THE DIMENSIONS: The organism of the Universe. Through the arcana of Thoth

Table of contents hide 1 10. The Unique Principle (2) 2 9. The Sublime Dimension: the brain of the Universe. 3 8. The Divine Dimension: The glandular system of the Universe. 4 7. The Ethereal Dimension: the metabolic system of the Universe. 5 6. The Perfect Dimension: The nervous system of the Universe. 6 5. The Regular Dimension: The respiratory system of the Universe. 7 4. The Secondary Dimension: The circulatory system of the Universe. 8 3. The Primary Dimension: The digestive system of the Universe. 9 2. The Lower Dimension: The bony system of the Universe. 10 1. The Dimension of Creativity: The reproductive system of the Universe.

Our universe is a living organism. We classify it according to the knowledge and understanding of our investigations. Constellations, planets, systems, etc., are living organisms, created for different purposes. Planet Earth is a cell of the universe and, as such, must be seen and studied. It is a living organism with needs of life and existence. As the human being of planet Earth ignores this reality, he treats his cell-planet insensibly, without any care, and above all without understanding the cause and effect it is causing for not knowing it. (one)

10. The Unique Principle (2)

There is only one Unchanging and Unlimited Principle; one Absolute Reality preceding all Being manifested and conditioned. The manifested Universe is contained in this Absolute Reality and is the symbol that conditions it. The totality of this manifested Universe comprises three aspects: The unmanifest. The Spirit of the Universe and the universal Soul of the world.

From these fundamental creative principles arise, in successive graduations, innumerable universes that contain countless stars and solar systems in manifestation.

Each solar system is the manifestation of the energy and life of a great cosmic Existence, which is called the One Being, and manifests as Spirit, Consciousness and Matter.

Each of these three also manifests in triple form, totaling the nine Sephirot.

These, together with the whole manifestation, the All, produce the ten of the perfect manifestation, that is, the perfect MAN.

They divided it into nine dimensions (3); each of them comprised billions of planes and degrees. The difference between them depends on the rhythm, color, shape, frequency, vibration, creativity, etc. They knew that in this vast universe were their brothers, scattered in different expressions of existence, such as crystal-cells , crystal-organs , crystal-systems ; some advanced in their knowledge, others very late, those subtle and others gross; all brothers

We could compare the universe, dimensions, planes and degrees with the brain, systems, organs, cells that make up the human organism. We could see it like this:





3PrimaryDigestiveWoven planets
4High schoolCirculatoryPlanets-Organs
6PerfectNervous (brain)Galaxies-systems
7EtherealMetabolicConstellation Systems
9SublimeNeuronal (Brain)Universe.
0Unique PrincipleMindSuperuniverse

The Unique Principle created its continuation and called it thought . This thought will be in charge of ordering, classifying, analyzing, developing and communicating all the compendium of creativity that emanated from its center. Thus the first thoughts were born. They looked at each other, recognized each other as brothers, and the first thing they did was study themselves to see if they could do the activities entrusted by the creator.

The first experience was to be aware of its existence ; They called it life . (ray of violet light) .In the beginning this was generated by uncontrolled movements, but through the experiences, they were dominating them and joining them to a new element called desire, (ray of orange light) that in turn produced another one that they called rhythm This was developed with cadence and harmony, creating with it the vibration, and this element generated the colors . Each of these had a different meaning, and when the infinite colors began to emerge, the children thoughts discovered where they came from. They observed small and tiny crystals, which collided and melted together forming figures. (ray of green light) .They arose from desire, rhythm, vibration and color . In this way a new element called form was born . (white light ray)

Then, the thought-being began to order and classify this set of elements through its own experiences. When he joined the elements with each other, he obtained unexpected results that could be very useful or less useful. (ray of pink light) .In this way diversity was created, which correlated the data creating knowledge . The accumulation of information activated the understanding , and bringing the two together, generated the collection and continuity. This result formed the cause and effect, and all that informative compendium created wisdom . (golden light ray).

