Message from the Divine Mother: Advance with Tranquility - Part 2

  • 2018

Channeled by Adele Arini, August 3, 2018.

Continuation of Message from The Divine Mother: Advance with Tranquility - Part 1

The Divine Mother continues ...

At this point, some may be wondering: what is the sense that we help you all understand the advanced spiritual concept of Eternal Life?

You are all intrepid, daring, super brave and courageous souls who have chosen to come to Earth and participate in this Great Project, partly because of their pure desire to be in the service of Love to Light, and partly for their individual purposes. of spiritual evolution.

There is no right and wrong. There is never any judgment that comes from Me, from God the Father, or from someone in the Higher Realms. Judgment is never necessary, because ultimately, EVERYTHING is Love, and everything belongs to the "Team of Light." Duality is a concept that exists only in the lower dimensions.

In this life, and in all other lives, they can never stop reaching their destination, whatever or wherever, they have decided.

All is love.

Even if they "seemingly" seem to have failed at something, they have Eternity at their disposal, to do it again and again, until they are satisfied with the result. Everything is always fine, and there is no hurry to go anywhere. They are exactly where they have to be, they are destined and they have planned to be.

This means, my beloved ones, that the fundamental reason for them to be on the planet is simply to experience physical life to the fullest . The Higher Beings, the Spiritual Teams and I / Father God, have zero expectations about what their life should be like. Yes, you / your Higher Self has created a plan for your life, however, whether or not you follow it to the letter, or if you decide not to follow it at all, it is entirely up to you.

Our deepest desire is for everyone to be happy wherever they are at this time, to experience and have more joy in their days. " Follow your Joy" should be your Slogan, your Modus Operandi, or your Life Formula from this moment forward.

Follow your joy.

Free yourself from all self-imposed expectations about how the Ascension process should be . Let go of all the fears related to time that may put unnecessary pressure on what should, in the first place, be a joyful "graduation time" for the ascending human collective. Have fun with the process . Fully embrace the awakening of your multidimensional Beings and learn to be patient with the highly complex 3-D / 5-D integration process, inside and outside.

Show each other loving compassion and an infinite amount of patience, knowing that all of you are truly together in this . Stop isolating yourself. In groups they can surf better through the enormous influx of the cosmic Ascension waves ahead, and the formidable challenges they bring.

Finding similar souls and surrounding them, should be one of your highest priorities at this time, to get the necessary support and momentum they will need, so that they can reach their final goal / destination in the easiest way, with more calm trust. And as they continue to bond with the people of their own groups, they will find that they can be their "lifeline", or their "saving grace" during times when they could temporarily "fall into the water" while surfing through these intense waves that will bring the much-needed changes over the next 20 years .

Find like-minded souls and surround yourself with them.

You can all surfear better staying in high tune with the Aspects of Mind, Body, Emotion and Spirit of yourselves, and honoring your needs at all times at times, even above the needs of your loved ones.

Please remember that you will have more to give to your loved ones, after they are fully rested, when all aspects of your Being are in perfect balance / balance and when your Physical / energy batteries are fully recharged. A routine self-care regime should be followed regularly, since this act of self-love must be the highest gift they are giving themselves, to help with the challenges transitional ones that come your way.

Whenever you are suffering, please learn to let your pain / Ascension symptoms be the best teacher and friend on this trip you have chosen to embark on. They are in a state of gratitude every time the pain / exhaustion hits them, knowing that everything is happening perfectly, as planned, and trusting that it is always for their Higher Good in the long term.

The pain (any pain emotional, physical, mental, spiritual) has a message. The information you have about our life may be remarkably specific, but it generally falls into one of two categories: "We would feel more alive if we did more of this, " and, "Life would be more beautiful if we did less of that." . Once we receive the pain message and follow his advice, the pain disappears. ” Peter McWilliams -

There are many activities we recommend you do, to help relieve stress and growth pains related to Ascension:

  1. Eat only high-vibration foods and beverages. Keep your physical body hydrated and well rested at all times.
  2. Surround your home with Crystalline Energy, coming from real crystals placed around your home, and / or connecting you with the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas and Brazil (please read the channeled message of Archangel Metatron - 2018 Completing a year of extreme polarity - for more information).
  3. Walk barefoot while communing with nature and do regular contact exercises with the earth.
  4. Meditate at least once a day. Consider it a sacred time to help you be more receptive to your inner guidance, coming from the loving voice of your Higher Self.
  5. Think positive thoughts and say only positive words for both yourself and others.
  6. Whenever you feel extra-sensitive and extra vulnerable, please remember to surround yourself with only gentle and sensitive people . Avoid being near crowds since their combined vibrations may be too challenging to deal with, when you are less able to handle them.
  7. Just do activities that bring you peace, joy and love . If your current activity / approach is not giving you any of the three feelings above, please change it immediately.
  8. Listen frequently to meditation music, relaxing and reassuring . Take showers / baths more often, since water is a very soothing element (cleaning inside and out).
  9. Whenever you are experiencing a specific physical symptom, do not forget to consult your internal guide first . Their feelings can help them decide if the condition is something that needs to be treated immediately by a medical professional or if it is a temporary side effect related to Ascension.
  10. When you feel lost, anxious, depressed, or as if you were walking alone on this trip, please always approach Me, your spiritual team, or any Ascended Master with whom you have a close connection, for advice, guidance and assistance. . We will always respond to your call for help and be ready to help, to strengthen and support your own Higher Divine Will for this incarnation.

Feel our loving support surrounding them now and forever.

With all my love,

Divine Mother

PART 1: message-of-the-divine-mother-advances-with-tranquility-part-1 /

PART 2: message-of-the-divine-mother-advances-with-tranquility-part-2 /

TRANSLATOR: Carolina, editor of the great family of the White Brotherhood

SOURCE: Channeled by Adele Arini. Copyright 2018. If you republish, please keep the article in its entirety, and provide the following link. Much love and gratitude.

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