Transmuting Emotions

  • 2015

Wanting to enjoy a good state of health is not something exclusively human, other living beings also instinctively use mechanisms of conservation or healing when they get sick. We have lost that innate instinct that we have always had, and it seems we have forgotten.

Our first reaction to any imbalance or ailment is to take a medication, something external that will restore our health, both physical and mental, the symptoms will disappear but the cause will persist, always and when we do not put the awareness it requires.

The human being has little capacity to endure the pain and we do not consider, in most cases, not even the reasons for our diseases and internal imbalances.

There are no medications for the spirit, but if there are feelings and emotions that raise our vibration automatically and healingly, they include: compassion, acceptance, He lost and above all Love, which is nothing more than a real reflection of what we are in essence.

Most symptoms and diseases are messages from our body that warn us that something, emotionally, we are not managing well.

90% of the pathologies begin to develop in our mind, in how we manage our emotions and how we live them in our day to day, numerous medical studies support this statement.

Diseases are not stones in the road, but great opportunities for change and evolution. Following the dictates of our soul, as Bach said that is the true path, that where reason does not arrive, the heart arrives.

I am aware that putting it into practice is not an easy task, but the good news is that the new energies in which we are immersed allow us to accelerate any process we are going through, become aware, heal and transmute it in order to free it from the heart .

We have lived for many years, centuries, in an extremely competitive society. Achieving objectives on a material level, showing that everything we have materially is what we really are, made us a dehumanized and emotionally weak society (we depart from our essence). And I say it turned us because fortunately the arrival of the new Age of Aquarius has given us the opportunity to live in a New Paradigm, where my deepest and most precious wealth is what I am at the inner level, and where to live from my gifts is My great gift for me and for Humanity.

Aquarius, the New Paradigm, gives us the opportunity to return home, to BE in totality, to shine as divine sparks that we are and that come from God. Where the loving energy of the Divine Mother returns to our hearts to remind us that we are life in action.

As I usually comment on my Bach floral therapy courses, the time has come to "roll up", to know how embodied souls what we have come to do to this wonderful planet called Earth. To embrace our shadow, our deepest emotions, those we most reject and who are our great teachers.

We must wake up from the dream, and become aware of the "Being of Christ Light that we are each one of " . It is time to Empower yourself, to recover internal power!

Everything you need to know is inside you, less mind, more intuition, and more acting from the heart.

Love can do everything, love for you works miracles, do you dare to experience your Divinity?

Ànima de Mel (Bach floral therapist)

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