In the middle of a crisis? Here we tell you how to emerge victorious from it.

  • 2019
Table of contents hide 1 When asked if a crisis can be serious, it can really be depending on where it takes us and what we do with it, but it can be the same and sometimes even more serious if there is no crisis. 2 And finally I would say something that Fontana Rosa said wrote something like a joke that says that if the crisis is an opportunity, Argentina is a country full of opportunities ... 3 So what about the person living in crisis? 4 The person who lives in crisis all the time, that person, the following happens: 5 Why? 6 How do you solve this addiction to the crisis? With therapy, meditation, connection with nature and clear that self addiction to the problem, acceleration, fight or flight. 7 What does meditation do? 8 What is a crisis? 9 And particularly what one does when consulting it is asking for help in the face of the crisis. 10 What happens in a crisis? 11 However, in crises we tend to have the illusion. 12 What is critical mass? 13 The disruptive of a crisis, in the animal that we are, returning to this idea that we are the human animal, and as such we have, there is a part of the brain that is under the cortex, the cortex that is most developed in beings humans, underneath we have the same brain as the dog, that the cat, then in that brain, in that part of the brain, there is a small zonite called the amygdala, but they are not those of the throat, that is what vibrates what he wakes up to warn that there is danger, to warn that there is danger. 14 So the work in the crisis is to learn to calm the fear, that is a fairly new instance for humanity because we did not know, in the east yes but in the west not, that we could work with our emotions in a so that it would not tell our past too much. 15 Then we go back to I-ching, there are times to wait, there are times to think, there are times to be evaluated as an accountant, but there are times that you can't, but there are times that we have already delayed enough. 16 In my case my addiction to bad blood, is for example being angry with reality or with things, I suffer pain, it hurts

This article about the crisis is based on an interview (link at the end) that was made to the Argentine psychologist Virginia Gawel who is the founder of the Transpersonal Center of Buenos Aires. The words of Virginia throughout its exposition denote and transmit great valuable wisdom for the personal overcoming and mainly, or rather, punctually for the overcoming of a crisis. It is essential that you listen with your heart and let each of your cells vibrate with the knowledge that you will read below. Remember that if you have reached this point, it is because some of this is a message for you.

Redo from the crisis by Virginia Gawen comments by Gisela S.

I start here I know intimate texts of Einstein that were exhibited in Buenos Aires at some point. One thing he said is sure of him is that the problems cannot be solved at the same level of consciousness that has been raised. This means that a crisis could resemble, I was not in Panama but I have seen cartoons and videos of how the Panama Canal works, and locks where a ship enters through an ocean, entering a sluice as there are differences in water heights, in each sluice it goes a little higher. The crises could be that, going up one step, from where to perceive our situation with a clarity that we did not have in the previous stage. Then the purpose is deeper in a crisis or if you want your intelligent resolution, in the sense of spiritual intelligence. Today is a term that uses spiritual intelligence in addition to emotional intelligence. We are more mature and wiser at the end of the game.

When asked if a crisis can be serious, it really can be depends on where it leads and what we do with it, but it can be the same and sometimes even more serious if there is no crisis.

For example, in a couple who is a dysfunctional couple, a crisis can cause that couple to enter a functional level or fall apart because people are destroying. In the silence inclusive. In a family, in a job, in family life a status quo that is worse than a crisis.

I just sent a friend something that we share from a lucid humor that has its grace and that could foreshadow this, says “proof of my sentimental stability 2015 single, 2016 single, 2017 single”. So this means that to always remain the same does not mean that it is exactly, I do not mean that singleness is a problem at all, but it is not a sign of stability to always be in the same situation whatever.

Then a crisis is very well known ... the Chinese write crisis with two ideograms, which is the symbolic language that the Chinese have and is written from top to bottom, then the top one means danger, danger, risk and the bottom one means opportunity. So a crisis is that, it is the risk and there is the destructuring that can produce and it gives us fear and it gives us anguish, but at the same time it is an opportunity that the stability in the misfortune, to put it somehow, offers us that opportunity .

And finally I would say something that Fontana Rosa said wrote something like a joke that says that if the crisis is an opportunity, Argentina is a country full of opportunities ...

