The influence of the Seven Rays on the Chakras

  • 2019
Table of contents hide 1 How is man composed? 2 What is the Force Center? 3 Aspects of the Chakras 3.1 Muladhara Chakra 3.2 Svadhisthana Chakra 3.3 Anahata Chakra 3.4 Vishudha Chakra 3.5 Ajna Chakra 3.6 Sahaskara Chakra 4 What are the Seven Rays? 5 The Rays and the Chakras
The seven Chakras and the Seven Rays are represented with a color. What relationship exists between them?

In the Esoteric Psychology of Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul, who wrote Alice Bailey, we find an in-depth study of the Seven Rays . In the first volume of this work the seven personalities or qualities of the Deity are developed. It is said that the Seven entities of the Pure Being also correspond to each one a planet and a color . Hence its relationship with astrology and with the Chakras . In treatise The Soul and its Mechanism, the Tibetan (Alice Bailey), demonstrates the existence of Seven Force Centers that come into contact with the etheric body and transmit life energy. These Life Force Centers are called by the Hindu Chakras (wheel), and are also each represented by a certain color .

Now, you can believe that each Ray and each Chakra fit in color, element and hierarchy. This article will explain the relationship between the Chakras and the Seven Rays, and the influence of the latter on the former.

How is man composed?

Before explaining what the Force Center, you must first explain how man is constituted. The Tibetan says that man has a body-soul and spirit. The body is composed of sensitive, etheric or vital dense matter, whose matter is an adequate vehicle to conduct prana and that consciousness expresses itself in the form of mind, that is, soul. In other words, man has a body that is the vehicle of the soul, and the soul that is Consciousness, but as a principle of life it will be located in the heart and as spiritual consciousness in the eyebrows . This vital force is expressed on the physical plane as ether, in the psychic as a living soul and in the metaphysical as the main I or Atma . In the Bhagabad Gita, it is explained that in the process of impregnating matter through divine energy or Tattvas, the One Self shares certain qualities to matter by making reflections or nuclei of the Upadhi of that One Self. Each Tattva obtains a modification of the divine consciousness but the idea resists in its outer wall. This is called the Force Center.

What is the Force Center?

The Force Center is seven points of contact, in the physical body, through which they transmit energy of life and maintain bodily existence, being agents of the soul. These seven vital force points are called Chakras (Rama Prasad calls him Ioto). The Chakras bring pranic energy to each point of the body, so it can be related to the cerebral, spinal and spinal nervous system, because this energy is distributed through subtle lines called Nadis . These Nadis are not corporeal, but it tells us that they resemble nerves and blood spleens (positive and negative). According to there are seventy-two thousand Nadis or seven hundred and two thousand Nadis . According to the physiological aspect, each nervous system will have Centers of Strength and Nadis that distribute the energy of prana. In the brain system there are two Centers, the conerarium and the eyebrow. In the medullary and spinal nervous system (in which we find Coxal, Sacra, lumbar and cervical) there are five Centers, laryngeal, cardiago, solar plexus, sacrum, and that of the base of the spine. Each one is known in his subscribed name:

  1. Sahaskara Chakra coronary center
  2. Ajna Chakra frown center
  3. Vishudha Chakra Long Center
  4. Anahata Chakra heart center
  5. Manipura Chakra solar plexus center
  6. Sacral Center Svadhisthana Chakra
  7. C. base of the spine Muladhara Chakra
There are seven Centers of forces and 72, 000 Nadis that distribute prana by the etheric body.

All Centers are related to each other through the spine. The Centers that are located in the Head are related to the faculty of the mind and movement, just as one concerns the will and abstract mind, the other the lower mind and the psychic nature of the integrated organism. The other five possess other activities of the organism through which it expresses its emotions and intentions of life.

These Strength Centers are related, in the West, with the different endocrine glands :

  1. Pineal
  2. Pituitary
  3. Thyroid
  4. Scam
  5. Pancreas
  6. Gonads
  7. Adrenal

Each of them fulfills the function of being an organ that secretes substance, called hormones, to the organism and thus regulates the functions of the body. And each Center brings pranic energy to each point of the body to be the vehicle of the soul, and the soul expressing the will or purpose of the spirit.

Aspects of the Chakras

Next, the qualities of each Chakra and its corresponding color will be explained, ascendingly, that is, starting with the base Chakra (first Chakra) until reaching the crown (seventh Chakra):

Muladhara Chakra

This Chakra is located at the base of the spine, just between the anus and the genitals (perineum). It owes its name in Sanskrit because it is the “ support of the root ”. It corresponds to give stability to life, emotional and nutritional security. It is represented by the earth element and its color is red .

Svadhisthana Chakra

This Chakra means " your own place of being ." It is located below the navel, is identified with sexuality and creativity. Its element is water and its color is orange .

Manipura Chakra

Meaning is "jewel of the city ", is located in the navel and stomach space. It has the capacity of self-control, self-esteem, it has the energy of transformation. Its element is fire and its color is yellow.

