Interior Development, The art of telling the Truth

  • 2016
Table of contents hide 1 Truth triumphs by itself, lies always need complicity 2 Epignet of Phrygia. 3 Interior Development, Difficulties in telling the truth. 3.1 1. Courage. 3.2 2. Have the intelligence to find the truth. 4 He who seeks the truth runs the risk of finding it Manuel Vicent. Spanish writer 4.1 3. The art of telling the truth and turning it into a weapon. 4.2 4. Who to say to be more powerful. 5 Don't go outside, come back to yourself. In the inner man dwells the truth. Saint Augustine Bishop and philosopher

The art of telling the truth needs a lot of effort and dedication. Many times the truth cannot be sustained with nothingness and evidence is needed to prove it, something contrary to the lie that in saying it is already usually considered as truth. To be able to tell the truth it is necessary to achieve a positive inner development, in which the person is free from the chains of lies and intends to be honest and keep his word so he has to receive some kind of warning No punishment for her. The truth can be very painful but it is necessary, whoever stands behind the deceptions will be happy for a short time, because the truth will always come to light and lose all credibility .

The truth triumphs by itself, the lie always needs complicity ”

Epighet of Phrygia.

The truth is a precious asset, so it is worth the effort to be told and ratified, while the lie has no value, it is not necessary to spend time just a few words to say the prayer of deception. The art of telling the truth is complex because it requires the intelligence necessary to show it, the strength to use it and the power to transmit it as appropriate. Telling the truth may be easy, but getting out of a situation using it is not always and it is there that the secret of his art is.

Interior Development, Difficulties to tell the truth.

1. The courage.

It is not easy to confront powerful and bureaucrats with the truth, because they are capable of doing anything to silence it and transform it for their benefits. You have to be brave and have courage to maintain it despite the difficulties they put in the way, for this you have to be strong and have reached an inner development. You have to have real courage over yourself, face when you have lost, recognize mistakes and accept that sometimes being good is not enough, you have to be strong. The weak may be right and they still pass over them. The truth must be supported by demonstrable figures and facts, because where there are half-truths and blurry spaces in which lies are born.

2. Have the intelligence to find the truth.

You have to prepare to face reality, knowledge is a tool to unravel the hidden truth. It is important that there is a clean interior development of superstitions and popular beliefs, that the interior is not stained with resentment. You have to have a clear mind and not get carried away by the passions, know about history and economy, have a high knowledge of current situations will lead the person to wisdom and this to the truth.

Interior development. The truth

"He who seeks the truth runs the risk of finding it" Manuel Vicent. Spanish writer

3. The art of telling the truth and turning it into a weapon.

The truth should not be told just to say it, you also have to think about what will happen when it is revealed. By telling the truth, he reveals himself a lot, but depending on the phrases and the way he expresses himself, the person can benefit. Telling the truth at the right time can destroy and build at the same time. It can make the person grow in their work, be considered someone reliable in their family and environment, in addition to having power.

4. Who to say to be more powerful.

The truth alone has great power, but knowing who is the ideal person to listen to it will make it stronger. The truth must reach the ears that it should, because otherwise it will be extinguished like a flame in the dark. In reality, word and knowledge do not reach everyone, only those who have the power and money to obtain it. Writing the truth is not enough, it must be sent to those who value it and know how to use it for everyone's benefit. Good things must be heard, but the truth must be cunningly expressed. Likewise, the art of truth lies in the words and their meaning.

Do not go outside, come back to yourself. In the inner man dwells the truth. San Agustin. Bishop and philosopher

Managing the art of truth is not something that anyone can do, it needs an inner intellectual development, in addition to facing that although they say that “the truth will set us free”, it will also make us discriminated, because people do not like to listen to reality, it is easier to live in lies and darkness.

AUTHOR: Antonio, editor of the great family of

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