Message from the First Creator and UNO: The predictions for 2015

  • 2015

Message from the First Creator:

“I am delighted to talk with you about what we see for all of you next year on Earth, as it is an exciting, historical moment for the entire Cosmos, and his beloved Terra is at the center of everything.

First let me explain what I am. There is some confusion in the channeling community about who are Father and Mother God, and what my relationship is with you with the ONE, the Source of all things. I will tell them. I have been mostly behind the scenes in recent years because we wanted to gradually introduce you to the Ascended Masters, to those of the Animal Kingdom and the Elemental Kingdom, along with their galactic brothers and sisters, so that you could develop a wider knowledge of your part in the life of the universe around him.

They have recently received the teachings of their Lightworkers, including our beloved channel that brings my words now, which are Masters in themselves, as an integral part of the development of the drama that is the Ascension of Planet Earth. I have a great interest in your well-being and your growth, because I am the Creator of your universe, which I have called Nebadiah, and all that it contains.

Within their Universe, the many galaxies and star systems have been created by me and my soulmate, Omara, along with the great masters who also became creators in their own right. For example, Ra and Isis (also known as Alcyone and Mother Sekhmet) are the creators of the Milky Way galaxy, with my collaboration and support. Because of our very loving and close relationship, because you are my children of the soul, sometimes they take the role of Father and Mother God to be able to speak with you - with my total agreement - as the voice of God.

The creation of souls, as well as the creation of the human race, has been our job description, it could be said. I am known in the Higher Realms as Ohara, or by the funny nickname of PC. I am not the only Main Creator, since there are many universes, but we are among the oldest of the children of ONE, whom we all see as our Great Creator, the Father of all . He will talk with you, about his vision for All along the present timeline you inhabit.

The predictions of Ohara, the First Creator

Now I will give you some predictions about what you are likely to see on your planet next year, but I would like to include this season in those predictions, as you are likely to read this before doing the exercise. The first dramatic change in the way life is lived on Earth will begin in October 2014 and will continue in rapid sequence to renew the way in which all social, political, educational, medical and scientific institutions operate.

The first phase will consist of the liberation of billions of dollars of the funds of St. Germain, which will be used to pay all the war debts of all the countries of the planet. This will free countries with financial problems from the terrible psychological and economic burden of continuing to wreak havoc with war on their balance sheets. The next phase, with the help of the Reagan-Mitterand-Wanta fund, will help pay off the US national debt. So the now extinct IRS (internal revenue system) will be completely unnecessary and obsolete. The Federal Reserve is already being dismantled and sold to the Chinese, so all economic and legal systems will evolve naturally until they are replaced by NESARA.

I will not spend time here to describe in detail what NESARA is, because you can learn all about it on various Internet sites. I suggest you learn about the history of this new development system that will change everything related to everyday life in the US. and then across the planet. Almost 200 countries have already signed the documents to adopt the new systems in mid-October.

As it develops in a step-by-step process, many will be amazed by the rapid disappearance of the Corporation that governs the United States. and the return to the Constitutional law that will emerge as if by magic. Of course, there were many years of Light work behind the scene, which will be known to everyone in the coming months. They have heroes among you, dear ones, and their identities will surprise you and delight you.

Huge amounts of money will be available from the St. Germain Trusts to pay off all personal debt, including credit cards, mortgages, car loans and college loans, to free all people from the yoke of debt that has enslaved humanity. No one will be excluded from the prosperity packages; Our talented hackers (laughs) have already determined the account numbers and names of each bank account in the world, and all of them will be financed. Remote villages and indigenous populations will be reached through a special agreement, to provide for their needs.

The waves of prosperity will wash the entire planet like a hot bath, allowing areas of the world overwhelmed by poverty to be reached by providing clean water, food and decent housing for those in need. People from all walks of life will join this effort, putting their energy and time into selfless work to help their peers, simply because they can. The personal wealth that will result from currency revaluations will be used with the generosity of the open heart in creative and original ways, which will result in a dramatic increase in feelings of trust and confidence. camaraderie across borders.

The so-called bola pandemic will be stopped by the use of two simple and effective treatments: that of nano-silver, developed by Dr. Rima Laibow, and MMS, a solution of di Chlorine oxide developed by Jim Humble. Both are effective antimicrobial treatments that eliminate the disease that the US it has patented, which will be exposed as the false operation of the C bala for this inspired disaster that was destined to restore the power of those who would benefit from the Law Marshall and with greater restrictions on personal freedoms. They are not going to succeed, because everyone will help provide the treatments, and by the scope of their Internet information networks.

A second "global threat", the ISIS criminal campaign (whose name is designed to challenge our dear Isis) will also be stopped at the root: first for the revelation that it is not a radical religious group of its own organization at all, but which is an intrigue of spies and mercenary soldiers from undercover operations financed and administered by the US CIA, the Israeli Mossad and Saudi intelligence factions.

The rabid religious attitudes of some group members are the product of sophisticated brainwashing techniques and their training as murderers. Controllers have taken advantage of unemployed and desperate young people, who were drawn to their ranks by the promise of high salaries and recognition. Once the financing of these death groups is closed, (with the disappearance of the Federal Reserve and similar operations in traditional banking) the "rebellion" will have a rapid death and the leaders of these false libertarian operations will be persecuted and imprisoned for crimes against humanity.

