Do you know what it is and how to cultivate Spirituality ?, 5 ways to grow your spiritual development!

  • 2019

Spirituality exists in all traditions and cultures. You can put spirituality into practice in your daily life through everyday and ordinary activities; But do you know what it is and how to grow it? I'll let you know in detail!

I invite you to learn today as a scoop how different spiritual disciplines cultivate spirituality, likewise, you will know the 5 ways in which you can grow in your spiritual development .

What is spirituality?

(If you really want to pay for your spirituality and remain avant-garde in it, you must share your existence with the other beings that decorate the Universe)

Just as meditation is different for different people, so it is with spirituality .

I know what spirituality means to me, but ideally, many people, including you, can conceive in their imaginary the true meaning and significance of the reality of spirituality .

Spirituality includes your spiritual practices or spiritual disciplines that may include prayer, meditation, songs, breathing exercises and ceremonies or rituals.

Spirituality and your spiritual life also includes your daily interactions with other people.

As for the care of the mind and care of the spirit, the American psychiatrist and theologian Gerald G. May, ensures that spiritual development is the growth of a person as a whole: his spirituality, interaction n with others in your daily life and spiritual disciplines or practices . However, your spiritual development can only advance if you focus on all aspects of your life.

Spirituality cannot be explored using scientific methods, basically because it implies subjective and deeply personal experiences, and in this it differs from the dominant ambition of science: being objective.

Both are necessary and appropriate, they are complementary formulas to discover ourselves, our environment, the universe and especially an enduring sense of purpose, experience of Higher Power and meaning.

On the other hand, spirituality and religion are very different things, spiritual but not religious, it is also a choice. This does not imply that tradition is rejected.

The tradition is there to serve you, and it would be silly to get rid of the collective development of the mystics for millennia and try to reinvent the Earth.

I invite you to find a tradition of wisdom that speaks to your heart, then study it and practice the core of it.

Just don't subcontract your spiritual journey : get hold of it, explore with your own feet, experiment with the teachings and trust your own discernment.

Actually, defining spirituality is an arduous task, only those who have been, or have been spiritual, will know, in very poor quality, what it really is. And I say in very poor quality, because the most spiritual beings are speechless when describing or defining spirituality with exact terms of a language.

My intention is that you make personal reflection, that you delve into the term and that you seek your own definition of what is, according to your experience, spirituality .

5 ways to grow in your spiritual development

According to my spiritual experience and that of many current and past human beings, I want to share with you a compendium of 5 ways, the most important ones, to grow in your spiritual development .

Let's look at these tips one by one, it would be very rich if you could say at the end of the Text about which form attracts your attention, likewise, what you feel is spirituality .

Pray and Meditate, do you know how to do it?

(Spirituality includes your spiritual practices or spiritual disciplines)

Sounds pretty basic, right? According to Stewart Bitkoff, an expert in therapeutic recreation, psychiatric rehabilitation and psychiatric treatment, someone can increase their spiritual development with regular prayer, or communication with a higher power.

Bitkoff adds that spiritual development is a process that must be practiced and perfected like any other skill.

Pray more, meditate more, attend meetings of like-minded believers more frequently, and join a prayer or meditation group, are just some of the ways you can put your spirituality into practice .

Do you currently practice this advice in your life? If you want to know how to meditate, I invite you to enter here and know in detail this supreme and extraordinary experience.

Give, give and help

... spirituality and religion are very different things ...

According to Dr. Bitkoff, you can grow in your spiritual development by helping and giving to others.

Donate to charity, carry out a Volunteer, Offer your skills to those who need them. You can give money or give your time.

Either way, being a more generous person in your actions, behaviors and personality will help your spiritual development .

If you are a healthier person, live healthy, remember yourself!

Spirituality cannot be explored using scientific methods

You may not think of living a healthy life as a discipline or spiritual practice, but it is.

According to the Spiritual traveler Dr. Bitkoff, as a multilevel being, you must properly take care of all your levels.

If you want to improve your spirituality and spiritual development, you also need to take care of your physical body: eat better and healthier, exercise more, avoid smoking or drinking, or at least, do less regularly.

Live a healthier lifestyle in general.

According to this premise, Dr. Bitkoff is recommending you to complement your spiritual health with your physical health .

I invite you so that your physical body is the complement of your spiritual body through the indications that I wanted to share with you.

Focus on yourself

... defining spirituality is an arduous task ...

Focus on yourself, but not the way you might be thinking, in an egocentric way.

This does not mean going to buy new clothes or getting your hair fixed. The focus must be on your inner being, instead of your outer being.

Specialist Stewart Bitkoff says that, to increase your spiritual development, you need to grow your spirituality, and you can do it by dedicating 10 to 20 minutes per day to internal exploration.

This internal exploration can be done through various spiritual disciplines, including prayer, meditation or the diary.

Nancy Monson, a certified professional trainer and spiritual guide, recommends the spiritual discipline of breathing exercises to increase your inner awareness, balance and stillness.

How much time a day do you remain silent in a collected attitude and reflecting on you? This is not a matter of religions, or at least not of the great Western religions, they are going to ask you to concentrate on yourself, think, evaluate yourself and remain silent.

Share with other beings

(Never go to separate your spirituality from the other beings that exist on Earth)

What is sharing for you? Some free online dictionaries define the term sharing as “giving it to others in common of a resource or a space”, and that's fine, but it's not complete.

I would not have any merit that you only and exclusively shared selfishly with other people, ask yourself, where is nature ?, the universe ?, animals, plants?

If you really want to pay for your spirituality and remain avant-garde in it, you must share your existence with the other beings that decorate the Universe.

For example, when was the last time you petted an animal? The last time you gave water to a plant? Do you love nature?

You are never going to separate your spirituality from the other beings that exist on Earth.

These, in broad strokes, are the 5 most important ways to grow in your spiritual development, how did they seem to you? We invite you to share your thoughts with all of us. He wishes you abundant successes and blessings, a Hug of Light!

(Never go to separate your spirituality from the other beings that exist on Earth)

Author : William Hernán Estrada Pérez, Editor in the Great Family of

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