The power of visualization: How to use it to lose weight?

  • 2018
Table of contents hide 1 How do visualization techniques work? 2 How does the visualization work? 3 How to make a visualization to lose weight 3.1 First step 3.2 Second step 3.3 Third step 3.4 Fourth step 3.5 Fifth step 4 Visualization to exercise 5 Visualization to exercise 5.1 Believe it sincerely! 5.2 Visualization to maintain a diet 6 Visualization to choose food and eat 6.1 Visualization to reduce junk food 7 Visualization of clothing 8 Negative emotions and food 9 Relaxation visualization 9.1 Visualization with images to maintain weight 10 Tips for making a weight loss display

Visualization is a widely used tool that helps you achieve your goals. It can help you lose weight, maintain it, and also achieve what you want in your life.

This is not a mystical process, as it has its scientific basis . Every time you visualize a goal accomplished, you tell your mind that it is possible. This creates new neural networks, the ones that set you in motion towards achieving your goals.

How does it work? The process is not complicated, but you need a good share of perseverance and work . Every day, visualize what you want to achieve. Make it real, feel and live the experience.

In this article we explain in detail what the visualization technique consists of and how you can use it to lose and maintain your ideal weight.

How do visualization techniques work?

Guided image viewing practices help you stay on track towards one of your goals . Objects and “vision tables” are also used in the visualization.

Rosabeth Moss Kanter says: "A visualization is not just an image of what it could be, it is a call to be better, a call to become something else."

With these tools, various techniques are used that allow you to train your mind and body to achieve something. In this case, we will refer to the goal of losing weight or adopting habits that will help you achieve that goal.

How does the visualization work?

First, act as a conscious motivation to encourage you to act and maintain a diet or exercise plan with constancy and enthusiasm.

It also works as a preparation for your subconscious, signaling to you what is the way to achieve that goal you have set for yourself.

That is, if you visualize yourself thin, you will act as such . By eating, you will avoid foods that make you fat. It is possible that if you have not acquired enough awareness through visualization, you only feel guilty after eating them.

The visualization will help you keep your diet steady, but it will also keep you motivated to exercise, to take care of yourself more at all times.

How is it possible? In medicine it is known as psychomotor effect to the automatic activity that begins as a mental image and becomes movement.

It's about changing your limiting beliefs and losing weight and staying online by visualizing how you want to see yourself.

How to make a visualization to lose weight

In order for visualization techniques to be effective, it is important to create images in your mind . But it is even more important what kind of images to visualize.

For example, if you want to lose weight it is good to visualize yourself thin, wearing the clothes that you have bought and that you have not yet been able to wear.

But you should also visualize yourself by performing positive actions that help you achieve your goal.

First step

Find a place where you can be quiet for a few minutes, without being interrupted. You can do the visualization lying in bed or sitting in a meditation pose.

Second step

Relax and breathe slowly and deeply . Focus your attention on your breathing for a few minutes to relax your body and your mind.

Third step

Visualize what you want to achieve, but make it vivid, feel the experience .

Imagine your ideal weight, observe your body with all the details, the firmness of the thighs, the flat stomach, the firm muscles, etc.

Fourth step

Feel the scene you imagine with the five senses, with all its details.

If you are on the beach, feel the sun and salt water on your skin, smell the fresh air, listen to the sound of the sea, people who tell you how good you look, etc.

Fifth step

Savor the success of having achieved your goal . See how it feels to be thin and make some positive affirmations that you really believe:

  • "This is truly me"
  • "I love my body"
  • "I am beautiful"
  • "I love being alive"
  • “I feel very well like that”

Exercise visualization

Visualization is a creative tool that is very frequently used in sports, as it helps athletes to give their best .

Many Olympic athletes make visualizations before races and major competitions. And you can also take advantage of this creative potential to exercise and lose weight .

The great advantage of exercise visualization is that it gives you the motivation to exercise . And if you exercise, you can give yourself some tastes with food.

Exercise speeds up your metabolism and helps you make a transformation in your body and in your mind. Not only will you feel great, but you'll feel so good that you don't want to stop doing it anymore.

Therefore, if your diet doesn't work anymore and you have trouble exercising, try visualization .

Visualization for exercise : when you wake up in the morning and before jumping out of bed, visualize that you wake up with a lot of energy, have a light breakfast and go for a walk in the park.

Live the experience in the park, feel how your legs get stronger and how you burn belly fat. Feel back home, proud of the calories you've burned.

Then, get up very motivated, with the purpose of going out to exercise, and do it. Repeat the visualization every day when you wake up.

Visualization to exercise

While you exercise, visualize how your body fat burns . This is an excellent motivation to continue and it really works in achieving the weight loss goals.

But also, you can visualize yourself exercising during other times of the day, when your body is at rest. This is a good workout to keep your mind on the path of exercise . You are thin and exercise regularly.

Believe it sincerely!

In addition, exercise visualization will activate your body to be more energetic and you will burn calories throughout the day.

Visualization to maintain a diet

One of the benefits of visualization to maintain a diet to lose weight is that it reduces stress, which is very useful to avoid anxiety and binge eating.