9. The Sublime Dimension: the brain of the Universe.

Neurons are nerve cells that transmit impulses in the form of electrical signals. Each of them establishes connections with hundreds of other neurons, creating an intricate communication network. A neuron is made up of dendrites, body-axon and endings.

Body: Orion-Alpha Centauri

Dendritas: Andromeda, The Pleiades, the Southern Cross, Libra and Virgo

Terminals: Calixto, Centurion, Sirius, Centaurs, Scorpio, Sagittarius.

The Sublime Dimension sends to the infinite universe the greatest and most wonderful ideas of pure content, high voltage, light colors and perfect shapes; they go down all the dimensions, planes and degrees, that capture them and work according to their understanding.

Just as the brain of the human being is divided into nine zones (five in the left hemisphere and four in the right) the universe also has nine zones:

1.Preservation of the species. Sense1. Of the creation.
2. Instinct and sensations. Consequence2. Of the lift
3. Morality, ethics and religion. Relativity3. Of the assimilation.
4. Environmental awareness. Transparency4. Of continuity.
5.Humanity high. Legitimacy5. Of the form.
6. Humanity turned into Being. Clarity6. Of love.
7. Spiritual humanity. Definition7. Of the understanding.
8 cosmic mind True8. Of knowledge.
9. Universal mind. Belief.9. Of the light.

The brain of Being One also has degrees, they are the energies of greater degrees that will form that self . The Y or, are those general characteristics that determine the One Being, but we have to understand that, as everything in the universe is hierarchical, then the self also has degrees of expression. These are: The ego (zones 1 and 2), The self (3-4), The character (4-5), the personality (5-6), The individuality (6-7-8-9).





9. Divine.














High school

4. Emotional.










1 creatures

The degrees mean that the thought-energies of beings on planet Earth have nine degrees of rhythm, vibration, frequency, shape, sign, color, and so on. They are nine expressions of thought. Thought is divided into conscious and subconscious. The reality of the subconscious consists of thought-energies that are lost in uncertainty, fantasy and incongruity. They do not know where they are, who they are or where they should go; They suffer and do not know why, they cry without knowing the consequences, they implore the invented God without receiving an answer.




SUBCONSCIOUSOneDrugs, alcoholism, concupiscence, lust, murder, sadism, masochism, depravity, theft and more.
TwoLying, vanity, pride, power, ambition, exploitation and manipulation, evil, violence, envy, sick jealousy, excessive possession.
ThreeFear, gluttony, deception, laziness, sadness, depression, negativism, lack of esteem, security, character and personality,
UNCONSCIOUSFourConflicting feelings and emotions, lack of analysis, inconsistency, instability, lack of will, of courage; lack of knowledge, understanding and love.
FiveHere mistakes are made by ignorance and not by disease. It is necessary to expand knowledge.
CONSCIOUSSixThere is knowledge of cause and effect. Ideas are psychoanalyzed and deeply congruent, they possess the virtue and the gift of external and internal visualization. They can take shape

The third 9.9.9 means ninth grade, from the ninth level of the ninth dimension.

8. The Divine Dimension: The glandular system of the Universe.

The glandular system affects the entire organism through hormones and through the blood. Hormones are chemical substances that activate cells, they are poured directly into the blood and reach specific sites. The central area of ​​control in the brain is the hypothalamus, which controls the secretion of the pituitary gland in at least eight important hormones.

When the being of planet Earth wakes up, he activates his pineal gland. In the universe, this activation is called energy reactivation . When awake, you will join the pituitary gland and these two will reactivate a third, called the rhyme gland, which is between the two eyes and has the function of balancing the Body and The two terminals. When the rhyme gland enters into activity, the rhythm, the colors, the vibration, the shape and the voltage of the absorbed numbers are automatically transmuted and recycled. The being contacts the universe and, in doing so, begins to build around it a membrane called gravitational field, which will protect it from possible negative absorption. The correct form of the elevated levels and the gravitational field is rhomboidal.

