Kabalah: Essence, Levels and Methodology

  • 2019
Table of contents hide 1 What is Kabalah about? 2 What are the Kabalistic methods? 3 What are the levels of Kabalah? 4 Levels of kabalah in the soul: 5 Levels of kabalah in the body:

Kabalah is a Hebrew term, which comes from the word " קבלה " ("kibel" translates. "Receive ") also means "tradition" and also means "accept . " In this sense, the kabalah sets up a system of ancient knowledge that was transmitted and received from generation to generation, by a teacher to his disciples orally. As it is told, it is a wisdom revealed (or received) first to angels. Subsequently, by compassion and mercy of the Creator, he was revealed to Adam through the archangel of secrets: Ratziel, in order to survive in this world after his fall, understand and approach God again.

What is Kabalah about?

It is a metaphysical system, which explains how all existing reality is formed and constituted. According to tradition, in the " sefer yetzira " (or book of creation) at the beginning of the universe; God would have consolidated 32 transcendental pathways composed of ten sefiroth (or emanations) and the 22 letters of the Hebrew alefato, which would contain the symbolic expression or keys of everything as soon as there is. Therefore, as a creation, being the image and likeness of the creator, Kabalah constitutes a wisdom of the macrocosm, and in parallel of the microcosm because it also drives man to virtue in the exercise of knowing himself . In this sense, kabalah is a theoretical-practical system about Being.

Therefore, kabalah constitutes a philosophy of life, which allows us to understand the root cause of suffering, also allows us to accept the divine will according to the principle of sufficient reason . From this perspective, the human being understands that everything that happens to him is for his good, for his psycho-spiritual strengthening. The kabalah would be, then, the deep part or soul of the torah (the first five books of the bible) and was hidden for centuries, and until today, it is that its revelation is made more openly known. This wisdom has increasingly deep and broad levels, which are studied through complex techniques and methods that attend to the language of the soul, that is, the symbols . Especially, to the symbols of the Hebrew letters and their numerical value (gematria), so the first step to study it is to learn the Hebrew alefato.

What are the Kabalistic methods?

How all sacred wisdom, kabalah is not exempt from a methodology, which allows the adept to study its principles from a hermetic perspective and with a constant effort, with the aim to expand your level of consciousness, become more responsible for yourself, and connect with the divinity. Among the methods, three (3) stand out: the temurah, the gematria and the notaricon .

The first is a technique to find sacred phrases, based on the reorganization of the alefato. For example, replace the first letter of the Hebrew alepato alep ( ) with the last (tav), the second (beth) with the pen Last (Shin), the third (guimel) with the last last (resh) and so on. This technique is known as At-Bash and is used in order to meditate and find a solution to some problem.

In the second instance, it is based on mathematics or quatum entity, (founding numerology) using the gematrics technique , which consists in establishing equivalences of meaning between Hebrew words that have the same value. For example, the word אֱלהִים (Elohim) has a value of 86, (the letter alep is worth 1, the letter lamed 30, the letter is worth 5, the letter yod 10 and the letter mem 40, that is: 1 + 30 + 5 + 10 + 40 = 86) the same value as the word nature in Hebrew (word found in the first verse of Genesis or Bereshit ).

Finally, there is the notaric technique, it consists of the formation of acronyms used to form mamtram and meditate kabalisitcaly for various purposes (be it protection, abundance, knowledge, etc.) found in the verses of the sacred scriptures in their language original and that keep an essence. The technique consists of joining the initials or first letters of a sentence with the initials of others, that is, each of the letters of one word is used as the initial of another word. An example will be given in the next section to better understand

What are the levels of Kabalah?

The levels are synthesized by the technique of notarization in a Hebrew phrase, namely: " פרדס " (pardés) which means garden, paradise or orchard . The first Hebrew letter that makes up that word is "פ" (pey or fey) and it is the initial of the word " P'shat" that alludes to the plain meaning, that is, clear, concise and correct of the sacred scriptures. Instead, the letter "ר" (resh) is the initial of the word "remez" which means innuendo. This refers to the use of the exercise of deduction (typical of the rationalists) of something that is insinuated in the sacred writings. How this exercise was seen starts from the connection and spiritual intention of the student.