If we were to put a chronological age on the countries of America where the crises reproduce in an important way, in addition to the crisis of the world, but the crises of America are still teenagers. So, as a good teenager, the configuration and deconfiguration of the identity is in crisis all the time but taken this individually, to understand this as a person who lives in crisis all the time, leads me to a thought that I would like to share with you. the listeners… The main thing about this, the people who live in crisis, there is some almanac that I once had that was from Mafalda, these great words of Quino, where you had seen the Holy of the day, those almanacs that are ripped off by leaf, by day day, and it was the Mafalda cartoon that was repeated for the 365 little leaves, and said "another day, another crisis", said Mafalda ...

So what about the person who lives in crisis?

And here I would like to share something that I find very interesting, people have of course a homeostasis too, a balance that should be reflected in certain times, enter a stability and a crisis that modifies that stability, to generate another type of stability, in the most evolved possible that in turn is going to be built before some stimulus or from within another crisis arises. That would be the expected, the desirable, the evolutionary process of a person. So Crisis as the disruption of a stability that no longer serves to generate another that is better, more functional.

The person who lives in crisis all the time, that person, the following happens:

When we enter a crisis that is not foreign to the biological because there is nothing practically or almost nothing that is foreign to a biological state, when we enter a crisis, it generates a disruption in the stability even of the blood, the blood solidifies, it everything that refers to stress becomes very present in the blood, then the norepinephrine rises, the cortisol rises, bone that the blood becomes toxic because it is stimulating the status of hypervigilance, alert, we are facing threat . Then the organism disposes itself, as an animal that it is, it disposes the body to fight or flee, this fight or flight that is what happens when we are facing a stressful situation. The problem is that a person who lives in crisis is specifically generated that we have called him for a long time and that in our childhood it was also said "if I got bad blood ". Bad blood is a biologically correct term, there is a blood that is self-intoxicated, the problem of the person who does not know how to live in peace and needs one crisis after another, can not generate stability then produces crisis. It is that he has become self-addicted, this means that when his blood begins to find a balance without all those substances that I just mentioned, he lowers the stress, he begins to find that “why the slippers were under the bed, if I I said that they go behind the door and me in this house nobody listens to me ”. And it starts to generate a problem from a scuffle. Then it can't be right.


Because it starts curiously when it adheres to peace, there is a self-abstinence, that is, generating conflict is like giving yourself an injection of what you don't know but have become addicted. He has become addicted to crises and cannot be at peace, he does not know how to enjoy the period of homeostasis, of stability. So there is a problem that has to do with the biological, and that is linked to the psychological. It's like a dog that bites its tail, one thing goes with the other, and that person.

How do you solve this addiction to the crisis? With therapy, meditation, connection with nature and clear that self addiction to the problem, acceleration, fight or flight.

You need to learn what it is like to be at peace . And there is a little drawing and we are in a lucid mood ... there is a little cartoon that appears every so often that a woman is seen meditating or sometimes a frog, is with the handyman, in the position of meditation and a thought balloon that says "have peace inside that I don't have all day to appear eh ”

Sometimes even meditating or in the middle of nature we are like that, let's see, well, that's it, it's been fifteen minutes since I'm meditating. What's up? Well then ...

What does meditation do?

Meditation, and note how interesting, within the neurosciences they are investigating, the ideology that takes the notion of spirituality calls this psychologies, contemplative psychologies, and they call themselves contemplative neurosciences, or contemplativeness.

What does this mean? That it is not only quiet meditation as it is known, but it can be from painting a mandala, observing nature, taking a quiet walk, having a harmonious dialogue with a person, reading. In other words, it refers to instances where what is known today is that the brain that is functioning rapidly as at this time, my brain seeks information, then if I had an electroencephalogram that can be done while the person is talking, he walks . Today there are devices that allow neurological studies, from everyday life, the brain would be vibrating rapidly to process information. If we imagine the brain waves as well as a viborite that turns on quickly, there would be more or less between fifteen and thirty oscillations in the encephalograph per second, that is, in a second my brain vibrates ... thirty times in a second . I draw thirty waves, when a person begins to decelerate to go to a contemplative state, the brain descends to the middle of its vibration, more or less eight oscillations in a second and in a deeper meditation, it could still go to Half of the half, four oscillations in a second. So the correlate of that, is a serene mind.