The beings of the divine dimension are the first children of the creator.

The Single Principle: The Father-Mind

Sublime dimension: Light, Mother-energy

Eighth Dimension: Being One, Thought-Son

The only principle is the pineal gland, antimatter of a One Being . Being One is the idea, and the All of the divine dimension shapes the thoughts of that idea .

Endocrine.Coronary.Pineal MelatoninOrder.
Nervous.AjnaPituitary VasopressinEquanimity.
Respiratory.LaryngealThyroxine ThyroidBelief.
Player.Sacrum.Testosterone-progesterone gonadsLove.
Osseous.CoccygealAdrenal AdrenalineFreedom.
Circulatory.Cardiac.Thymus Thymus.Awareness.
Digestive.Solar plexusInsulin pancreasCausality.

In the Universe, the three bodies would be integrated like this:

Mental body: ideas, thoughts.

Psychic body: degrees, planes, dimensions.

Material body: planets, galaxies, systems, constellations.

7. The Ethereal Dimension: the metabolic system of the Universe.

The metabolism includes all the chemical and physical changes that occur in a living organism, but specifically to the process that is carried out in the food after digestion. It is the liver that helps process carbohydrates and amino acids.

Being One is a man-energy divided into billions of micro-organisms that together form Being One. Microorganisms are the man-energy-Being One, which keeps itself alive forever.

The worlds of creation, lower and primary, are compared in the universe with a large boiler that keeps the whole functioning without ever stopping; if it stopped, the whole would cease to exist, consequently we would all disappear and be nothing.

Male microorganisms produce by their own nature - since they are intelligent energy - constant electric shocks. These allow communication between microorganisms and, in doing so, life expands in the whole producing continuity, that is, eternal life. They have a job of transmutation and cleaning, absorb the fuel (nutrients) and convert it into combustion. You are the energy transmuters . This raw material is absorbed by the superior dimensions and is recorded to maintain the sustenance of the whole.

Combustion is very important, it is what keeps Being One alive. When the Single Principle exploded in millions of fragments, what emanated at incredible distances was the basic fuel, which would then keep everything running. Without this fuel, the whole would not exist, because every creative process is maintained by combustion.

All beings on planet Earth are attached to their bubble-sphere by umbilical cords, feeding on the same nutrients. All dreaming of the same, thinking about the same, eating the same . This is called collective thinking . Everyone will see and understand what they want, because they have collectively formed a general desire for life: they want the same, they live the same, they dress the same, they wear the same . When one of the microorganisms awakens and sees its reality, then it cuts the umbilical cord and begins to develop unilaterally to transform from microorganism to macro-organism.

Macroorganism is an individual being, who no longer feeds on what others eat. He will produce his own nutritious and personalized food, around him he will weave a protective mesh called gravitational field, and the oxygen or air that will feed him will pass through that mesh, which will filter the impure gel protecting it from the aforementioned garbage.

The short 7.7.7 means 777 incarnations to give an idea of ​​three cycles of variable duration.

700 incarnations in the knowledge classrooms ([90 years + 10] x 7 times).

70 incarnations in the learning classrooms.

7 incarnations in the classroom of wisdom.

Every Heavenly Man has his number, and ours is a transmutation number, 777 fundamental work of all heavenly Men.

6. The Perfect Dimension: The nervous system of the Universe.

The intricate network of nerve fibers that leave the brain and spinal cord allows the body to function by the activity of nerve cells. This electrical network allows the transmission of vital information throughout the body.

The Perfect Dimension is the creator of the man-matter-form. The Regular Dimension is responsible for developing and distributing it in the dense universe, making it adapt to density, so that the Higher dimensions live through them.

