Find out if you have any toxic relationships and what you can do to free yourself from it.

  • 2017

You have a toxic relationship but you still don't know it. You already know the situation: you meet your friend or friend for dinner to share a good moment and the only thing she does is talk about herself, tell you all her problems and setbacks, too. n your successes, of course. But at no time does he ask you sincerely and willing to join you, how you have been, or if you need me to listen to you. He tells you about his work and his affairs because he truly considers them more important than yours and has no qualms about disguising. This is repeated, every time they meet.

Have you ever wondered if it's a toxic relationship?

It can be a friend, an acquaintance, a co-worker, your boss or your partner . In extreme cases, there may be an abuse of addictive substances by that person. If that's your case, don't wait any longer and contact someone to help you out of that situation.

It has happened to all of us who are sensitive and empirical. There is always someone who wants our energy, and we can detect it, if we pay attention to the sensations of our body. The next time you meet someone who focuses on his ego, try to be aware of the sensations that his proximity produces in your body. You may feel a pressure in the stomach or a feeling of compression at the level of the chest . If so, pay attention, something tells you that you should leave there. It is the energy that is being literally drained from you.

If it has happened to you several times because you are a compassionate person, be careful and remember that the selfish person only cares about herself, what she can get from a relationship, she is not interested in giving, just taking something : to be heard, to be told nice things, approve it.

When you meet someone, don't ask yourself if you like or like them, or try to get them to approve and accept you. First think of yourself, how you feel with that person. Your body is like a precious crystal that is mobilized by the energy that surrounds it, listen to it and respect yourself first.

To recognize the toxic person ask yourself the following questions:

Do I feel comfortable in your presence?

Do I feel like being away from that person?

Do I feel that I am the only one who gives in the relationship, without receiving?

Is he an insensitive person who boasts of how he takes advantage of others?

After having been with this person, do I feel tired, depressed or anxious?

If you feel that any of the answers to these questions is yes, you are in a toxic relationship. You can get out of it! You deserve everything good in the universe and I assure you that there are wonderful people who are not self-centered and want to offer their friendship and love with sincerity.

Do something:

1. Put the intention of finding givers or Angels of the Earth, or people who, like you, have been working to improve their own consciousness and evolve as a human being, finding a balance between giving and receiving.

You are a sensitive and peaceful person, but that is not why you should let others take advantage of you. Respect your first. When someone is self-centered, do not worry about liking or liking him, he or she does not care, because they have their hearts closed to true friendship or love. He thinks that even though they appear to be sure of themselves, they don't even love themselves .

That person is not worthy of your time or your sincere friendship. The egoists want nothing more than to win, to take something, to be the winners, to continue feeding their ego that never finds satiety or peace. Don't worry about getting your approval, you better love yourself and respect yourself.

2. Affirmation: Repeat throughout the day, one hundred or two hundred times at least, the statement of the dear teacher Louise Hay: I accept and approve. Everything is fine in my world.

Remember that you are the most important person in the universe for you, love yourself and you can love.

Do you identify with any of the above situations? Do you have any toxic people around you?

DRAFTING: Carolina, editor of the great family of the White Brotherhood

SOURCE: Doreen Virtue. (2016). How To Be Nice And Loving Without Being A Pushover. 09/08/2017, from Hay House Website:

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