The great inner revolution

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 Humanity is moving towards the greatest revolutions that occurred throughout its history. A revolution so great that the most fertile imaginations fail to glimpse. 2 Both material and spiritual values ​​must be reevaluated and as urgently as possible, but man will eventually destroy man and the planet itself. 3 It is time to turn back into you and meet again in your mystical hearts, there you will find me, and in you, as well as through you, I will more easily reach all the hearts of men. 4 My “New Apostles” are already in the world, living and working among you, in order to prepare the ways of the world, to make it easier and I can reach the Internal Shrines of all those who really seek the Light and the Christ in his sanctuaries, to help erect the "New World", the "New Earth" and the "New Heaven".

Channeled Messages of the Masters of Light

In Portuguese the original.

Humanity walks towards the greatest of the revolutions that occurred throughout its history. A revolution so great that the most fertile imaginations fail to glimpse.

Slowly and quickly it is happening on the planet; It may seem like a contradiction, but it isn't. The human being is in a great inner revolution, where the forces of the Great Father, the Great Mother and the Great Son are acting simultaneously in order to transform, transmute and liberate the man who today is imprisoned and enslaved to life in the denser matter, to the "game" of the lower forces, to the materialist and destructive forces.

Despite the existence of many religions, sects, beliefs and mystical-spiritualist organizations, human lives are still governed by denser matter, by low instincts and not by higher standards of spirituality, of the soul-spirit in each.

They talk a lot about God, but they don't know God, they turned away from him.

They talk a lot about Christ, but they do not live "the Inner Christ" in the soul, nor do they live Christic lives!

They talk about ecology, but they destroy nature continuously!

They talk about justice, but the lower classes explode!

They talk about life and want to value it, but they kill life daily!

Current patterns of life have to change, the vision of a finite life, reduced to a single physical body is such an absurd idea that it could never come from the head of a true religious, mystic, spiritualist, philosopher or scientist.

- But where are the real ones?

- The true ones of body, mind, soul and spirit?

- The paradigm of life and death will be solved more easily than many judge.

The life that is lived on Earth today is not normal and abnormal. This is not the true universal life, it is a type of life made in the image and likeness of the personalities of men, not of God the Father-Mother!

The "game" of personal and petty interests, greed for easy wealth, emotional and mental imbalances are making the brains fail to endure the impact of such an imbalancing and destructive force that human beings continually produce, forcing them to enter authentic mazes, from which the soul will only get out through the death doors of the vehicle. Physical and, sometimes, in a dramatic and unfair way.

Both material and spiritual values ​​must be reevaluated and as urgent as possible, but man will eventually destroy man and the planet itself.

All those who have an awareness that true life is eternal and know universal evolution, those who believe in spirituality, in the Beings of Light and in the return of Christ in each one, need and must unite to help in the sublimation and transformation of humanity and the planet itself.

All of Goodwill - who yearn for a superior life in which Love, Peace, Justice, Freedom, Happiness, Fraternity, Wisdom and Light are in each and every one together, united, and the obligation to work for the evolution of all and the Earth itself.

The world is sick, humanity is very bad. If you don't get together today, maybe tomorrow is too late and then your regret will be very big.

It is necessary to get out of purely intellectual and speculative knowledge for practice, for experience and experience, because only then will each one reach his or her inner wisdom, which resides in the spirit. Ritu and in the soul, so that we can externalize it around it.

Universal evolution is a permanent union, a mutual help; Those who are ahead help those who go further back, and these, in turn, help those who are behind. Yes, so on. This is the eternal Law of Love and Service, without it you will not get anywhere.

Today they talk a lot about Love, but this does not happen, many times, of an intellectual and philosophical image to designate desires and interests not recommended to a human being who is said to be religious or spiritualist.

There is much speculation about my coming, but most do not know that I am already present in the world, not in the form, but in the Force, in the Christ Energy. Today I already inhabit the Cardiac Sanctuaries of millions of human beings and there we commune in the same Christ Force, in order to awaken and bring humanity the Force of the Holy Spirit, and expand even more that is processed today throughout the world, silently and almost anonymous.

