How to overcome Fear? For the Cosmic Divine Mother

  • 2012

The messenger is Connie Huebner

Susannah transcript

Question: You talk about the new energy and the new light that come to earth and affect all the changes that are happening. What are the changes that are happening and what are the resistance to the changes?

Divine Mother: Changes are everywhere. You will find them in your work, in your relationships, in your newspapers, in your own hearts. You will find that you are pushing for change and if you oppose the change, you will be unhappy.

Unhappiness and depression are signs of oppositions to the new energy. These are the best samples. If you are happy and happy, you are flowing with the new energy of life. If they feel sad and unhappy, there is a need to change. You flow in the new energy of life getting the impulses of truth from your heart. This does not mean confinement in a certain fantasy. It means receiving the impulses in the truth of your heart. It means opening your heart in truth. It does not mean the conviction that they are right; when he is getting rid of what no longer works in their lives. They must know how to discern very well, when they work with the heart center. The wisdom of the heart is received only when it is alert and clear.

Ask for help from your divine guides. They will help you to walk through the forests in the light. You will learn to receive the impulses of the love that is directing you. You are going through a huge learning curve; where you are learning to do everything differently. Trust your hearts - the truth is showing up there. Notice its effects. They will have a creative influence. “When they line up with truth, nothing can harm them. You create health in your body by virtue of that alignment and that is what we want to promote; unconditional love, health, true alignment, and the acceptance that they are beings of light, infinite and complete. It is important that from this moment dissolve self-criticism, dissolve resistance to life (they are responsible for diseases - the body of desires must be dissolved). It is important that you are aware that you are in command of your own life energy. Then you can heal yourself.

Question: Can you elaborate a little more about overcoming our fears?

Divine Mother: Fear is based on your doubts if you can handle the things that life gives you, then say in your Inner: "I am the one who can handle anything that life gives me." It is fear that defeat. It comes in doubt and grabs the opportunity to scare them more. Doubt and fear are what defeat them. When you have some doubt, do not use fear to solve it. All you have to do is be sure and decree: Nothing in creation can defeat that - no fear, no doubt, no pain. When you demand this truth, you call forth the energy of the universe; they call forth the divine energy in you and the divine energy can defeat anything in relative creation. Trust your infinite being. You are infinite and divine beings in physical form. This is his only weapon against fear. Inside, say: "I am infinite and whole and I command fear, in the name of God, to come into the light."

Be in the integrity of who you are, not in the limitation of who you are not. Be your true self. The truth is that you are whole (they are complete). The falsehood is that they are finite and limited. For a long time, you have believed falsehood and worked as if you were finite and limited. You have worked when fear was approaching. Have confidence. Inside say. "I'm not going to run anymore." You are who you are, you are infinite and complete - and now every career has to stop everywhere throughout your lives. You have to stop running. Let the attention go to the heart. The heart gives value to yourself. The heart gives you the infinite value of being who you are, and that you can dissolve fear. The heart is not afraid. The heart is your ally.

When you do something courageous, it is always your hearts that move you to do it. When you raise someone, you are lifting it from your heart. When you stop someone from hurting another, they are stopping you from their hearts. Your hearts are your infinite energy. Trusting your infinite beings is allowing your hearts to act outside of themselves. Here in the hearts, you unite with God and the energy of the universe is yours, strength, courage, clarity, the ability to do anything. The closure is working and is being hidden. It is the unconscious way in which you work; when they hide something they are facing and that scares them. It could be as simple as when they want to talk to you about something significant that you are uncomfortable with.

The deepest fear is what makes them feel; Unworthy, bad people, not deserving. You closed because you don't want to let that pain in.

Love is the most important energy of creation. Guess the help you need. When you are quite determined to work to make a change, the divine operations are turned on to support you.” “You are letting go of an old life. Like an old coat they would put in the recycling bin. Have confidence in your infinite beings. Let your old life go. Your old life has nothing to do in your new life. His new life is fresh, clean and radiant with divine light. The old life is about suffering and separation from God. The new life is about love and union with God. ”“ You have free will, so the universe supports what you decide to think or believe. ”“ Do not make a mind-based decision without consulting the heart. ” “They can be called by their names, or receive a Notice that goes on inside; In his Inner. Be aware of their lives. ”

This is not karma. This is Love. Love is beyond karma. Karmas can be neutralized very easily with love. You must leave mind control. Have courage, that confidence in what they do. The small will of the ego will try to interfere. Be alert to that and don't let it win. Let me win, I am the Divine Mother. Join me and we will both win. ”“ Everything that is happening here is happening for love. The planet is changing - people are changing. What appears on the surface is for love. Go below the surface. With love, we reach you, and you reach out to your companions who are outside, remembering that everything is happening for love. Do all you can to help, because love is waking up on this planet. Trust me everything. I love my children here. We are one.

“Pay attention to the messages you are receiving from Almighty God. Pay attention to my messages. Pay attention to what I am trying to communicate to you; a life full of beauty, energy, and unity.

