Archangel Gabriel asks: "What are you thinking about?"

  • 2018

Channeled by Lee Degani, November 24, 2018

Every thought you have finds other thoughts that are of the same vibration and take shape together to create a reality.

Archangel Gabriel

I AM Gabrielle, Archangel Gabriel, Lily of Love, Trumpeter of Truth, who brings Joy and the Archangel of Communication . And so, today I come to you to talk to you about communication and yes, your thoughts are one of the ways you communicate . Know that every thought you have makes a difference and occupies a place.

You are aware that you want to have thoughts that are, what you would call, more positive, but we would say they are of a different frequency . Know how powerful these thoughts are. For every thought they have they find other thoughts that are of the same vibration and take shape together to create a reality .

Your thoughts attract other thoughts of the same frequency to create reality.

The thoughts that you have to call lower or negative, we would say, have a different frequency, a lower frequency, a lower frequency than love . Yes, love has its own frequency, beloved ones, like each one of you.

But those thoughts also find their way and create their own reality . So while the day goes by, what reality are they living in? If they find themselves in the reality they don't want to be in, they simply have to go to the heart and, in addition, change their thoughts.

If you don't like your reality, change your thoughts.

That is why we ask you to have thoughts based on love, thoughts that come from your heart, and yes, thoughts can come from your loving heart. The thoughts of the heart extend and form waves and waves of rainbow light. They form their own networks, they form their own worlds, they form their own universes.

The thoughts of the heart extend and form waves and waves of rainbow light.

And they can enter any of those universes at any time. Maybe we can even call them, for their sake, dimensions . The mental forms enhance and form the dimensions. The universe is always changing and evolving and you, each of you, are so powerful that you have the ability to really enter and improve dimensions .

So what are your thoughts? What are your thoughts before they mix with emotion?

Stay tuned to them, stay tuned, be careful with them. Thought is as powerful as a word, because power is given to a thought, and when you add emotion, it becomes even more powerful.

Is it possible to come in and work with the thoughts you wish you hadn't thought about?

Yes, that is also possible. Everything is possible, beloved.

So we will ask you when you have those memories of certain thoughts and see where you are taking them, enter and change the thoughts . Send them love . Change them in the same way they change a story, and that will affect the reality that those thoughts have formed .

That's how powerful you are, and you are learning with each experience how powerful you really are. We applaud them for this and honor them.

Invite us, invite us to help you work with your thoughts and we will be happy to do so. It is our absolute joy.

I leave you now with the thought of joy, with the love of joy, with the thoughts that your thoughts can lead to joy .


Alexander Gabriel

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TRANSLATOR: Carolina, editor of the great family of the White Brotherhood

SOURCE: Lee Degani (2018) Archangel Gabrielle Asks, What are you thinking? .

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