Create Change & Change of Worlds

  • 2015
Table of contents hide 1 2 CHANGE OF WORLDS 3 4 Create Change & Change of Worlds

The world around us is changing dramatically. The "Way Things Were" and the "Way Things Were Made" is not what the world needs right now. New creative thinking is needed and that requires individuals to see the world differently and to challenge the status quo. CHANGE WORLDS. This is a time of mass transformation where we are shaking eons of false conditioning. People are tired of the old ways and are looking for lives that are more real and true, more in harmony with the natural world.

We all know that the world has to change. We want to change the world around us, but do we welcome it in our own being? The reality is that the necessary changes will not happen without our full participation. We have to create change. If we want a New World to be born, then we have to start living as inhabitants of a New World, right now. If we want to live True Lives, then we must live our lives as True, right here and now. By doing this, we become the midwives of the New Reality.

In 2015 we will reach a turning point because an increasing number of people will rise in demand for transparency, truthfulness and positive change. We are already seeing this with the actions of the young Second Wave that without fear are taking a step forward in countries like Mexico. This is because corruption, brutality and excessive greed are no longer acceptable realities and can no longer be tolerated.

Of course, we cannot have a true and profound change, without first making the necessary changes within ourselves and then applying these internal changes in all aspects of our lives. To do this, we have to have a clear vision of our old belief system verifying if it still applies to us. Are our old beliefs still true? Were they always true? Which one is true?

In 2015 we will love to discover that most of our resistances before changing have dissolved. The change comes surprisingly easy. Now, we can fully embrace change and anchor it deep within our being. The more we free ourselves from the old paradigm, the easier it will be to live in the New Landscape as a True.

At the end of the year we will look back in 2015 and see it as a year of monumental change, because change is pushing forward across the planet. Everything that has been unbalanced and resisting change is like a castle in the air, hanging there without any foundation to sustain it. The awareness of Love and Truthfulness that many are now embodying, is having a radiant effect on the world around us and that shows how the work we have done inside us is beginning to have a powerful effect. And with so much ready to change in such a short time, harmony, neutrality and integrity matter more than ever.


2015 is the Year of Change of Worlds at all possible levels. It is as if a huge mass migration was taking place all over the world. Although some will move to a new physical location this year, the main stage of our massive CHANGE OF WORLDS will take place in our consciousness. This will happen because more and more people leave the sinking ship of duality and produce a massive migration to the New Reality. Many will finally leave their old life behind and begin to live True Lives in the New Landscape.

We all have the option of leaving or staying in our current environment, work, living space, relationship or situation. If we choose to stay where we are, it must be a conscious choice, not a default or default decision. If our conscious choice is to remain where we are, this means that we believe that we are already in our right place. If we are going to stay where we are, we prepare ourselves to be very necessary guardians to sustain the beam of light around us. And for those who choose to take the step to free themselves from their former position, you will inspire others to go to their True Position.

This year, many will move to their True Position and this is super exciting! While this is happening, the stale air of the duality balloon will be released, the air that has held it high. Then, the globe of duality will reveal itself as a weak illusion that is kept alive thanks to our belief in it.

Being in our True Position is essential at this time for many reasons. If we are not in our True Position, then we are vulnerable to the pressure of the stocks in the outside world. The old life to which we have been clinging is susceptible to collapse at any time. If we are in our True Position, EVERYTHING WILL BE OK, no matter what happens in the outside world.

Our True Position is the place of our True Home, where we can finally expand our roots deep in the earth and very high in the sky. It is the place where we can manifest our True Purpose. It is the place of our Most Wild Dreams where we will find the deep fullness we seek.

Our True Position may be in the middle of chaos in a city or it may be in a place of tranquility. We can already be there or we could cross the world. It doesn't matter where it is; But it is essential that you feel good for one. Let there be a deep sense of comfort and a click to enter position when we are there, that we do not feel anywhere else.

As soon as we enter our True Position, we can find our True Home and connect with True Related People. Once we really live in our True Home, our consciousness will expand and offer us a whole new set of experiences that were not possible until then.

This triggers a massive, internal and external RESET . We make the WORLD CHANGE and begin to inhabit an exquisite New Reality, much more beautiful than anything we could have imagined. Layers and layers of the old energy residue move away from our being and our true essential being emerges. And once we are consciously in our True Position, we can begin to serve as Sacred Pagodas.

Create Change & Change of Worlds

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