Balancing the chakras with singing: an exercise in creative self-healing

  • 2014

There are certain appropriate sounds and frequencies to stimulate or balance each chakra. If we stick to the notes of the conventional musical scale, we will see that each note is associated with a chakra. Starting at the base of the column, and ascendingly, that relationship is as follows: First Chakra = DO; Second Chakra = RE; Third Chakra = MI; Fourth Chakra = FA; Fifth Chakra = SOL; Sixth Chakra = LA; Seventh Chakra = YES.

On the other hand, the instrument par excellence for harmonizing our chakras and balancing them is the voice. The human voice is the most personal instrument that exists, capable of transmitting our essence, our own soul. Through our voice we express ourselves and transmit emotions, moods, knowledge, etc. To connect with our voice is to open ourselves to the Universe, to life and to others .
With the voice we have within our reach a whole sea of ​​expressive and healing possibilities. From mantras to harmonic singing, the options are multiple. However, there are two very specific singing techniques that especially affect the balance and healing of the chakras.

The first of these is the use of some of the seed syllables ( bija mantras ) that represent the primordial vibrations. The relationship of these syllables with the chakras is as follows: First Chakra = LAM; Second Chakra = VAM; Third Chakra = RAM; Fourth Chakra = YAM; Fifth Chakra = HAM; Sixth Chakra = OM or AUM; Seventh Chakra = Silence (while listening to the reverberation of the rest of the syllables we have already sung). Simply sing out three times each syllable, in easy posture and meditative attitude, although the process can be repeated as many times as desired.

The second technique is even simpler. It is about singing vocals with the same purpose of harmonizing the chakras, with the following correspondence: First Chakra = UH; Second Chakra = U; Third Chakra = O; Fourth Chakra = A; Fifth Chakra = AI; Sixth Chakra = EI; Seventh Chakra = I. The initial UH is performed with the most serious sound possible, and each vowel rises a little more. Again, the ideal is to sing this series of vowels in easy posture and with full concentration, a minimum of three times each vowel.
The relationship of these vowels with the chakras obeys both physical and energetic principles, as detailed in the following summary:

UH : The vowel U combined with the silent H (in the form of an air outlet as if it were the breath) works our root energy center, the first chakra, located at the end of the spine. It vibrates from the coccyx to the middle area of ​​the body. There are those who feel their vibration until the seventh chakra, in the center of the skull. It is related to the different degrees of the color red. Its element is the Earth, it helps us to take root and connect with the present, and it can dispel our fears, especially towards the future. The organs related to this center are the adrenal glands. The musical note that resonates is the central C (Do).

U: By pronouncing the vowel U, we vibrate the second chakra located between the groin and the sacrum, in the area adjacent to the sexual organs. Your element is water. It is the area where all the emotions and energy of creativity circulate, which will subsequently have their adequate manifestation through our personal sound, through the fifth chakra, located in the larynx. The color that vibrates in this center is orange. Generally the emotions of frustration and anger accumulate in this center, when they do not circulate or do not express them properly. It resonates with the note D (Re).

O: The O is par excellence the vowel that connects with the solar plexus, the third chakra, and harmonizes the entire nervous system, helping us to integrate our emotions and our mental activity. Its element is fire, giving us strength and vitality for action. It is related to the yellow color; There are also those who have connected with gold to harmonize this center. Additionally, its harmonics benefit all areas of the brain. It is related to the pancreas and resonates with the note E (Mi).

A: Vocal of great opening power, it addresses what we need to have greater energy flow, it is a balm for our entire emotional system. The heart chakra is grateful every time we sing this vowel, it harmonizes and manages to flow its energy from the center of the chest, the inner face of the arms and hands. Its color is green. Vowel A can harmonize and unlock all energy centers. The air element is related to this vowel and its function is to produce the necessary movement for stagnant energy in our system. Love is the emotion of greater harmonization for this center . Its vibration resonates with the vibration of Universal Love. The relationship gland is the thymus. It has a great resonance with the sound F (Fa), a note that is also considered part of the sound of the earth.

AI: They connect with our entire expression and communication system, vibrates directly in the laryngeal center and with the color blue, some visualize light when performing this vowel. We benefit from this combination of vowels to communicate our feelings and ideas from the heart, just as it can help us communicate with the energy of others even at a distance, joining it with the intention of the sixth energy center. Its element is the ether, it helps create the necessary energy for our space. It is a vowel that links the feelings (of the second chakra) with reason and our spiritual sense (seventh chakra and aura), vibrating with the note G (Sun).

EI: With this combination the vibration activates the sixth energy center. Center of intuition. Receive energy from the heart and the first energy center . This center contributes to give us the possibility of a clearer vision of the situations, it is the area that receives information from the seventh chakra, comes into contact with the higher being and this is related to the information it receives at the same time from the lower energy centers . Its color is indigo blue and is related to the pituitary gland. It resonates with the note A (La).

I: The I vibrates directly in the seventh energy center, connecting us with the spiritual system and our higher self. It produces an important effect on the entire cerebral cortex, it is usually the vowel that produces the harmonic of greater sound height, together with the O it gives us calm in our excessive mental dialogue. Violet and lilac color are projected on this vowel, as is the sensation of light. Vibrate with note B (Yes).

OM: Although OM is not a vowel but a syllable, known as the mantra of the primordial sound, it produces an important effect on the perceptual system, it is very rich in harmonics and its vibration connects especially with the base of the skull, which representative The eighth chakra (the aura), connects the visual, auditory system and the entire cerebral cortex, influences our way of seeing life, and gives us an overview. Vibrate with the Magenta color. You can also perceive the color green and white in the form of light.

General remarks: for each of the vowels and sounds you express, take the necessary time; We gain more strength and more energy by putting the intention in the process without thinking about the result. Breathe in each change of vowels and make a silence that allows you to collect the vibration that remains in your energy field.
First of all enjoy your own sound and experience.


Balancing the chakras with singing: an exercise in creative self-healing

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