- Brothers and companions on the Path of Divine Light!

It is time to turn back inside of you and meet me again in your mystical hearts, there you will find me, and in you, as well as through you, I will more easily reach all the hearts of men.

We will work continuously and we will only stop to rest when the Earth and its humanity reach a dignified life in which each one is also Son of God-Father-Mother!

If you listen to religions and human organizations say that they have "the keys" of that inner sanctuary where the Christ Force is, that they have the secret to reach Christ and that they will only reveal it to their adherents and affiliates, doubt, doubt always of them, because they will not be with Christ. There are many keys to open the interior portals; what matters is that they be open and I can enter you and you in Me, together to awaken the Christ Force in all mystical hearts. No matter what the "key" is, what flag you hold in your hands, it is important that your inner portals are really opened in a fair and dignified manner, so that within them the Light of the Inner Christ shines and radiates to help to enlighten also the hearts, minds and souls of men.

Men always want to chain me to their religions and organizations as if I were exclusive to them, but Christ has to be in everything and everyone. Christ cannot be a prisoner of human formulas that have done little or nothing for humanity and the Earth. Christ is free and only a free being can free who is imprisoned. They want to imprison me in a thousand formulas created by the brains of men, but it is pure illusion. This time they will not imprison or kill "Christ, the Son of God", because I will find myself alive in millions of hearts, minds, souls and, through them, I will be with all the awake, the lucid, the pure of heart, mind and soul; these will also be with me, we will be some in the great luminous unit.

I am returning to separate "the grain of the straw." When you hear rumors of wars and wars, when the father does not understand the son, when the son does not understand the father, when hunger and misery kill my brothers in the flesh, when injustice communes justice, they will know, oh! Children of God on earth, which is the hour of Christ and the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, I will return to inhabit the sanctuaries and internal Temples of men to help them redeem and free themselves, to cleanse the Earth, separate the pure from the impure, the good of the wicked and may the Kingdom of God return to Earth!

You are hearing and seeing crimes that were never committed in the past, diseases that have never been seen, and every day there is more confusion, more lies and less truth. You know - oh, children of God on Earth, that the hour of the "Final Judgment" is near, where souls will be judged by their own spirits, since only the pure of heart, mind and soul will remain on Earth - those who work and fight for the liberation of their soul and the soul of their brothers. Those who are not prisoners of dogmatism and fanaticism, those who are not prisoners of their material and spiritual gains. Those who seek to give to everyone what they have in their hearts, minds, souls and spirits, what they learned, experienced, lived and conquered; These are the true ones chosen for the goodness of their hearts, minds, souls and spirits.

My "New Apostles" are already in the world, living and working among you, in order to prepare the ways of the world, to make it easier and I can reach the Internal Shrines of all those who really seek the Light and the Christ in his sanctuaries, to help erect the "New World", the "New Earth" and the "New Heaven".

It is time to turn within you, rediscovering your inner sanctuaries, opening your portals, cleaning and purifying your inner temples; In there you will find me together to return to the Heavenly Divine Kingdom.

It's time to look at all human beings, to see and feel that everyone is like your parents, mothers, brothers and children. Look at all humanity as if it were her own family and work so that she lives in peace, with justice, harmony, balance, fraternity, wisdom and light, so that your house, which is the Earth, is a clean and worthy house of the divinity that is in all of you.

Discover me inside of you, hold my hand and walk beside me. I will call you brothers because we are all Children of the Divine Father and the Divine Mother, and they expect you very much. I am only an older Brother and, as such, I want the best for you because I love you so much, and the best thing is that that is your liberation in every way, as well as the return of all to the Divine Kingdom of Our Divine Fathers

With all my love and affection.

Your older brother,


Message from the Book Messages from the Beings of Light vol. II

Authors Henrique Rosa and Lourdes Rosa

PORTUGU S-SPANISH TRANSLATION: Patricia Gambetta, editor in the big family of


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