I usually exemplify it like this, the first thing would be like crossing in Buenos Aires, but because they say it is the wide avenue of the world, I do not know but it is impossible to cross it, almost die trying. But it would be good to cross an avenue with a lot, a lot of traffic and without traffic lights, when we want to cross, when we want to enter our inner world in our first state it is very difficult because there are so many thoughts, so much information traffic, so much acceleration that even a therapy made in that state, it may not work at all because it remains on the surface of the mind. Today the therapists are looking to learn how to slow them down and how when the patient enters the office to accompany him to slow down, that's why mindfulness is so widespread, the entrance to the unconscious in a quieter state . Take it to a village street.

The street where I live in this town after nine o'clock at night is a deep state of meditation because you can come and go without passing any cars and even at this moment since we started roasting three cars, I think. Then it would be the beta state, move to the alpha state that is the second, the eight to three oscillations per second. That is the state of meditation, of contemplativeness, and in our fields ... it is still called the hour of prayer, which is sunset, my grandparents washed the tools, which was like a break before early dinner. I see my dogs at that time and I also, I like to go out at sunset, to the little park at home. And they stay calm watching nothing. Even they know that it is not a time to run, shout, bark, it is an hour where there is a peace in them, peace that humans need to work to obtain . So they don't live, in general, in crisis after crisis ...

What is a crisis?

The etymology of the word is very important, you saw that I go there every so often because it gives me information, our language is so rich in that. Crisis comes from krine, with k, and what does it mean? It is the same root of discerning, screening, when you have a server, you saw how it was done before to strain the flour and take out the garbage, well the sifter which allows separating the thick from the thin . So it is interesting to resort to that etymology because what he is telling us is that a crisis is what produces the opportunity to discern, but curiously it produces it from the confusion. In truth it is not very different from the genesis where everything is confusing until what appears must separate the light from the darkness, the lands from the waters. In a crisis, what we know is that there is confusion and that what is needed is to learn or look for the way in which at least a part of us observes that confusion, without judging that we are confused. But let it be until you take your own clarity, settle . In the Argentine fields you saw that the gaucho says you have to unscrew until he clarifies . There are times that what we do in the middle of a crisis is to slap drowned and we stir worse. So when we are agitated we make decisions without gaining perspective.

Somehow a good therapist would be like a crisis reviewer who is not committed to the crisis because it is not happening to him, then he can see the whole picture as a good accountant would be in the crisis of a company. Then you can say this partner gets much more than you, but this is higher expenses than income, but this provider owes you not only what.

Why do you see it? Because it is not in everyday life, then what is needed is to gain perspective to be able to accompany from that perspective that things take on another dimension .

There is a book that you probably know is the I-ching is between three thousand and five thousand years old, it is known as a sapiensal book is said, because there is a wisdom, an ancestral sapiensa .

And particularly what one does when consulting it is asking for help in the face of the crisis.

Because one can according to Chinese tradition throw some coins, or you can open the book at random to a question one asks. And it is interesting that there are different types of attitudes that I-ching suggests for a crisis. There are crises in which you have to wait, just as, as we said recently, unscrew until it clarifies, other times when you have to do the sharp bite, sometimes in a crisis you have to cut for the healthy because then it will be too late . Then it is difficult in the midst of the crisis to know what attitude to take, if to wait, if to retire, the withdrawal is sometimes that of a fleeing soldier serves another war. Sometimes when you have to save your life in the middle of a crisis, but we can't know because we are confused….

What happens in a crisis?

There is a destruction of the previously established order or there is at least one deconstruction, that is, serious destruction that some or all of its parts of reality as we conceived it will be disintegrated in that crisis. For example, I don't know the death of a child.

Other times what is happening is not destruction but we live it as such, what is happening is the deconstruction of something as it was built . Perhaps it is happening to us as a country, more than a destruction there is a deconstruction, and there are parts where if there is destruction, people who die of hunger, people who are left without work, there is destruction of the social plot, as they say.

