Kryon - The recalibration scenario

  • 2016

Dear Greetings, I AM Kryon of Magnetic Service.

I enter quickly; That is because my partner has allowed it, he knows he is safe; there is no special preparation, there is no special connection, without oxygenation, without looking in any special direction; This is a recognition that the part of the Creator that belongs to your interior is always there. You don't have to make an effort to get it, you were born with it. That is what this planet has at this particular time and others do not. The only Planet of Free Will, you have heard this in the past. The only one in the Galaxy who is currently struggling with change; others have already gone through it; But you are the only one. To use the phrase: All eyes are looking at you. For those of you who don't know, the channeling is being done in what you call Newport, in the Greater Los Angeles area of California ; and we are at the end of a day with many energies. And it is a safe time, it is a time for you to just relax and listen for a moment, so that you listen and absorb some information that I am going to give you that it is a Timeline .

This is not the last meeting of 2015, but it could be; And what I mean by that is that, nevertheless, the theme is that expression, it is about 2016, it is about 2012, 2011, 2013 and 2014. It is about something that is very present in the room: Recalibration. We have never really talked about her, not really as we are doing now. Some of you are strongly related to this, because what I am going to give you is what I would call an inverse recap of your life (Kryon's laugh). This is a term that I would like to define and that I would like to 'define', if there is something like this:

The expression 'Road Counter'

"Kryon: What do you mean when you use the expression Road Counter?" These are those who, according to your terminology, are vibrating on a multidimensional level and who will end up being the teachers of what comes next. The Road Counter is recalibrated first. Doesn't it make sense that instructors should be given information before students? Here, listening to the classroom, we have a number of instructors, instructors and Road Counters in your own way. Whether you're physically teaching, whether you're reading, you're channeling, you're a healer; a Road Counter of any kind, of any kind; whether you affect other lives with your voice or with your Presence, of any kind; A Road Counter is the one who is in tune with what will come.

Now let me 'indefihttp: //' the expression: Dear, the terms vibration and vibration rate, both are linear; they say that one thing is vibrating higher than another thing; You might even assume that a frequency, a sound or a light, is higher than anything else; that's it; And he is wrong. The thing is that you have no other word. You still don't have the knowledge of what is really happening here. We talk about multidimensional things; and we don't want to make you lose in science Dear ones, so we want to support you in something that is happening in you and that you cannot describe, because you still don't know how to do it.

In a quantum way you have received something that creates what you have called Higher Vibratory Consciousness ; but it is not superior, it is not higher, that would be three-dimensional. Oh, it's quantum! It is above the three-dimensional reality and the improvement of ways for whose description you have no terms. Maybe in the long run a quantum physicist will arrive; and gave you a name for it. You are intertwined with something different: Dimensional Consciousness; and you are a Road Counter . My partner has it, his Dimensional Consciousness is Me. Do you know how many years you need to recognize me? Many! I was not in his three-dimensional reality or that of his friends; absolutely! Now I am firmly rooted in your reality; and even today he can't really explain it to others. Who is Kryon? What do you feel? What happens? And the answer is: Yes. That is all he can answer.

Right now there is a multidimensional presence that overwhelms it; and you are listening to it; it is beyond there and yet it is part of it; He becomes a Road Counter. This is only a method of showing the way. Among those in the room are those who have had intuitive glimpses of a different communication, of a different healing; that you literally have a stream of consciousness from the other side, whatever you call it, you are Roadside Counters. And Dear Ones, all of you have become accustomed to this current of consciousness; it is higher than what any of you has; and in 2011 it began to be recalibrated.

The whole year 2012 had to do with this current: An interruption, a change of frequency, an alteration of the normal for you, of the things with which you counted during years; It was this beautiful stream on the other side, which is so automatic, so beautiful, so wonderful. For you it was Home. The Home ... The Home! When the current was produced, there was nothing but the Home, it is where you belong; Anything out of the ordinary ... Forget it! (Kryon's smile) I am talking to some people who are listening but not here, who need to hear this: And the current was interrupted; the current of consciousness, this multidimensional string that linked you to the other side constantly and continuously, was interrupted. The Road Counter was recalibrating first .