On the other hand, the third letter of the word “פרדס” (pardés), is the fourth letter of the alefato, the Dalet ( “ד” ). Being this, the initial of the word " D'rash" which means dissertation . This alludes to the hermeneutics of the verses of the Torah, depending on the tradition revealed by the wise men and teachers, also following the techniques mentioned. Finally, the final word of the acronym is the letter Samej ( o ), which refers to the word " Sod" ( סוד ) whose gematria is 70, and means secret . Here comes the great kabaláh with the Zohar ha Kadosh (the holy book of splendor) constituting the pure soul of the Torah . In order to study this level, it is necessary to turn to a teacher in Kabalah, since his symbology is initiatory and not profane, transmitted by wise men of the Hebrew tradition. You also have to purify yourself following laws and regulations (halacha) In these levels the invocation of the angels is practiced.

Levels of kabalah in the soul:

As mentioned, in the world cosmogony, the great architect of the universe established 10 sefiroth, intercommunicated with each other, through 32 paths using the letters of the Hebrew alefato. This became an archetype of the human psyche, symbolized by the famous " tree of life ", which refers to the world of the soul. Said tree of life, or plane of the soul, consists of three basic pillars, where all emanations or sefiroth are distributed, such as: the pillar of severity (left), pillar of clemency (the center) and the pillar of mercy (right).

Similarly, like kabalah, for its study it has 4 levels, the tree of life for the human psyche also has 4 levels, which are: Olam ha Atsilut (or spiritual world, unity), Olam ha Briah (or creative world and of the superior angels), Olam ha Yetsirá (or formative world or of the angels) and Olam ha Asiah (the physical or karma world). These worlds constitute the explanation of how consciousness, intelligence and divine energy is condensed in a dialectical movement (affirmation, denial and denial of denial) until reaching consciousness in a waking state, the physical world, or plane of light compacted (as San Buenaventura would say).

Kabalah levels in the body:

Similarly, as the psyche participates with ideas, apprehending the archetypal world through symbols, the physical body is an imitation of the soul and its worlds. In the three-dimensional plane, the plane of the ego, and of visible and sensitive things, the world of causes and effects is concretized, that is, the world of physics, chemistry, biology and also where the human being experiences his karma. Within the physical body also the archetype of the tree of life has its resonance, from head to toe, and throughout the physiological structure. Such is the following:

  • Keter: I essential keter of the body. It refers to the head and pineal gland.
  • Chockmah: Involuntary psychobiological processes, the imagination, the unconscious, represented by the right hemisphere.
  • Binah: Voluntary psychobiological processes. The understanding represented by the left hemisphere
  • Daat: Ego of the body.
  • Hesed: Liberation of catabolic processes. Also symbolized by the right arm.
  • Geburah: Accumulation of anabolic processes. Also symbolized by the left arm.
  • Tiferet: Central nervous system, (CNS) psyche. Also symbolized by the torso and the heart.
  • Netzah: Efferent engine system. Also represented by the sciatic nerve (right leg).
  • Hod: Sensory afferent systems. Also symbolized by the left leg.
  • Yesod: Autonomic nervous system (SNA) also symbolized by sex.
  • Malkut: Height, weight current configuration of the senses and perceptions.

Finally, as we have seen, the Kabalah is a wisdom that must be approached in detail, with a lot of training and training, because there the transcendental entity is studied, since it is an activity and practical-rational position on the totality of the real. That is, by understanding the structure of the soul, studying it as the roots of the tree, its trunk, its branches, we can understand the fruits of our actions in this three-dimensional plane.

Author: Kevin Samir Parra Rueda, editor in the big family of hermandadblanca.org

More information in:

  • Kabbalah Mashiah. (Producer). (2017, October 16). Learn to read Hebrew in less than an hour . [YouTube program]. Available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHBGbMiRqbI [Accessed: 2018, October 7].
  • Open Judaism (Producer). (2018, March 03). What is the Kabbalah? . [YouTube program]. Available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lr9EESRTVhg [Accessed: 2019, February 28].

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