Sayadaw U Kundalabhivamsa: Note from this great teacher on Meditation in Daily Activities (Part 4)

  • 2018
Table of contents hide 1 Meditation during Daily Activities 2 Meditation in daily activities is not easy 3 Details of meditation in daily activities 4 Elements of meditation in daily activities 5 Getting VISION

In this article we will conclude Sayadaw U Kundalabhivamsa's note on Mindfulness Meditation. This time he will talk about how to take this meditation in daily activities to all the moments of our life. Hope you like.

For those who encounter this theme for the first time, do not forget to review the previous parts of this installment divided into four articles . The first part and the second part where he talks about meditation in a sitting position and the third part where the teacher takes meditation to the situation of walking.

Meditation during Daily Activities

Yogis should practice Mindfulness Meditation also during their DAILY ACTIVITIES in their daily routine.

It is not time for sitting meditation or walking meditation. Meditating during your daily routine, is to be aware of the small tasks and daily activities you do when you return to your hostel, such as opening and closing the doors, making the bed, folding the sheets, changing your clothes and washing it, preparing your meals, eating, drink and carry out any other activity.

This is not the only thing you should be aware of, but you should also notice how you eat . When you observe your food you must repeat yourself ' LOOKING, LOOKING '. When you stretch your arm to eat you must repeat ' STRETCHING, STRETCHING '. When you touch your food you must say ' TOUCHING, TOUCHING '. When you prepare your lunch you must repeat ' PREPARING, PREPARING '. When you eat you must say ' EATING, EATING '. When you bow your head, you must say ' INCLINING, INCLINING '. When you open your mouth, you must repeat ' OPENING, OPENING '. When you bring the food to your mouth, you say ' CARRYING, CARRYING '. When you raise your head, you say ' LIFTING, LIFTING '. When you chew, you should say ' CHEATING, CHEATING '. When you know what the taste of food is, you repeat ' SAVING, SAVING '. When you swallow, you say ' swallowing, swallowing '. This is what Mahasi Sayadaw himself practiced and was aware when he ate his lunch. This is why all of you should be aware and focused on such movements carefully, precisely and enthusiastically.

Meditation in daily activities is not easy

Those obedient and diligent yogis who wish to practice while having lunch will not have it easy to be aware of all the movements at the beginning. Sometimes they can forget about some movements, but you should not be disappointed if this happens . Later when your knowledge or power of concentration becomes stronger and more advanced, your insight will enable you to remember every moment .

When you start practicing mindfulness concentration in your daily activities, you should be aware of the activity or movement that is most prominent to you. For example, if stretching your hands is the most distinctive activity, then you should say ES STRETCHING, STRETCHING . If lowering the head is the most prominent activity, you should say DOWN , DOWN . If chewing is more prominent, then notice CHEATING, CHEATING .

You can only be aware of ONE prominent movement . If your mind that is focused on that ONLY distinctive movement becomes really concentrated, then you can practice being aware of the other movements one by one until your contemplation becomes deep and advanced, and then you can get the VISION .

Our benefactor Mahasi Sayadaw has said that MASTICANDO is the most outstanding and distinctive movement.

Only the lower jaw is working when we say CHEATING . If you are aware of this movement of the lower jaw, you can also contemplate the MOVEMENT OF MASSAGE easily and well.

Details of meditation in daily activities

I think the Practical Exercise of Eating Lunch is quite complete. SITTING, CONTACT, FOLDING, STRETCHING are important details.

When the idea of ​​the desire to sit becomes distinctive, you say ' INTENTION TO FEEL, WANTING TO FEEL '. Then, you can sit down and when you are already in the POSITION OF SITTING, you say ' SITTING, SITTING ', and you sit down. You must detach yourself from your head and hands, and gradually and slowly you will fall to the ground, at the same time that you realize the heaviness you feel while you go down. That way you will be contemplating your mental and bodily process .