In 2013 I was right here, having started that at the end of 2012; and I told you: You don't start anything new in 2013 because it won't work, not really how it will work later. Because for the Road Counter there was an ongoing recalibration, it was a bad time to trust an intuition that was failing. An intuition that was failing! Dear ones: Do you know what it is like to see the door of the Home open all the time so that you pass through it, to experience these thoughts and this wonderful Light that help you sleep at night? It helps you sleep at night, it's the connection. Do you know how it is when the door slams shut? ... And then when the door disappears? That was the recalibration of the Road Counter that began in 2011 until 2013.

Each one is different, the process of each Human Being is different, how much multidimensional it is is different. You are all very unique; But many of you felt it. Those who felt it very deeply, left the planet, life ran out. When the door of the Home was closed, that was all, they did not want to know why, they did not want to know if it would be reopened, or if there would be a realignment or recalibration; it was simply over; and they left. And some of you saw that it was too early for them to leave. But they created their illness so as not to have to endure a door that would not open again. Your best friend who couldn't communicate anymore or got the door slammed, was alone. They were alone! Then that other was enduring it; and precisely when he thought it couldn't get worse, it got worse. Because in 2014 we started to recalibrate the DNA.

Consciousness is one thing and DNA is another, because DNA is linked to the cellular structure; when the cellular structure begins to be dysfunctional the immune system becomes unstable; and you get sick of things; so it was. You had friends who slammed the door; and now you had problems, you began to feel different, your cells were not cooperating; and I am describing many of those who are here and who are listening to my voice; the Way Counters had to be recalibrated first, before everyone else.

I am Kryon, I speak of the great change, I speak of the recalibration of Humanity; and there are many Humans who say: “I feel good as always; well, I have some problems, but they are not serious. ” Those are not Roadside Counters, they are not at the forefront that has to show what Light really is for a new Planet. And do not give importance to how old or young you are, this has nothing to do with age. There is only one reason to recalibrate, only one: Stay here. As you can see, the transition called death is easy, in other words, it is a rejuvenation of the Soul, you return young. And why did they want death? Maybe they decided to do what they wanted. A Road Counter who really understood and said: "I could do better in a young body . " That is a life plan, it is between you and the Spirit; and many choose it long before its time. My partner knows, some of his friends chose him. I told him where they would be, they would be their Road Counters when he returns.

Appropriate, adequate; They didn't recalibrate, they left. There is only one reason to recalibrate; and is to stay And in the recalibration process there is a Timeline for the Road Counter; and the end of 2015 is significant in the Timeline, but 2016 is the end of the recalibration of the Road Counter. The end; It is the completion of a cycle of readjustment to this new multidimensional energy that arrives totally different, as in colors (Kryon's laugh) instead of black and white, to begin to realign slowly and be your best friend again. You don't have only one door. Oh, how unique you are! You have many doors, all open at the same time; This is a Multidimensional Road Counter; Things are going there.

Healer imagine it, you always receive the message of where to play, what is wrong and what to do. Suddenly you have many doors that really show you what is there, on multiple levels; not only where to play or what to sing or which prayer to give, but a whole book for everyone. I want to tell you what follows, it will start happening to the Road Counter right now in 2016 and it will last until 2017 because you are different, really different: An awakening Akasha. Let me explain : We have recently given several channels in other places in this country; and we told people that one of the greatest differences of a reincarnated Soul in the New Energy is that for the first time the Soul begins to evolve in consciousness; and one of the characteristics is this: You return to the Planet remembering that you were here, you do not know your name or your family, but when you open your eyes you feel: "I have returned" ; That is not a mystery.

And then you proceed to realize that you have wisdom that you shouldn't have; Let me explain. When you are a child and you put your finger on the stove, you never forget it; and for the rest of your life you never put your finger on the stove again. When you open your eyes again on this Planet, you will never put your finger on the stove; That is intuitive, it is wise; You won't have to make the mistake again, that's the difference. An Akasha in the process of awakening begins to give you information about who you have been, not specific, but the experience of who you have been so that you don't make the same mistakes. But Dear, this can be confusing because an Akasha that is opening, sometimes it can give you energies that you don't understand, so instead of the lessons you have learned, sometimes they come as a misunderstood drama, as fear, as confusion .

