The Practice of Not Judging By Dr. Alberto Villoldo

  • 2012

Taken from the book The Four Revelations of Dr. Alberto Villoldo, this

practice is part of the first revelation.

To practice not judging, we must transcend our limited

beliefs, even those we have about good and evil.

We make sense of the world by judging situations as "good" or

"Bad" according to rules defined by our culture. These rules

They constitute our moral code. But an Earth Guardian is amoral.

That does not mean that it is immoral, but simply is not governed by

traditions The Guardian believes it is important to part with this type

of judgments and maintain their ability to discern.

When you practice not judging, you refuse to automatically follow the

Opinion of others in any situation. By doing this, you start to

have a sense of ethics that transcends the traditions of our

weather. This is important today, when media images of

communication have become more compelling than reality, and

our values ​​- freedom, love, etc. - are reduced to slogans and

empty words.

When you refuse to collaborate with the consensual vision, you acquire a

different perspective. You discover what freedom means to you to

personal level, and that is not what politicians tell in their good

rehearsed speeches. You understand that freedom is much more than power

Choose between several car models or among menu options.

Our judgments are assumptions that are based on what we have

learned and what they told us. For example most of us

believes that cancer is a deadly disease, so if the doctor

He says we suffer, we are terrified. However, yes

we practice not judging, we reject the automatic belief that this

It means that we will have to fight for our lives. We can be of

I agree to follow the treatment that our doctor recommends, but not

We accept the fact that we have a chance of recovery of 1


We do not rate our chances of survival, whether they are good or

bad, nor do we give them any number, because that would be to deliver

Our destiny to statistics. Instead, we deal with him

problem we have at hand, not only from the literal level of our

body, but from the highest level of perception we can.

We allow ourselves to accept the unknown, along with its infinities


A few years ago, for example, a friend of mine was diagnosed with cancer of

prostate. Fortunately, at that time he lived with a healer, who

He said: «You don't have cancer; your x-rays only show some spots that

In time they will heal. After a month, those spots could be


If my friend had described those spots as "cancerous" and woven a

story around them, he would have become a "cancer patient."

If I had accepted this literal story about your illness, I would be

condemned to become a statistic - where appropriate, to be part of the

40% of patients who are cured or 60% who do not.

Your chances would have been reduced to become probabilities,

because, knowing that he was losing, he would not have been able to

Imagine within 40% of those who are cured. That's why I teach my

students to work with their clients before they receive the

biopsy results, before the spots that appear on the

X-rays receive a name and the history of "deadly cancer" remains

Engraved in your mind and become a prophecy that fulfills itself.

Recently, a woman named Alyce called to ask for a consultation with

Marcela, who is part of our staff. Alyce had made a

mammogram and a lump had been found in a chest. Marcela le

asked if he wanted me to start working with her before the biopsy,

to try to influence the results, or if you preferred to wait until

after. Alyce chose the first option. The following week, he received a

Call from your doctor. He told him that they had made a mistake, they had

confused his mammogram with that of another person, and his was

perfectly normal! So our stories not only influence

our way of seeing life, but also in the "real world" - in this

case, curing a situation that had already happened!

We can always create a mythical story about our trip, a

history that helps us grow, learn and heal. After all,

we may not be able to alter the spots on an x-ray, but we can

heal our soul and begin to educate us finally in the lessons that

We have come to learn in this world.

Our lesson may be to slow down and appreciate the people that we

surround, stop clinging to an existence that we have lived as

sleepwalkers because we believed that we should live our lives in a certain way

shape; or, from the perspective of the hummingbird, these spots can be a

warning call for us to make the changes we've been


We have created great stories around cancer, AIDS and others

diseases, but not around other ailments. If the doctor tells us that

we don't have a parasite, for example, most of us don't get to

think of the millions of people around the world who die because

of infections caused by parasites or begin to distress with the

Idea that he will die. We have not built any history around

This disease, although it often turns out to be fatal.

This is partly because there is little commercial or monetary interest in

Perpetuate these stories. The treatment of infections caused by

parasites, although they affect around two billion people in

The whole planet is not a big business for the big companies

pharmaceuticals, unlike cancer, cholesterol and diseases

heart. Scary stories help sell medicine.

When you don't judge the disease or let yourself be dominated by the fear that you are going

to die, it is easier for you to perceive it from a higher level and

Write a mythical story. So if you have a parasite, you can

recognize it as the literal manifestation of the toxic anger of others

people that you have internalized. Alternatively, you might discover that

you have strayed from your path and that you are living a life that is poisonous

for you.

When we practice not judging, we no longer suffer from diseases.

opportunities for healing and growth. We no longer suffer trauma

Past We have events that have shaped our personality. Do not

We reject the facts and oppose the negative interpretation of these

facts and traumatic history that we are tempted to weave in

around them. Then we create a story of strength and compassion based

In these facts.

Revelation 1 is called the hero's path because the shamans and

more effective healers recognize that they have also been deeply

injured in the past, and that as a result of their healing they have developed a

strong compassion for those who suffer. Over time, his wounds will be

became gifts that allowed them to feel more deeply the

things and show more compassion for others.

In other words, who better to help an alcoholic than someone who

is in recovery, which recognizes the lies that the alcoholic tells

himself and who knows the courage it takes to overcome this

addiction? Who better to help a sullen and angry teenager than

an adult whose adolescence was marked by rebellion, the

resentment and insecurity, but who managed to heal himself?

When someone has already been through these experiences, it is easier

detach from judgments and qualifications, and focus on healing.

Taken from the book The Four Revelations of Dr. Alberto Villoldo, this

practice is part of the first revelation.

Professor Alberto Villoldo, Psychologist and Medical Anthropologist was

running the University Biological Laboratory for many years

of San Francisco, investigating the effects of healing through the

energy and visualization in the chemistry of the brain. One day it happened

He realized that his studies required greater commitment and dedication. By

that reason, he left the microscope and the university to visit personally

The Amazon There he began his journey of recovery of traditions

Millennial medicine of the Inca civilization and now teaches medicine

energy to thousands of medical and lay professionals every year.

The Practice of Not Judging By Dr. Alberto Villoldo

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