal and understandable. However, we would like you to overcome that moment by offering you and your transformative process as much patience and support as possible.

You have been asking why life seems so strange now, why things do not fit or flow as they used to, and why it seems that you are asked so much that you feel it is too much in a few days. And that is because he is right: everything has changed and continues to change . (Message of the Lightworkers )

Life is not at all as it was, and never will be again

Your co-Creations will now take a completely different form, one that serves the Light on a higher level than before. (Lightworkers)

These are the changes that he has required, demanded, requested from his own souls and the Universe, without realizing that by changing the Earth and his own resonance of the lower frequencies, much of you would be required beyond what he offered in the moment. hour.

When you see great corruption in religious, financial, governmental and other institutions, and require universal forces to take humanity out of that experience, understand that humanity itself must change first for that to happen.

Because, as you know, everything that is experienced is due to the dominant vibration of the person making the creation . (Message for Lightworkers )

So by not asking for more corruption in the “high” places, it required a change in the Earth's timeline that, in turn, required a change in its own timelines: an ascending change in vibration.

Otherwise, crime, violence, humiliation, lies and degradation will continue.

You may understand that the vibrations of the old "multitude of power" should change, not yours, as is understandable!

I may have left you wondering, what the hell is going on, that you are the one who is suffering a series of shocks, instead of them being the ones experiencing the reorganization?

We assure you that those crimes perpetrated on Earth and throughout the Universe are surely feeling the results of the changes in which you participated.

You did not come to simply observe these changes, that would not be in accordance with your Light Bearer / Earth Changer roles.

You entered to raise the vibration that you had sustained for so long on Earth, to move it to higher levels, to octaves higher than what you had experienced in other lives while you were in a human body . (Message for Lightworkers)

And in doing so, he has moved around him, including those areas of life to which Luz sends daily : the darkest and densest aspects of life he has never understood, he has not even wanted to look at, much less He has realized that he can be supported by one earthly life or another.

You came for the growth of your own soul, no doubt

Because, as you know, everything that is experienced is due to the dominant vibration of the person making the creation. (Message for Lightworkers)

However, in a broader sense, you came to help the growth of the soul of the planet.

While you may think that the Archangels, benevolent and highly evolved aliens, and the Ascended Masters are far ahead of you, you would not be here on Earth now if you did not resonate with your reality, your perspectives, your amazing gifts and wisdom.

There is an aspect of your spirit and soul that not only understands these beautifully constructed forms of Light, but sees through every circumstance on Earth as an opportunity to love you more, love yourself, love others, love others. Earth and all who help her now. More powerfully and in ways that heal and transmute. (Message for Lightworkers )

That is a very different response to feeling disappointed in life: hindered or oppressed or denied what you need.

The Universe does not want to take good things away from you, and it is not doing it.

You and your superior being are in the process of separating your grip from what you previously thought you needed, what no longer adapts to your growing vibration, until there is little left but what you really need, even if, for a while, that It is only the breath in your body.

On that level, everything is clear. You live in the present moment and see your true self, without ego attachments and external labels

In that moment of realization of freedom, there is a fear that life is not as it was, that people and family views are no longer there, that regular meals may disappear, even if they are scarce. (Message for Lightworkers)

You see life as an existence from moment to moment that can only bring you more joy, more fulfillment, more beauty, more love.

Not only because good things go to your door, but because it is you who are creating all that, except the veil placed in its place long ago by a false self, created to be a subordinate in the empire of another person.

Does the slave resent the losses experienced when the master disappears, or is he imprisoned?

In that moment of realization of freedom, there is a fear that life is not as it was, that people and family views are no longer there, that regular meals may disappear, even if they are scarce. (Message for Lightworkers )

Your selfish mind will surely be alarmed by the release of old forms, energies, thoughts and fabricated belief systems that, although not terribly inspiring or satisfying, have been what you have expected and known. for millennia.

And so, as you travel through this new territory, this newly created corner of the Universe, we ask you to release the need for things to be as they were.

May you flow with the stream of higher Light that happens around you.

The resistance to internal and external change, resistance to the change of frequencies on the planet and within you, will only make this transformation more demanding, causing a sensation of drainage and p energy loss.

We would say, if you can take pictures every day, especially while bathing or bathing, or while swimming, that is flowing through a river of Light, and that this river flows into a bright and beautiful blue sea, full of the upper Light and the energies that create new worlds, this will help you to know that, despite external appearances and Internal resistance, everything is fine.

In the same way, sitting, walking or lying on the Earth every day and experiencing His love for you, and giving him everything you can no longer carry, will also free you from feelings of overwhelming or strangeness. I was in this new life that you are building.

Is this the easiest way to travel, the most cheerful and light that you could have chosen?

No, dear ones. However, it is the most amazing, most oriented to the new birth and the most miraculous you have ever known.

You have chosen this path, and it thanks you, as the Earth and all its beings thank you.

You have come here with great purpose, and you should not be prevented from completing it.

You loved me, friends! We are with you, always.

Copyright 2019, Caroline Oceana Ryan

Note : If you republish, maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original publication. Thank you.

Original URL : A Message to Lightworkers - June 7, 2019

Author : William Hernán Estrada Pérez, Editor and Translator in the Great Family of hermandadblanca.org

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