Some of those who are here and who are listening had to hear this. I want to tell you that what is happening to you, that is in your mind, in your brain and in your Akasha, is a beautiful remembrance system for Spiritual Survival. You will never have to make these mistakes again; and when you return you will have Innato Instinct, you will never again have to make the same mistakes you made this time; this is a promise, because this is an evolved recalibrated Human Being; That's what's happening. The astrologer, quantum astrologer Michelle, has talked about the energies that the stars will give you through alignments; And that is correct. We have already said it, 2016 is the completion of one cycle, but additionally it is the beginning of another: It is the year of discovery.

Now we are going to talk about common Human Beings that are not Road Counters : You will find yourself in great trouble, you will have to make conscious decisions between black and white; between Light and Darkness literally ; and regarding what your position is before each one. It is a year of exposure, the discovery is not necessarily wonderful things ; when you move the stone, you could find what's under it. For years we have talked about this, we said that one of the characteristics that you should expect for a period of years in a great change, will finally be the exposure of the inappropriate energies that exist in the large pharmaceutical companies. Stay tuned. There are inappropriate things that will only begin to be exposed; and that will lead to other things: Loan traffic made by dysfunctional insurers, that will be exposed little by little. We told you that these things in your society that have no integrity: They cannot exist in the Light! They can't exist! We will have to make decisions, not just you but your government, regarding whether or not to keep something dysfunctional.

And Dear Ones, you are going to have a lot to say, as has happened in many other things without integrity with which you are not going to work anymore. This is another thing that is going to be discovered, there are more. Dear ones in Cusco, a few days after the attack in France, I told you about the dysfunctionality of those who are in the dark: When you have no Light, you are dysfunctional. Those who have Light see much more than those who are in the dark, you know; then the same seeds of darkness they have will be their ruin. They can only have that size with precise leadership, without it they will fragment into internal struggles for leadership; Stay tuned. Observe it, without direction they will crash into each other and do meaningless things; and even that we mentioned.

What kind of person in his right mind would take a club to repeatedly hit a bee hive to see what happens? And that is exactly what they are doing, they have no idea That there are bees ... No idea. All they want to create is fear, they think that bees may get scared and never leave. They are not working well, they do not have the kind of logic that you have, which is the logic of the Light. As you have never seen it before, Humanity will unite to fight the darkness. The year of the discovery: What if you could uncover all that and suddenly show where your funds come from? Get ready

And when that happens, those who are financing them will be ashamed. Ashamed to the point of retiring! Not only is it blood money, it is the money of death; You will be given new qualifications. And I said to you: Do not be surprised if some of them are your allies; and maybe even some of your tax dollars are going there. And you will say: What shame! And they will withdraw; When the funding runs out, the army will be consumed. This is the biggest bomb you have: Show financing.

A recalibration of Humanity! Roadside counters, you are almost done; Now they start all the others. And they will come to you, they will beg; They are going to say: What is happening? We do not understand, we are afraid. And you can stand as a bastion of Light and peace; and look at them and they can see it in your eyes; and they will say: Why do you have so much peace? What do you have that I don't have? Tell me! And they will sit at your feet Counter of the Way; and you can open the doors and allow the flow of beautiful channeled responses to flow, which make sense; and give them something to hold on to. There is hope ! You are coming out victorious! The Light overcome!

Kryon: How long will that last? The answer is: Yes. Road Counter: How long do you want it to be late? Does it consume you what is wrong with you Road Counter? Many of you are listening to this; and I am speaking to you that you are not necessarily in this room, I am speaking to you: It is time to open the doors and not worry so much because they close; That is a completely different matter. Then what? They are going to open now, if you allow it. But you will not get that result until you solve what happens to you, completely; turning the page. This is the time to put everything into play and make a difference, it is almost time; You have already been through this. Thousands of those who are listening to this know exactly what I am talking about.

Isn't it nice to know that for you the completion of this is in 2016? No more recalibration, now is the time to calibrate yourself with the energy for which you were born; Which is why you are here. Recalibration and calibration are different, now you can simply apply your parameters to the energy it is; and know. The doors will open wide and the current will return; and not only will you have a best friend, at the end of all those doors you will have best friends to infinity. All open wide to your home. You heard me? Your home!