In personal life there is destruction and some areas that we can live as a total apocalypse . What you are seeing most of the time, destruction of some areas of life and deconstruction of the rest . If we look back to neurosciences, the brain of a person in crisis, what we are seeing is that there is a change in neural connections. A person in crisis is going to have suspensive point what he calls I, I am, I am, I am married or I am not married. In the midst of a marriage, couple crisis, that is not even known. I don't know if I'm married, I don't know if I'm in a relationship. I don't know if I'm a psychologist, in a moment it happened to me , am I a therapist? In me, I could not be a therapist anymore, it caused me tremendous stress to have to take on a new patient and know that I would accompany him for months in a painful process. Then in a moment I had until I said, I Virginia Gawel I am a therapist. Until I say Virginia Gawel I am not a therapist, I am a teacher and communicator, in the middle What was there? Crisis and deconstruction, until I could realize that I didn't want to be a therapist anymore because I was going health in that. And in the middle of that crisis, what happened ? I generated an accident and in that accident what caused me was the inability to continue traveling to continue attending my office in Buenos Aires, an impossibility that became a decision . I can't go to bs as. To attend the office, it became I do not want to do this anymore ...

The word to be wrong that we have before a crisis because of the confusion we have, is not to consider that both times are worth the same, to equate . We have to, as the two voices are worth the same, I stay, I am still married or separated, I stay in this profession or I do not practice it anymore, the two voices are there, and one has to make a decision, and the word decision, the etymology is des-excision, excision being divided, excised, when I decide on one side or the other I cease to be divided and there is a relief that finally the chips come at least in one of the places.

However, in crises we tend to have the illusion.

First, the first illusion is that before the crisis, everything was solid and stable, which is an illusion because everything is constantly changing. What if in any case happened, is that your change did not do too much in those voices. And we also have the illusion to avoid a crisis, to believe that we are not deciding. For example in a separation that is very clear. When there are reasons to separate and one does not make the decision, he believes that he is not making a decision but the decision he is making is the decision not to leave, and it is a decision. So that decision has a cost too, it is not free. Staying more in one place can be extremely expensive, so it is a decision but it makes no noise because it is more of the same. But that more of the same can be fatal. More of the same can be feed on junk food and at some point that will be critical mass. And notice that the word critical mass today from physics applies to the psychological and sociological, more the critical word or critical state This has to do with the crisis, doesn't it? Critical state and critical mass is talking about a moment of disruption,

What is critical mass?

I usually set the example of something very innocent. Two children playing on a terrace and suddenly there is a construction on that terrace. They are going to make a first floor, take the potatoes material to the first floor, carry pebbles, necessary for construction. And the bored kids have fun, as they don't have PlayStation, these kids in my story, have fun throwing pebbles at the awning of the kiosk next door. A pebble, two pebbles, the next day fifteen pebbles, a hundred pebbles. And on which pebble does the awning fall apart? There is a number of pebbles where that pebble causes the awning to collapse or a hole is made, that pebble made critical mass, then in any situation in a critical state of health, In the couple crisis, in the personal crisis, there are a number of facts where one says bas . Where our personal awning fell and we entered a crisis. The critical mass caused the status quo to be broken, and in the face of a small fact, but how can you say that you want to separate because I simply brought the food from the rotisserie and it was cold, But how can you say that?… But how can you tell me that our love is over because I brought cold noodles from the rotisería? ”Of course, they are not cold noodles, cold noodles made critical mass . And you also criticize yourself . How can it be so hdp that I am saying this to the love of my life? How can I tell her that I don't want to be with her or with him anymore ? ”Yes, but what happens is that you didn't realize because it was happening that something had happened that the couple had already finished.

I divorced my first marriage because there was a knife left by mistake in the freezer. Me and on top of him with his anger, and he told me "we should sell the black and white TV", after a long time, I looked at him and said "no, we don't sell it because I'm going to take it with me". This is how he learned that I was going to separate, but the most interesting thing is how I found out that he wanted to separate me ...