Anahata Chakra

It means " not hurt ", it goes beyond the pain of present or past experiences. It is situated in the heart, so it expresses love, forgiveness, acceptance. Its element is air and its color is green .

Vishudha Chakra

It means " very pure ", is located in the larynx, so it expresses the ability to communicate needs, desires and opinions, but higher ideas. Its element is the ether and its color is blue .

Ajna Chakra

It means "to know by understanding ." It is the Center of intuition, the introspection that awakens the potential of clairvoyance and telepathy, among others. It is located in the eyebrows. Its element is the Light and its color the indigo .

Sahaskara Chakra

It means "l oto de thousand petalos " is located in the crown beyond the transcendent plan. It is the connection with the source of divine energy, expansion of consciousness, unconditional love, compassion and humility. Its element is reflection or space and its color is violet .

In this way, depending on the development of man, these Centers or Chakras are quickened and predominated . Chakras 5, 6 and 7 govern the physical life and the psychic life of man and animal, the 4 and 3 concern the intellectual and spiritual life (there it is distinguished from the animal), and the 2 and 1 concern the high spiritual consciousness . Each of the Chakras vibrates with a color . Now let's see what Lightning corresponds to each Chakras and if the colors of the Chakras conform to those of the Rays.

What are the seven rays?

The Seven Rays are entities of the Pure Being. The three main ones are Will, Wisdom Intelligence.

The Seven Rays are the personification of seven types of construction forces, as the Tibetan says, that show us the seven qualities of Deity. In other words, there are three monodic groups of energy, Will, Love, Intelligence, or qualities of the ONE, he keeps telling us, that in turn the energy currents are divided into seven currents that lead Towards the light. These channels through which everything that exists flows are the following:

  1. The Lord of power or Will . It is the mental body, the Life, the Cute . Its virtue is the will of God, faith, Good and Happiness. His vice is intellectual pride and isolation. It is ruled by the sun . Its element is the Light of the Kundalini. Its color is red .
  2. The Lord of Love-Wisdom . Personify Pure Love. It is the astral body, consciousness or soul. It is the principle of attraction of nature. Its virtue is adoration and beauty. His vice is excessive concentration and coldness. Your planet is J piter . Its color is blue .
  3. The Lord of active Intelligence . It is the physical body or personality. Work with matter to drive the start of creation. Its virtue the wisdom, the compression. The planet that rules is Saturn . Its color is green .
  4. The Lord of Harmony, beauty and art . It belongs to the human kingdom. It is the Beauty of revelation. Its virtue is ascension and purity. His vice is self-centeredness and strong passion. The planet is Mercury . Yellow color.
  5. The Lord of concrete knowledge and science . It belongs to the animal kingdom. It is in contact with the mind of the creative divinity through truth, music, concentration and healing. His vice is criticism and arrogance. If planet is Venus and its color is the indigo .
  6. The Lord of Devotion Idealism . It is part of the vegetable kingdom. Its virtues are grace and providence. His vices are selfish love, jealousy and being angry. The planet that rules is Mars and its color is pink .
  7. The Lord of Ceremonial Order or Magic . Its influence is in the physical plane by numerical relationship of law and order. His kingdom is the mineral. Its virtues are forgiveness, restoration and mercy. Its star is the moon and its color is violet

On the other hand, in another source we find another classification of each Ray and its correspondence with a Master:

  1. The Will: Blue / Morya.
  2. Intelligence: Yellow / Lanto.
  3. Divine Love: Red / Pablo de Veneciano.
  4. Purity: White / Serapis Bay.
  5. Concrete knowledge and Science: Green / Hilarion.
  6. Devotion: Orange / Sanand.
  7. Restoration: Violeta / Saint Germain.

The Rays and the Chakras

Now, the Tibetan (Alice Bailey) tells us that the vibrations of the Seven Rays enter our personality through the Force Centers. The more light these Centers house, the greater the force of the Rays in our soul. It relates them as follows:

Lightning Chakras

7 Coronary Center / Violet 1st Will / Red

6 Center between the eyebrows / Indigo 5th Concrete knowledge / Indigo

5 Laryngeal center / Blue 3rd Intelligence / green

4 Heart Center / Green 2nd Love-Wisdom / Blue

3 Solar Plexus Center / Yellow 6th Devotion / Pink

2 Sacral Center / Orange 7th Ceremonial Order / Violet

1 column base / Red 4th Harmony / Yellow

Thus, each Ray is expressed through a Center to provide light, for example, the seventh Ray in the sixth Chakra has the purpose of organizing life again. For this reason the Rays confer their energy on the physical condition and determine the emotional quality. A ray may predominate in the physical body and in the soul, but in the Ray that directs the incarnations it is found in the Monad or Spirit, and it will be work for every man to know himself.

Author, Rosmery Guerrero, Editor in the Great Family of

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