And now will be the time to help those who begin to be in trouble everywhere, in this country and in other countries, you are not yet done with the darkness. History will give this a name that we don't have yet ; It is unique, for the first time in Human history, a dark army that does not have a common language, not even a border, that recruits everywhere, that with its darkness appeals to those who reject the Light, which moves as needed; unique in history but not in this Galaxy, we have already seen this; We told you it would arrive and here it is.

So Dear, believe me: The Light is overcoming. Your media give flight to everything they do to scare you; If this is your reaction and you know it, turn off the communication and turn on your Light. We are talking about this: Do you have the courage, do you have the courage to tell someone who has just lost someone else: "We are winning" ? Your Compassion is intention; the Masters toured this Planet with her, all the time people were at her feet because the Masters had something everyone wanted. They glowed like the sun, being close to them you felt full of peace; They could sing for you and you felt it in your heart and you just wanted to stay with them. That is a Road Counter ... That is what you are! And the people will come to you and will see the Light in you ; and no matter what is happening on the planet, they will not be afraid because you have already been through it.

That is recalibration! 20 years ago I told you that there would be a change in the magnetic field, because magnetism is an ally of consciousness; it is. Subsequently there has been scientific evidence that when there is Compassion on the Planet the current force of the magnetic field changes slightly; It is an ally of consciousness. I told you that the magnetic field would change and so it happened, channeling after channeling I told you that it was going to change when passing through certain areas of space . Have you noticed that all things are involved in this? Everything! ... The heliosphere of the Sun ... Have you noticed that the Sun is acting differently? Have you noticed? Have you noticed that this has created some climatic anomalies ... Have you noticed? Everything is related to change, everything.

Science will have its independent reasons, sometimes there are as many reasons as scientists; But scientists do not know. I told you and I am telling you that it would come; And here it is. What else do you need to know Road Counter? The entire Earth is participating in something bigger than anything you've seen in the media for an extremely long time ... Are you part of that or not? ... This is Kryon's message that tonight I'll call the classroom message from the group for whom you may leave this place different from how you arrived; maybe thinking a little different, maybe feeling that you are more important. I hope it's like that. Feeling that we even know your name, I hope so. And I hope that when you close your eyes at night you know that we know your name. That you were born in this change for a reason; not to be punished with recalibration, but so that you can get ahead and do your homework.

I have spoken to the Old Souls in the room and to those who are listening. Old Soul: You know very well that it was not an accident that you were born now. What are you going to do with that? You have to begin to have a higher thought than any system that you think is coming true, or that of anything you have been told and which you fear. Oh ... It's different! It's very different! Your Earth has never seen this; and we saw that it was going to arrive and we told you: It is the reason why Kryon is here, to guide you along this.

The Precession of the Equinoxes that had its maximum on December 21, 2012, is 18 years old on each side; in that period you cross the strip of the sky called the Milky Way ; The Precession of the Equinoxes is a 36-year event. I arrived 26 years ago, but we were able to get started only 18 years ago; Now you know. You also know a small part of Kryon's time frame. These are the 36 years of change that constitute the cycle of completion for the Planet, not only of its planetary wobble, but it is the cycle of completion of the old consciousness; 36 years old

And in what year are you now? This can also give you a little clue as to what is coming and how long it could last. You know it's time to get going ... It's time to get going . We know your name; We know it because you are one of us. Do you think God is inside you? Do you think the Creator of the Universe is part of you? Do you think that inside the DNA maybe there could be a part of multidimensionality? I have to be careful what I say because Dr. Ovokaitys is here (audience laughter). Dear Yawee: What you see now and what you will see in the future; and what you don't know yet about what you're working on, but it's what happens when multidimensional energy is ready to be explored: You see things that were previously invisible because they were not supposed to be visible; and the multidimensional laser you have is exposing them for the first time; I will leave it that way for now.

And so it is.


TRANSLATION: Jairo Rodríguez R. Energy and Spiritual Consulting

AUTHOR: Lee Carroll


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