Female Energies: Getting in touch and chatting with the Yin side of our humanity

  • 2019
Table of contents hide 1 Female and Male Energies 2 The feminine energies in us 3 The feminine energies in art 4 The feminine energies in our day to day 5 Working our feminine energies

“The heart of a human being is no different from the soul of heaven and earth. In his practice he must always keep in his thoughts the interaction of the heavens and the earth, the water and the fire, the Yin and the Yang. ”

- Morihei Ueshiba

In this article we are going to talk about feminine energies in all of us.

Our identity is defined, among other things, by the energy that passes through us, and the energy we produce. And in each one of us, whether male or female, the polarity of feminine energies and masculine energies is present and acts all the time. This is the Taoist concept of Yin and Yang. What makes the difference between us is what the predominant energies are.

That said, if it is essential for our personal search to get to know ourselves, we must also come into contact with the feminine energies ( Yin ) that are within us.

That is why in this article we will see what feminine energies are, what are the behaviors that govern it, and how we can get more in touch and strengthen them for a greater expression of our sensitivity.

Female and Male Energies

Duality characterizes us, in the same way that characterizes everything we experience in the universe. But the feminine and masculine energies are complementary, since they are part of a unit that provides a natural and necessary balance.

This balance is not static, but presents a continuous dynamism. It changes, mutates and constantly redistributes. However, as time goes by, we tend to favor and reinforce one of the two sides of the coin. It is normal.

But when in one polarity one of the two parts imposes itself before the other, it is natural that there is an imbalance in the whole. The other part is drowned, and that is when it becomes necessary to feed it to establish a balance again.

In the feminine and masculine energies, it is the second ones that have a more conquest, imposition and ordering nature, and it is normal that many times we let them impose on us and the feminine energies remain opaque. But that imbalance and the lack of a solid Yin also generates a vacuum that Yang alone cannot fill. The lack of complementarity. The de-integration.

Protecting and developing our feminine energy, our Yin, is then a matter of balance, and therefore of health.

The feminine energies in us

As we said before, both Yin (feminine energies) and Yang (masculine energies) favor a type of opposite personality in our behaviors. Therefore, they are easier to identify in contrast than in isolation.

While hardness, strength, focus and confidence can be related to Yang, the feminine energies have more of a touch of presence and connection. Feelings are a fundamental part of these energies. Experiencing sensations, sensitivity and empathy are characteristics that relate to the Yin in us. The idea of ​​energy, the flow, and the contact and openness with nature also belong to the feminine energies. And they are also the first to be scarce in our daily lives.
The idea that expressing feelings is a sign of weakness is the result of an imposition of Yang, which is not always self-imposed.

Today's world is oriented more towards production and doing (Yang), to the detriment of self-discovery and Being (Yin). While Yang analyzes, studies and plans, Yin synthesizes, intuits and feels. Flexibility, inner development and receptivity in us is governed by the Yin, by our feminine energies.

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The feminine energies in art

In the same way, art as a fundamental and spiritual channel of expression is based on the Yin. Within the feminine energies we find creativity, emotions and dreams.

Pure art is, then, an exclusive activity of the Yin. Although this does not mean that Yang does not find a way to impose itself again in this regard as well. When art is a matter of a battle of egos, when the important thing is to prove my worth and my talent, and the expression itself goes to the background, then, the feminine energies in us are again being victims of an imbalance in favor of Yang

Silence, stillness and patience are also qualities that the Yin possesses, and thus the connection that we can establish with our consciousness.

For art to be pure, nothing must stand in the expression, of which one is only an instrument. For the artistic expression is not about ourselves, but about something bigger than one, something that transcends and resignifies us.

The feminine energies in our day to day

Likewise, feminine energies also govern everything that involves the action of playfulness in us. This connection with the game, fun and express development and strengthens the expression.

The fascination with spontaneity and resistance to arrutinamiento and structuring are characteristics that also belong to our Yin. The exploration of oneself, the open experience of sexuality and pleasures also correspond to the feminine energies in us .

However, they should not believe with everything we are talking about that Yang ruins everything it touches. Only it is related to other types of features.

The Yang favors the movement and the life of adventures. Technique and construction are issues that are rooted in fundamental masculine energies. The search for progress, and the study and analysis of everything around us also finds its center in our Yang. Only that many times we put our progress and our intellectual advancement before the development and connection with our essence and our emotional advancement.

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Working our feminine energies

Fortunately, much can be done to balance the balance in favor of the Yin. But to do so it is very likely that we have to make time to break those behaviors that we have been constantly repeating.

- Reflect . Many times, accustomed to running from one activity to another, we lose sight of the importance of observing in our interior the thoughts and emotions that make a presence. This disconnection is one of the main causes of the imbalance. Aim inward and connect with yourself. MEDITA

- Express yourself . Move, sing, paint, find a way to let yourself be possessed by your feelings and observe yourself. The action of feminine energies can make you find yourself dancing alone in the middle of your living room. Cry Flow with what you feel, know yourself, understand yourself and forgive yourself.

- Go to nature . Generating a positive environment for the development of feminine energies is a great option when you feel that you cannot detach yourself from your routine. Therefore, getting in touch with nature and spending time contemplating its wonders can help you achieve that balance that you crave so much.

- Value spontaneity and games . Find a time to give free rein to the boy or girl inside you. Thus, you can develop your feminine energies while having a fun time, alone or in company.

- Write . One of the expressions that most helps calm our psyche is writing. Therefore, take a pencil and paper, and express your thoughts by writing whatever comes to mind. It is not necessary that you keep a diary, although if you dare, it is a practice that can also bring you many benefits.

Seeking balance is not an easy practice, but it is important. You can quietly live without reaching balance in your polarity and find yourself in conflict all your life.

Or you can do the work, and strive to reach the natural state of your mind and your body, and that everything else is a result and a manifestation of your balance.

AUTHOR: Lucas, editor and translator of the great family of hermandadblanca.org


  • https://www.bioguia.com/entrerapia/energia-femenina-como-potenciarla_31304723.html
  • http://renaceralavida.com/energia-femenina-bloada/
  • https://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-12941/6-ways-to-get-in-touch-with-your-feminine-side.html
  • https://flowsoulyoga.com/8-maneras-de-conectar-con-tu-energia-femenina-y-sentirte-plena-y-feliz/

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