Planet Earth is a neuron that works for a brain, distributing all necessary information for the sustenance of a mind.

The man-form is a replica of the Perfect Dimension; a negative duplicate was made. Comparatively we would be like this:




The inner senses


The eyes, smell, taste, hearing and touch.

The gravitational field

The glandular system

The combustion.

The metabolic system

Neuronal ramifications

The nervious system.


Respiratory system.

The communication.

The head crystal.

The path of the universal fluid.

The universal fluid

Liquid helium

The circulatory system.

The heart.

The capillaries, veins and arteries.

The blood



The digestive system.

The subtly dense energies.

The united crystals.

The vibration, the frequency, the rhythm.

The bone system

The muscles.

The skin.

The creativity.

The procreation system

Life could be defined as energy that emanates from three great lives that are behind the solar system. The human being is the expression of the activity of five planes. The three energy groups become eighteen dominant energies and control the human being.






The big bear


The Pleiades













Superior Human

Coronary center

Heart Center

Ajna center

Lower human.

Cox geo Center

Solar center

Angel Center.

The 6.6.6 list means that the human being is intelligent active and differentiates his nature form from his spiritual nature 9.9.9, to reach that degree of spirituality, he must be aware of his nation, his race and his kingdom.

5. The Regular Dimension: The respiratory system of the Universe.

The respiratory system (regular world) transports the energy of the soul, that is, life.

This Dimension gave Man the circulatory system, the muscular system, the digestive system, the sexual system and the bone system, therefore he gave him a body that could support him, feed him, protect him and continue him n of life. His job is to be a raw material for the elaboration of universal thoughts .

Regular worlds are life; they nurture the universe of new ideas and always keep the whole with its base formula: energy-antimatter, and in its material-dense form. In the life cycle the three dimensions are:

Regular Dimension: adulthood, old age.

Secondary Dimension: youth, adulthood.

Primary dimension: childhood, childhood, adolescence.

This dimension is divided into four hemispheres. Each hemisphere contains in itself the graduations, planes and dimensions that form it. The planets, systems and constellations have a movement of rotation and translation, that's why cosmic alignments are always forming. Thus the equinoctial interactions that the universal mind needs for its proper functioning occur.

North Hemisphere

It is formed by three major constellations: Querihel, Setihel and Tanihel. These three constellations are the oldest of the universal reality. On planet Earth, they cannot be seen or located, since they are outside the earth's reach - that is, on the opposite side, since the universe is round.

Southern hemisphere

Four major constellations form it: Orion, Alfa Centauri, Andromeda and Centurion.

Eastern Hemisphere

It also includes four constellations: Virgo, Celea, Calixto and Anthropea. You have already located part of these constellations; the remoteness with the Southern Hemisphere precludes its study and situation.

Western Hemisphere

Four constellations form it: Libra, Nideaes, Serian, Milayes.

These four hemispheres form the circle of our universe. When we say our universe, we mean that everyone is at a 180 degree angle, therefore they are at the same longitude and latitude. This means that the interaction is uniform and continuous. In these four hemispheres, it is Querihel, Orion, Anthrope and Libra, responsible for accumulating energy-knowledge, filtering it, and then distributing it to its rightful place.

The Cosmic Confederation is found in the regular worlds. It was created in order to maintain order and supervision of everything created, since the existence of these worlds was implanted by them. The White Brotherhood was created to oversee the planes, degrees and hierarchies of the lower worlds.

Five zodiac signs are related to the development in time and space of the human hierarchy, which in turn are related to the five great races, which produce exteriorizations called the five continents, which are for planetary life, what the five endocrine glands are for the human being.





Holy Land



Hyperborean Earth











4. The Secondary Dimension: The circulatory system of the Universe.

Blood is made up of plasma, in which billions of red and white blood cells float, as well as platelets. Plasma contains hormones, red blood cells carry oxygen and carbon dioxide. White blood cells are part of the immune system and platelets participate in coagulation.