If in fact they did as a critical mass that little fact where he got angry, he was an affectionate person and never got angry. He got a little angry at me because it was dangerous of course to get ice and strain, he was right. But that little fact, after fifteen minutes I shot that I learned that I was inside me, I had already evaluated decisions and communicating it to him, I was communicating it to me . This means that in our ... the crises imply, something like imagine in 1810 when the first Independence of Argentina was generated. When will they have learned in the South of Sana Cruz? When will they have learned in Jujuy? Because there was no radio or internet ... much later right? So inside us when we make a decision it is as if we were a good country, the population already voted, has already decided, and the last thing to know that we are going to leave, we are, we are like the Jujuy of our own internal country . Much later when everything was resolved within our fault a little bit so that we decide but already within us the decision is about to start being critical mass . Then there happens that one day, we no longer want . And there we make the decision, we discern and say enough . And then we have to wait a long time to understand what the hell did we do ...

For the East, discernment is the ultimate virtue because discernment allows us to know what to do, when to do it, where to do it, and this is very difficult, very difficult. So what the King asked for wisdom, was not sonso the King, of course. It is the ultimate virtue to discern, that is wisdom. The image that comes to me is the following, there are times when in spite of everything, the only healthy thing one can do is suppose the mother with seven boys who has a violent man who could kill her and her boys, perhaps the simple seems a resource, a place to go, which is the best that the opposite. However, let's take this less serious, less extreme. There are times when you are in a job and quit like that because yes, because you can't stand your boss anymore, or you can't take the task anymore, it can be a tremendously reckless act . Recklessness would be the consequence of a good discernment, knowing how to wait, knowing how to weigh, knowing how to evaluate consequences.

What is disruptive of a crisis, in the animal that we are, returning to this idea that we are the human animal, and as such we have, there is a part of the brain that is under the cortex, the cortex that is most developed in humans, underneath we have the same brain as the dog, that the cat, then in that brain, in that part of the brain, there is a small zonite called the amygdala, but they are not those of the throat, that is what vibrates what is wake up to warn that there is danger, to warn that there is danger.

In other words, fear has its biological headquarters, the alarm of fear, is that. In the face of a crisis, fear wakes up, because we feel the threat of disruption, there is something biological that wants to preserve non-change, because that change, that non-change guaranteed to get alive until that moment. Then there is an instinct for animal survival in us that is going to prevent change, because it says “why are you going to change if you even came here alive?” Because for that part of the brain the most important thing is to survive. However, a more evolved part says "yes survive but not like this".

Sarmiento said about the countries and it is valid for people said as if the country was a dog "the issue is not to change master, the issue is to stop being a dog." Interesting that, right ?. When he talked about the independence of the countries.

And there are times that is that, s alir of Guatemala to get us into Guatepeor, the issue is not to change from being a slave to one or being a slave to the other, but to stop being this subject person that we are under that circumstance .

So the work in the crisis is to learn to calm the fear, that is a fairly new instance for humanity because we did not know, in the East yes but not in the West, that we could work with our emotions in a way that was not to tell all our past.

There are ways to work in psychotherapy and not in psychotherapy too, in self-help groups, in courses, in workshops, one learns to work with their emotions. And the transpersonal way this look, which was what I was going to say before, I usually metaphorize in this way. There are many images that are even seen on television, when there has been a hurricane, a tornado, it is seen from a satellite, like a whirlpool and in its center there is emptiness. If we approached the satellite we would see that in that whirlpool that was photographed from above as white, if we approached the optics we would see that in that whirlpool, on the periphery trees, cars, people, animals are floating vertiginously . In other words, a hurricane captures all that and generates destruction, generates chaos . But in the center of the hurricane there is stillness . The eye of the storm is still, so that what transpersonal psychology invites us is not only, it is what we started this talk today, it is not only in the same plane in which the chaos, but power, instead of jumping out, that it would be to change, to jump from the couple, to jump from work, and sometimes it happens that good. When the Twin Towers were destroyed, people in despair jumped into the void, one jumps out of the fire in a vacuum, and well, it's a choice, but sometimes we just jump from one type of death to another type of death. From chaos to another chaos, then in the transpersonal to invitation it is to jump inwards, to find that still center. I am sure that both you and who are listening to us today and who will listen to us later in the recording than in any place and country, and you know what day, that something that has internet, has the experience of in a very critical moment before a situation of internment, of an accident, of the loss of a loved one, of extreme gravity, to have something that says How can it be that you are not desperate, how can it be that you are so calm?

