It is time to raise the vibrational level of Planet Earth, by Master Adama

  • 2013

Dear friends, tonight I have received a new message from Ascended Master Adama, from Telos, New Lemuria, where I am asked to be disseminated as soon as possible and with the forcefulness that is required, I ask that if you resonate with you please spread. Solange

PD: Today I sent a message via twitter before receiving this channel where it said that we should raise the vibrational level of the planet, and that it should be done now ... nothing is accidental.


Beloved Brothers in the Light:

Today is a new opportunity to communicate again through the Lemurian girl we have chosen to deliver the messages. We ask that you please read and act in attention to what you are going to say, because it is the only way to be in line with the new celestial order of high vibration that the Lord of Lords, the Redeeming God, source has decided to make of all humanity, Light of the Universe, of the Planet and of all living beings that are at different levels of consciousness.

It is the time to undertake the task of raising the vibrational level of Planet Earth, each one must strive personally and collectively so that the vibrations are increasing and the earth can join the tone of the rest of the levels. How to do it? they will ask, so I say:

-They must strive for love of neighbor, this will always be the main thing to do.

-You must be in harmony with all of you, and with those who inhabit the highest spheres, for that the prayer that everyone does as he knows how to do it, will be of great help, that raises the levels of the vibrations and makes them more pure in the level of spherical expansion.

-Then they must unite in the collective, undertake the creation of prayer groups where they also discuss the high-light issues that are being delivered to them by the elect who lead those groups.

There is no place to say I cannot, there are no excuses, you must have discipline, the love and courage that drive the will and love of the Father of all of you who know well is infinite. The way in which everyone decides to do it is the least, what has value is the will of each one to rise and elevate others.

It is very important, I beg you to listen to the call from Telos, from the New Lemuria, land of love between brothers, seat of love of men, women and children who survived the destruction of our Lemuria, for the unconsciousness of a few who did not understand what Love was.

We do not want you to go through that, because it is very painful to see how the home ends, your home, your family, your brothers in Luz, how a group of beings without conscience can cause so much destruction and so much pain. I call you to twin, to love each other, because you are ONE with ONE, we are the same spirit of the Creator Father who does not want to see his children again being destroyed by things, not by feelings, but by things that have no value. See how they waste the short and precious time they were given to experience love, compassion, brotherhood, that they are wasting it in stupidities that have no meaning or reason.

In your hands is the future of this Planet, I beg you not to let it lose, I do not wish you to live the pain of the Lemurians; and those who come from our Lemuria meet, recognize each other, make themselves heard by the rest of their brothers. That they remember with spiritual work what their history is, who they are, where they come from, and that they return home with the mission accomplished, because here we will be waiting for them, with Lemuria in the Heart.

With the love of us the Telm Lemurians, the New Lemuria, I only ask you not to let us down, to help us help you, to be united in love and above all to never forget that you are the brothers of the sacred and beautiful Lemuria, land of wise, spirituality and fertile love that comes from the Creator Father of all that exists and what is.

I beg you to become aware, to think about what you should do and do it, to act from the deepest love of your heart and of your souls created in the perfection of brotherly love.

Today I leave this message as I have told you, others will come, heed the call and thank you from the heart that it has come to you by any means.

I say goodbye with the love of Telos in the soul of each one of you and my brothers the Lemurians of Lemuria. Love.

Master Adama

God bless you beloved brothers of the Light. I say goodbye now.

Channeler: Solange Marín.

It is time to raise the vibrational level of Planet Earth, by Master Adama

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