Platelets are the vehicle that allows the circulation of blood through the circulatory system (the energy fluid). At the same time that it transports the blood, it also transports oxygen to the Regular Dimension, because this dimension belongs to the respiratory system and we know that the two systems work together.

White blood cells represent the immune system in the universe. Thoughts beings work to protect the One Being from any aggression or invasion. Being One created his male children to protect him and, above all, not to allow chaos and keep the whole in perfect order. They belong to the upper worlds.

We know that the circulatory system works in conjunction with the respiratory system. When blood circulates, oxygen is also distributed throughout. For these two systems to work together, you need organization and a lot of interplanetary order. Many energies thoughts distributed on their respective planets intervene, performing a universal work under the command of the main constellations:

3. The Primary Dimension: The digestive system of the Universe.

The digestive system has the necessary elements to make digestion. To do this, he needs a lot of help from amino acids, intestinal flora, gastric juices, bile, pancreatic juice, and so on.

Planet Earth belongs to the third dimension, and is found, comparatively in the digestive system of creation. It is located more or less at the level of the navel of the universal body, that is, in the large intestine. If planet Earth rises, then its work and location will rise as well. It means that they will continue to belong to the digestive system, doing a cleaner and more conscious job. That is, they will work on the stomach, esophagus and part of the larynx. In that case, the thought energies that belong to the planet will continue to incarnate there to continue with their evolution, elevation and work to be done.

3.3.3 means third degree, from the third plane of the third dimension (the primary) Imaginative subconscious world antimatter. Ayaplians-humans. Digestive system. Planets in formation. Triangle.

2. The Lower Dimension: The bone system of the Universe.

The bones provide internal scaffolding, levers actuated by muscles and protective shields of vital organs. Bones also contain a marrow that makes blood.

When we refer to the energies that belong to the dark side, we are talking about the diseased energies that will lodge in the bones of the skeleton and will bring diseases and destruction, such as cancer, arthritis, bone deformations, etc.

There are petrified energies in the universe that are not harmful. They form the skeleton, and the sustaining of the One Being. These positive condensed energies will have the opportunity to become, through elevation, high energies, and as they rise, they will be more subtle.

As energy subtly becomes and rises from plane to plane and from dimension to dimension, the skeleton will cease to exist, transforming itself into pure energy, as in the case of regular realities, which have diaphanous bodies.

1. The Dimension of Creativity: The reproductive system of the Universe.

The reproductive systems of men and women are perfectly designed for the function they perform. The female system produces ovules and includes an organ, the uterus or womb, ideal for the development of the embryo, the male system produces sperm and the penis is the organ that deposits them inside the woman.

so it is in the universe comparatively.

Semen: Mind, male

Ovule: Energy, female

Son: Thought.

O well,

Father: Engraved numbers

Mother: Pineal Gland

Son: Creativity

The mind is the only Principle, it is the semen of wisdom that proliferates with energy spreading in the universe as the beloved son, called thought .

Every uterus (pineal gland) that receives that semen of wisdom will be generating a wonderful son called Creative Thought. It is the most extraordinary universal conception, which is repeated from the beginning of creation.


The Arcana of Thoth are beings that belong to the constellation of Alpha Centauri, eighth hierarchy, to the mental worlds of Ori n. Over time the word Thot became Tarot.

1. Fritjof Capra raises in his book The Plot of Life a new perspective on living systems. Lovelock speaks of Gaia as a living planet. The identification of the mind with the process of life is one of the most archaic intuitions of humanity. The words soul and spirit give the idea of ​​the inspiring breath of life. The description of cognition as a breath of life constitutes a successful metaphor.

2. This postulate was made by HP Blatvasky in the book The Secret Doctrine and extended by Djwhal Khul in the Treatise on Cosmic Fire .

3. The whole foundation of the dimensions was taken from the book El Ser Uno, which can be downloaded from:

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