Resistance causes pain. ”“ They are transforming into Christs. They are transforming into what they know, without any shadow of a doubt; You are whole and you are one with God. They are transforming out of this old mask of unworthy, shame and pain. This is the gift of Jesus Christ. This meant his birth. ”“ You are God ”; It was the message of Jesus Christ. The mind cannot understand this. There is no way that the mind can understand this, and that has caused all troubles. You are here to straighten this out so that the true Christian life thrives on this planet. ”“ Trust yourself. You know the integrity of the divine truth. You know the message of Jesus Christ. You have brought a greater birth of Christs now on Mother Earth. The Christ is a light that ignites the hearts of all mankind. Trust your infinite beings.

I love you. I know who you are. I am telling you that you have the energy, intelligence, strength, and clarity of changing the planet; That is why you are here to do it, and we are working together.

I am the Divine Mother of the universe. I am conducting the affairs of the universe with my love. This is what I want you to understand. My love is what drives and orchestras everything that is entering enlightened in their individual lives and in the life of the universe as a whole. If I can lead the universe with divine love, you can certainly lead to a government on earth with divine love. Conf en in the flow of life. It will take you where you want to go.


Saturday, January 7, 2012


The messenger is Connie Huebner.

The translator is Susannah.

Question: When you talk about waking up with the earth, this sounds like; something I would like to see to help. Could you say more about what is really the best way to do it and what are the means for the transformation of Mother Earth?

Divine Mother: The divine energies are stirring inside each one of you, changing the way you live your lives, changing the way you think, changing the way you behave (you are n respecting). They are transforming. Infinite integrity is waking up on Mother Earth. The divine light is pouring on this planet. The ascending light is filling this earth, raising the vibration of Mother Earth and all the people here. The vibration of Mother Earth is raising the density, out of heaviness, with the light of the spirit, freeing us, illuminating our minds so that the gifts to which we are can be given here.

Letting go is the key to this transformation. The stability you need to let go must be in the heart. Soften your heart. The heart is the open door to infinite integrity. It is the place around which all life moves. While we soften and open in our hearts, while we leave our center of attention in the heart, nothing can overwhelm us again or ever. Nothing can bother us. The divine life is waking up on this earth through the hearts of the people. Open up again in the heart. They trust in their infinite integrity that comes to awaken the heart. The divine always awakens first in the heart.

Mother Earth is healing. The Divine Mother is here; as a tangible presence to bring Mother Earth back into alignment with the divine flow of life force, which moves through the universe. You are bringing each of you back into alignment with that, so that we are in perfect harmony with the love of the Divine Mother; which is the energy that animates the creation. Maintains existence in creation.

The places on this earth where there is agitation; They are the places where they are resisting divine love. Every time I make a statement like this, I pause, allowing her energies to embrace her and conform to what I have told her. Everything in you can be cured (if you have control of your lives, you can be cured yourself). Everything that has been out of alignment with the flow of life force, through creation; It's dating and it's healing.

Soften your heart, letting in the flow of divine love, trusting in yourself and your infinite ones, more than you can trust in any finite piece of your being; how can the little ego be or can be fear or can be feel unworthy. You are infinite beings and you are bringing all these pieces and pieces, so that you behave as if you were part of the whole being, bringing them back into alignment with the whole. When you find yourself feeling scared or feeling unworthy or not happy about something, let it happen, soften yourself with that. It could be the shame of the sensation, let it pass, soften with it, just as we have been doing here with the softening through the points on the body; like the water that seeps through it and softens it. Trust in yourself can do this.

The old ways of seeing are over. The new way of being is recognizing unity with one and with each one. Trust that your infinite self is transforming Mother Earth.

Class participant: I heard something last night from the conversations with the Jesus tape I was listening to. Jesus commented that when we change our heart; We change the entire universe. That is all we do here; We soften the heart and change the heart. We can expect the universe to change with all the massive change of the heart that is happening here, all the softening of the heart and the extension of the heart.

Divine Mother: You are right! It happens that we are changing the universe and Mother Earth is a part of the universe we are affecting as we change, so she is changing. It is very fascinating to observe how Mother Earth has changed. It is a beautiful transformation. Even if you don't understand it and even if you just ask me, I will give you the answer of the big picture, of the big perspective, what is the perspective that I would like you to have. The small perspective can be quite desperate. You have to see it from the big perspective. You can see that what appears as despair is just the collapse of the Old World. The Old World is collapsing. We are not going to try to keep the Old World around. This is where people get in question because they believe that the Old World is the only world or the safe world. But it is not so, in fact he is the insecure world that is collapsing. That's where this conflict is coming from - people who want to stand on the old and the appearance of the new. We have to encourage people to let go of the old. Even leaving the conflict.

The infinite is structuring the world, so it is impossible to resist anyway. Even people who resist will eventually have to let it go. That is why I am giving value to everyone here. Letting go; It doesn't mean doing nothing. There is a need for vigilance in letting go. There is an enthusiasm, a dynamism in letting go in your movements, to jump when it is the right time to jump. Letting go simply puts them in the flow. But they can't sleep with him again. They must be very alert, aware and increasingly awake.

“It is important that you are aware that you are in command of your own life energies. Then they can heal themselves. ”


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