Then, when you want to stand or get up, you say ' INTENTION TO STOP ME, INTENTION TO STOP ME '. Your mind that wishes to stand is forced by the element of movement GO, who pushes you up, and you say ' REPLACING MY ENERGY, REPLACING MY ENERGY; HOLDING ME WITH ONE HAND, HOLDING ME WITH ONE HAND '. When you feel that your energy is at its maximum, you will gradually feel that you move up with your hands supporting you, and when you are standing, you will say ' STOPPED, STOPPED '.

Words are to name only ( pannat ). What you should notice and contemplate is the gradual and slow upward movement step by step. Observe it precisely, closely and correctly. You should know and observe closely and enthusiastically the slow and gradual element of motion involved in the standing position because this is PARAMAT - the event that is really happening - that we want to contemplate.

Elements of meditation in daily activities

When you have to stand up, the yogis themselves know that they become lighter as they rise . When they must sit down they know that they must feel somehow heavier.

A yogi knows that when you stop you become light and when you feel heavy. Getting up returns to the light body, and that is TEJO - GO ; Sitting makes it heavy, and that is PATHAVI - APO .

When a yogi comes to understand the truth about nature as physical and mental phenomena it is said that enlightenment about mental and physical processes has been obtained.

That which comes to life and that which dies cannot be seen clearly. But the truth that both physical and mental phenomena are not to last is real . Nothing is permanent . Action and movement are impermanent; knowledge about full consciousness is not permanent, in the same way that it is not a phenomenon of the mind or body.

Anything that arises is subject to disappear or perish and that is ANICCA . The emergence and perishing or birth and death of mental and physical phenomena are so quick and annoying that they are DUKKHA . How can we protect ourselves from this DUKKHA? We cannot protect ourselves from DUKKHA in the same way that we can stop it from arising or disappearing, so it is ANATTA .

If you get to know about ANICCA, DUKKHA and ANATTA, it will be said that you are complete in SAMANNA LAKKHANA . And if you are COMPLETE or ENABLED in SAMANNA LAKKHANA, then you will get the PENETRATED KNOWLEDGE or VISION you wish to obtain.

Getting the VISION

Flexing and stretching are small daily activities. The intention of flexing and attentively noticing the gradual movement of the arm, the lightness experienced when one raises the arm. When one wishes to stretch again - the stretching action appears and the arm slowly stretches and after being stretched it becomes heavy and gradually falls. All these natural physical phenomena will be experienced by the yogi .

FLEXIONARTE or STRETCH is not durable. Nor is your full awareness of these actions or movements permanent.

None of this can be avoided, so they are uncontrollable .

So if you study and practice this FULL ATTENTION MEDITATION formally and closely, you may be able to acquire that precious ' PENETRATED KNOWLEDGE ' or ' VISION ' about VIPASSANA MEDITATION . 'That all of you acquire that strange, noble and valuable vision that you have been looking for.'

Thus, having briefly heard about these three Basic Principles of Mindfulness Meditation, you may be able to practice correctly and from there arrive soon to acquire the extinction of greed, the extinction of anger, the extinction of disappointment and thus achieve NIBBANA as they have been looking for.

Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu.

Prayer to radiate thoughts of metta (love-generosity) in the SADDHAMMARANSI MEDITATION CENTER






With this prayer, this note of the great teacher Sayadaw U Kundalabhivamsa ends, written from his great wisdom to bring yogis and the world the practice of this way of life that encompasses all everyday situations.

I have tried my best to be able to translate these teachings correctly, respecting capitals and dispositions as they are in the original. I sincerely hope that they will reach you clearly and respectfully.

May those who dare, try to achieve the VISION of which the great teacher speaks to us.

For my part I leave everyone a big hug.

AUTHOR: Lucas, editor of the great family of



PART 1: sayadaw-u-kundalabhivamsa-grand-teacher-about-meditation-mindfulness-part-1 /

PART 2: sayadaw-u-kundalabhivamsa-grand-master-about-meditation-mindfulness-part-2 /

PART 3: sayadaw-u-kundalabhivamsa-grand-master-about-meditation-mindfulness-part-3 /

PART 4: sayadaw-u-kundalabhivamsa-grand-master-about-meditation-mindfulness-part-4 /

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