During the first six months of the year, they will be able to see dramatic changes in agricultural methods and in food production as people will quickly change from a meat protein diet to an organically grown vegetable and fruit diet . The arrogant companies of GMOs (genetically modified organisms) will go bankrupt because of the worldwide rejection of using their products, and family farm holdings will have a huge resurgence when they have funds for education and scientific help for farmers who want to move to the "organic." "

All the above improvements will be accelerated by the development of free energy technology. It will not be necessary to invent or develop new technologies. They are already fully operational, ready to be adapted to single-home units or to generate everything a skyscraper needs at maximum capacity. The technology itself was used in the destruction that took place on 9/11 (Sept. 11/2001). Read Judy Wood's research book, “Where Did the Towers Go?” Carefully to prove that this technology is available around the corner, in the hidden depths of secret government research centers, beyond the reach of most Your elected officials. The doors decompose and the technologies, originally negotiated by the dark galactic to their secret cabal, will be made known for the good of humanity.

So you see, Dear ones, the world will live a year from now that will be unrecognizable to you, even in your most precious dreams. You have made this possible by raising your vibrations to the necessary levels of 5th. Dimension to achieve its Ascension. You are already there, and your beloved Mother Terra is gently rising to ever larger dimensions, while she also heals and rises to become the Paradise Planet that was promised as a destination since its creation.

And now I will deliver this discussion to our Great ONE, the Source of All Things, The Eternal, with recognition for having had the privilege of bringing the news of the triumph and celebration in this case.

The predictions for 2015 of UNO:

Thank you, dear Ohara. Yes, I am here to speak with you, our beloved children of the planet earth, due to the transcendental changes that occur on your planet. You, Beloved, who have long thought that you are alone in the Universe, are now learning how closely you are in this overflowing cosmos. They have learned to listen to the voices of their trees; to see the loving gestures of cetaceans, who have taken care of them for eons, and feel a sense of connection and community with each other with the entire planet, as they had never done before.

The differences fade in the high vibration of the energies that I send to lift them from the heavy third dimension, to the new configuration that as crystalline bodies will allow them to thrive in the higher dimensions. We send you these vibrations of love with great pleasure and joy, seeing your individual responses with interest. Some of you complain and keep perplexity in your head as your brain throbs with high vibrations. Others have become sufficiently accustomed to shrugging and moving on with their daily meditations, in search of new sensations to reflect and absorb. This is a good policy, because the roller coaster effects of these high energies will continue in the new year, as your beloved Terra elevates herself in each upper layer.

Next year will be one of new adventures, new friends, of expectations of expansion and evolution, of change in your inner experience . The You that you thought you were is already opening, like the lotus flower that you are fond of using as an example of growth and flowering. The same will grow in new and exciting ways. They are learning to take command of every thought, feeling and action, to reach deeply into your unconscious mind once hidden, to discover all the secrets, renew all the dark corners, and celebrate while they do.

Next year will bring a new attitude in all the minds and hearts of humanity, in which you will finally truly learn the meaning of forgiveness and unconditional love. Most of you have applied these understandings in an old way: by forcing yourself to accept things that you don't like or that gave you pain, because you don't want to object and seem "critical." Well, dear ones, you are now ready for a new level of discernment in which you can stand on your principles, while visualizing that this is the most loving approach to life.

When you refuse to accept uncomfortable or unpleasant conditions, you raise the level of the bar, inviting others to join you in a higher vibration. Being unconditional in your love does not mean that you approve or justify destructive behaviors. This means that you know the difference, that you do not participate in the destruction of yourself - whether as accomplices or victims - and that you send the energies of unconditional love to the offender, from a safe distance.

I do not ask you, Dear Ones, to sacrifice in the name of love . I will never ask them to remain in a relationship or in an association that causes them pain or suffering . That is not my way. The struggles and dislikes on the planet are the result of the persistent dark ways of thinking, the remains of thousands of years of teaching from the dark ones that have controlled them psychologically, physically and economically. That time has passed.

All the contracts that united them to live a life among the dark ones have been fulfilled. There is no karma, there are no past lives, there are no agreements that have to do with your life here that require any free or unsolicited suffering. Your guides and angels are working hard to make sure you don't have difficulties other than those that you have specifically requested for your own growth, and only that will allow you to enter your lives. This means that whatever difficulties they encounter in their lives next year is designed according to their own specifications to help them solve some of the stalemate they have. Your Higher Self is working with your Guides to provide those lessons now, as smoothly and effectively as possible.

The adventure they have chosen - to elevate themselves in the space of a single life - is unprecedented in the history of this universe or in any other. Your beloved Sananda is with you at every step, as are your other Ascended Master lovers, many of whom have already learned to love and interact with great closeness.

We are offering you all the possible help now, but there is still an element of this process that many of you have not yet fully understood. You must do the work of delving into yourself, of diving internally, as Ohara has called it, in order to shake the deep-rooted shadows of your beliefs, opinions, convictions and negative attitudes that were left to you by the dark ones.

You see, this will be the Year of Revelation anyway, but for each of you the most crucial element of those revelations will be those between you and yourself, and between you and Me. We are One, you and I, and I am Pure Love. It is your destiny to grow, day to day, to get to the place within you where you are also pure love, and to live there every moment of every day.

I hug you, I breathed the breath of Life into your being. You are my beloved, and I am yours. We will never be separated, because I will remain in love with you no matter where you go or what you do. I welcome your love, but even if you forget me or ignore my presence, I still love you endlessly. Our joyful experience of Unity depends only on your acceptance of our Pure Love. Turn to me, Beloved, and we will take the endless Sunlight together. We are one.

I am yours forever,


Transcribed by Kathryn E.

Translation : Claudio A. Dunn

Message from the First Creator and UNO: The predictions for 2015

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