Before this radio meeting I was reading, a friend sent me a very interesting scientific article of research that is trying to elucidate because many people at the time of death, a few hours before, acquire a lucidity even having demented or silent states, during months or years, suddenly grandma coordinates everything she is saying totally lucid and then dies. At a critical moment, the brain is organized even with limed parts, inexplicably. It is as if the unconscious used the little that remains of the brain to express a pre-mortem lucidity and this good is declared by a scientist, a doctor who studied for twenty-five years more than three hundred cases where this had happened. Today science is investigating how this can happen if there is a crisis, it is the crisis of realizing that one is dying, that is, that kind of death that is not sudden and that gives time to become clear that I am leaving this The world can involve tremendous lucidity in a total crisis . En ese momento lo que sucedió, volviendo a la imagen del huracán es que la persona, en la periferia se le está destruyendo todo, es lo que se conoce en cuidados paliativos como duelo total, si al morir un padre, el hijo pierde un padre, el hermano puede un hermano, el que se está muriendo pierde padre, hijo, casa, animales, todos, es el duelo total. La posibilidad de saltar hacia el centro y morirse en paz aunque todo se esté destruyendo, crisis máxima, entonces si alguien muriéndose puede saltar al centro, y morirse en estado de quietud interna profunda, en cualquier otro momento podemos producir ese salto, para eso tenemos que entrenarnos . Y el entrenamiento que propone las psicologías contemplativas es un entrenamiento de familiarizarse con ese centro quieto. Familiarizarse porque allí está el espíritu, esta lo imperecedero, eso no teme a la muerte, a eso no se le mueve la amígdala, l o que le teme a la muerte es lo perecedero el mi en las crisis, en lo perecedero el mí se aferra, como me aferro a lo conocido, sufro más porque sufro desgarro, porque el huracán no me pregunta si quiere que saque este árbol o el de la derecha, el huracán arrasa y si yo me agarro al árbol muero con el árbol. Entonces lo que podemos hacer es simplemente y tremendamente soltar.

Hace poco acompañe a mi amiga más íntima a partir en muerte, en estado moribundo he irse, y tuve el privilegio de acompañar esa muerte y entre profunda lucidez lo que ella decía “suelto todo, me estoy librando, me estoy yendo, los amo, los amo a todos, me estoy yendo, me estoy liberando, me voy”. Entonces esa tremendísima lucidez a los cincuenta y seis años, de una persona que estaba en pleno labor dos meses atrás, caramba que valentía y al verla irse, me dije a mi misma “es cierto lo que escuche durante toda mi vida” quien trabaja para saltar al centro del huracán en el momento más tremendo sabe cómo saltar hacia allí, y ella estaba haciendo eso porque se entrenó toda la vida para eso, ante cada crisis y aun en medio de la felicidad, poder ir hacia ese centro quieto que es lo que se llama en oriente ecuanimidad. Entonces el ánimo está en equilibrio, este pasando lo que esté pasando. Yo sé que esto es difícil, lo que puedo decir es que ella era un ser humano y ella pudo. Entonces esto significa que todos podemos, si trabajamos para ello . Entonces dicen en oriente “trabajar sobre si, cuando hace falta y cuando no hace falta”, hace que cuando haga falta yo tenga el fruto sobre el trabajo sobre si…

Hay veces que en los estados de profunda confusión, que la decisión se toma en un momento de agitación máxima y sin ninguna capacidad de discernimiento, hay una sorpresa que es que esto remitiría a otro programa porque es muy rico y muy largo el tema, que es la inteligencia del inconsciente. Hay veces que nosotros, no podemos evaluar porque procuramos evaluar con la mente, con el intelecto, y sin embargo el inconsciente en un acto desesperado puede hacernos tomar curiosamente la mejor decisión. Entonces es como no se estar por la calle y ves que se te viene un auto encima y saltaste hacia la zanja, te embarraste a lo mejor te quebraste un pie, no importa, pero te salvaste la vida. ¿Quién hizo eso? El intelecto seguro que no . Entonces hay veces que en ese discernimiento en el pasaje a la acción hay que hacerlo como los chicos cuando se tiran del trampolín, se tapan la nariz, cierran los ojos y saltan al agua . No pienses más, no pienses más tírate del trampolín.