The constant pressure of the diet releases hormones that stimulate hunger and slow down the metabolism in your body, two aspects that induce weight gain. That is why relaxation, meditation and visualization are so effective for losing weight and maintaining the ideal line.

Another advantage of visualization is that it reduces the negative emotions around the diet.

Visualization to choose food and eat

Visualize yourself walking through the supermarket with your new figure, choosing the foods that make you feel so good, cooking the dishes carefully at home, eating slowly and slowly.

This is a visualization that will help you change your habits . But do it consciously and enjoy step by step of each moment in which you take care of your silhouette.

If you can enjoy your diet a little more, it will not cost you to maintain it.

Visualization to reduce junk food

Keep in mind that your brain is very suggestible and will believe what you visualize. If you are aware that junk food is very bad, it will not cost you much to do this visualization, but if you love to eat it, you should make an effort and imagine that you are eating something very unpleasant.

Imagine that you eat a hamburger or other greasy or very sugary food and observe the disastrous process it does in your body . Look at the details of how it is deposited in your belly in the form of fat, how it ages and ruins your body.

The next time you see junk food, you will not be tempted to eat it, you will begin to reject it and naturally, without forcing your tastes, you will begin to prefer the healthiest food.

Clothing display

According to some psychologists who use these techniques, the visualization of clothing is very important in the process, as it provides tangible visions of what you want to achieve, and the person feels more secure and confident with the clothes he likes best.

Dr. Lehto says that if a woman wants to gain confidence to lose weight, she must hang her favorite dress in a visible place, or reform a garment to the silhouette she wants to achieve and leave it on display in the bedroom.

This therapist recommends not doing it with new clothes, as each person has an emotional relationship with the clothes used and the visualization of how they will look in it is more real.

He also usually applies techniques in which the person imagines dressed in clothes with which he feels very well . During the visualization, the doctor asks her patients to consider various aspects of the garments they have chosen to wear, such as what color it is, how is its texture and how are its details.

Wearing clothes with which one feels good during visualization is important. It is not about dressing them at that moment, but about imagining that they are worn during the visualization of the results, after losing weight.

Negative emotions and food

Emotions greatly influence your actions and your habits around food.

If you use food as an escape for your emotions, then you must work to solve that problem before waiting to get results from any treatment you do, including visualizations.

Start by doing relaxation and meditation exercises, find the answers to how your emotions are influencing the way you eat. Maybe you feel safe hidden behind the kilos of me.

You can also make visualizations that relax you and provide you with security before viewing the results you want to achieve.

Many therapists use visualization to reduce their patients' anxiety . The person is asked to imagine being in a quiet place, on vacation, and recreate all sensations until a state of relaxation and peace is achieved.

You can also apply this in your visualizations to achieve, before imagining the result of your new silhouette, a state of serenity that helps you manage your emotions .

You can also make relaxation visualizations with breathing exercises.

Relaxation display

Visualize yourself under a column of light, in a safe and quiet place. Feel that nobody can enter this site without your permission. Convince yourself that you are safe and that you do not need excess weight to isolate yourself and feel safe.

Visualize how fat leaves your body and you have a new physicist, maintaining that security you experienced at the beginning.

Visualization with images to maintain weight

" If you can dream it, you can do it, " Walt Disney said.

And if you can have a very defined image of your ideal silhouette, you can achieve and maintain it.

This is why visual images are also used, which are called “vision tables”. In them, clipped images of magazines, drawings, positive phrases, etc. are pasted. those that help symbolize the vision.

In your visualization to lose weight, you can use the images that recreate what you want to achieve.

For example, make a collage of cropped images of magazines and place it on your desk, or paste it on the refrigerator door.

A known case of visualization is that of Jim Carrey, who says that when he began his career and had many economic difficulties, he signed a 10 million check and placed it in his wallet. By 1995, Carrey had already achieved his dream and his signatures were already worth that sum, and even more.

Tips to make a visualization to lose weight

  • Visualize yourself achieving your goal and do it often.
  • Don't forget to add your favorite clothes.
  • Visualize yourself practicing new habits that help you lose weight.
  • Create a “vision chart” with photos, drawings or phrases.
  • Keep something visual close, such as the dress you will wear when you get it, the photo of the trip you will take, or the type of body you want to have.
  • Review your goal objectives regularly, as often as possible.
  • Observe yourself with rewards, but they are not food (it can be to buy a piece of clothing or a beauty product).

Whether you use images in your mind, visible clothing, vision panels and other visualization tools, keep in mind that this works as long as you are constant and feel true passion for achieving your goal.

How much do you want to lose weight? If you really want to do it and are sure that you can get to see yourself as in your vision, you can do it.

The process is not magic . You simply prepare your brain to make new connections that push you into action. If you imagine it before, you will be creating the necessary conditions to travel the path.

This implies changing your limiting beliefs that tell you “You will not achieve it” (in the future) and tell yourself, with confidence, confidence and joy, (in the present): I have achieved it!

Seen in Triskelate, by Pedro, editor of the White Brotherhood visualizations-to- lose-weight-better-and-motivate- more

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