Entonces volvemos al I-ching hay veces que hay que esperar, hay veces que hay que pensar, hay veces que hay que evaluar como un contador, pero hay veces que no se puede, pero hay veces que ya nos hemos demorado lo suficiente.

En psicología transpersonal hay una imagen que es el complejo de Jonás, hay veces que si no salimos de la ballena de una buena vez, nos asfixiamos de una buena vez. Entonces hay que tomar una resolución al menos provisoria, al menos transitoria . En una separación es al menos tomémonos un tiempo, separemos nos de casa, veamos qué nos pasa, pidamos a un tercero ayuda. Pero hay veces que no tomar una decisión es como la terrible metáfora del sapo que muere vivo en el agua por no haberse dado cuenta que el agua se estaba calentando, entonces si no podemos solos, pedir ayuda. Aunque sea si no podemos hacer terapia alguna amigo que tenga la posibilidad de evaluar y pensar por nosotros. Y a veces es seguir el impulso del inconsciente que sabe, que nos est cuidando.

En lo personal en cuanto a la sensibilidad de las noticias, malas noticias que hay una cantidad de informaci n en donde para autocuidado decido no estar informada porque en mi criterio esto de la inadecuaci n esencial refiere a algo que investigue por m s de treinta a os, esto de sentir no encajar en el mundo, esta persona que tiene mayor lucidez porque los niveles de consciencia no son iguales en una persona o en otra, ni en nosotros mismos a medida que atravesamos la vida, entonces lo que me parece siempre muy importante es que conservemos la fiabilidad suficiente como para poder ser tiles al mundo. Si el exceso de informaci n hace que no nos volvamos tiles al mundo, porque nos subimos en la angustia, no estamos cumpliendo con nuestro destino. Entonces estar en el mundo y ser til a l, va a requerir que haya una cuota de sufrimiento inevitable por aquello que es dolor, es injusticia . Entonces eso que sentimos como un dolor propio esta bueno sentirlo porque es una de las formas de compasi n, hay un peque o dolor o un gran dolor que es la compasi n por lo que no se puede resolver . Ahora lo que es muy importante es que esa compasi n no nos quite el sue o, digamos, sino podemos ser tiles con eso. Poder decir bueno a mi me paso que haya inundaci n en Lujan que es mi ciudad m s cercana y decir bueno mientras hay inundaci n hay que moverse, hay que conseguir cosas, hay que hacer todo lo que hay que hacer porque estamos en emergencia, pero no se puede vivir as, si ya la emergencia no est al lado porque no me vuelvo til. Entonces yo lo que experimento es como cuidado personal es y en esto me voy a mi terapeuta tambi n , es que no se vuelva el sufrimiento por todo lo injusto, el sufrimiento por el hambre y por todo lo que bien vale el sufrimiento personal, que no se vuelva una excusa para la adicci na mi mala sangre .

En mi caso mi adicci na la mala sangre, es por ejemplo estar enojada con la realidad o con las cosas, yo sufro dolor, me duele

Salvo que uno sea un poeta como Baudelaire o Neruda, quiz s no nos convenga abrevar en el dolor colectivo para regar nuestra quintita done cultivamos nuestro propio dolor deliciosamente. Dicen que este poeta Baudelaire se inspiraba para escribir poes a, por alguna raz n, oliendo manzanas podridas . Yo no quiero oler manzanas podridas, hay unas cuotas de informaci n que me vuelve operativa entonces hago algo por el sector vulnerable por el que puedo hacer algo. Hay un punto donde estoy con esa informaci n colectiva regando mi quintita de dolor po tico y la verdad es que no me sirve y no le sirve a nadie all . Entonces creo que mi terapeuta me vigila al respecto de decir mira Virginia que ah te estas yendo hacia tu quintita as que bueno con este dolor est bien pero cortala. Tu tarea este fin de semana es pasarla bonito porque tenes la posibilidad y yo dir a si C mo es? . Por ejemplo hacer algo por las personas vulnerables.

Editor: Gisela S., editor of the great family of

Fuente: Entrevista a la Lic. Virginia Gawel por Gabriela Lasanta, desde Radio Galilea (Argentina)

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