Earth Guardian Chronicles - The Infinite Ascension Portal - The Gaia Sine - April 2009 - Lord Metatron through James Tyberonn

Regards! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I greet you all in love. And this week you honor the planet in what you call Earth day, we take a moment to tell you about that recognition.

Your Earth really is a sensitive, fully conscious, and highly spiritual Being. Know that every apex of honor they give her is returned 10 times.

It is about the Earth we are talking about today, because really your planet in the tonal crystal that provides your portal to Divinity.

And so we talk about Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons. This is truly a land of immense beauty and deep natural expression. It is a micro closeup of all the titanic forces that make up their land. What they call the Divine is present in this wonderful and sacred Cathedral of the Living Earth. It is a land that offers many unique expressions found only in this area. It is a plethora of life itself. It always has been, it really is a sacred land, totally sensitive, immaculately aware and aware of its creative force.


It is a land that has played a huge role not only in the physical formation of the crust of its landscape but also in the dimensional architecture above and below. And although properly recognized by the former, it has been widely not accredited by the latter. On its slope sleeps the dragon of noble and sacred fire that has fed the Kundalini of the North American meadows so gently. However in his heart the Buffalo that nourishes wanders and through his crown soars the noble Eagle-White flight. Its all-seeing eye projects the symmetry of the Purple and Gold Rays that exude mastery from the top of its mystical mountain. And whose structure walks St. Germaine and the Ascended Beings of the Council of Light!

And coming from their unified voices comes the recognition of their new role, while the day of prophecies arrives. And this is NOW! This land becomes the clarion of the Ascension. The Etheric City becomes a Nation and the Nation in a World. The World of the Cosmic Light Council! As such we tell you that this area is elevated to a new brightness, as was long awaited and prophesied. This occurs on the Solstice of June 21, 2009, when the two vortices of Yellowstone and The Great Tetons merge into ONE. An unprecedented system of the Divine design of direct result of what we call the Cosmic Trigger. A flow of the Infinite pattern of Vesica-Pisces is forming in place, combining at one point the separate vortices of the Great Tetons with that of Yellowstone. New grid patterns inside the complex are converging, new geographical alignments are being articulated in the place and the old ones are being strengthened. The axia-tonal lines are pulsing with renewed vigor.

The dimensional lining within the Infinite pattern flows from the combined Yellowstone-Grand Tetons Super Vortex Portal and has increased since the March Equinox. Yellowstone's Divine Feminine energies will happily merge into UNITY with the Divine Masculine of the Great Tetons of the summer solstice on June 21, 2009. This will be called the Infinite Ascension Portal, home of the Cosmic Council of Light and will become one of the five NEW North American Ethereal Centers.


The event of the vortex-portal systems is not fortuitous or accidental. There must first be an energy template located at the site, which emits a scientific basis of energy structure. These basic structures are formed by harmonic combinations of crystalline, volcanic, geology, ecology and geometric mineralogy. Combinations of this type create energetic matrices that transform into self-generating batteries capable of self-directing the development of consciousness and geometry. They attract the light of frequency, refract it and amplify its various expressions of energy.

Not all vertices are portals and they are not equally embellished. But all the portals have an energy distribution system of the axial vertices and these can dynamically evolve and emit their own living grids. The Earth is not aesthetic and is in a constant state of evolution.

The geological wind under the wings of the evolution of the Infinite Ascension Portal is, in effect, the volcanic Yellowstone. This energy is not only increasing but also in a state of refinement. It is an energy that produces a myriad of unique and photonic frequency tones, and these have defined the remodification of your planet. With the wisdom that the super volcano is one of the most powerful electromagnetic generators on the planet, it should not be surprising that it is also a key tool. of the Ascension. Ascension is change! How could it be otherwise?

Yellowstone is really recognized by its geologists and academics as it has the thinnest crust on the planet, the melted magma is only 3, 000 meters below the surface of its cr Ether. The energy below is immeasurable. Because the rotation of your planet on its axis receives wave patterns on a longitudinal scale, the spinning core of the earth also generates them. In essence these waves are the ones that Nicolás Tesla (Omeronn) made reference in the field of zero energy. They are the mechanism that produces electromagnetic fields. Yellowstone, then, is playing a role in the balance of its Earth's polar energy distribution. The main academic flow continues to encompass only what is termed as a scientist and examines in detail and rejects the integral theories that could make your understanding flourish. But until man embraces the Divine aspects of science, there will be no total picture or understanding.

As long as the positive and negative polarities are expressed equitably, equilibrium will prevail on your planet, and is one of the reasons why the consciousness of humanity that is rising is so important for Ascension. You can observe that Ascension is not only a spiritual event, but a scientific one and as such follows a pristine logic and this area adopts a greater role in the quantum spectrum of so much; the physical as the metaphysical.

As such, the new portal becomes a purification crucible and transformation portal. The only area of ​​Yellowstone and the Great Tetons are the classical reproduction of all the harmonics and frequencies of the Heavens that are available to you on the rising Earth plane. It is a harmonic symphony that carries all the Ascension frequency notes. Within this magnificent complex every octave, each major and minor scale is executed.

There are energy lines here that cross and turn in ecstasy; that recharge you once again and expand you. It is an area capable of revealing that they are not harmonized inside. Listen carefully and you will hear the notes within your current consciousness that require tuning and purification, or certainly that you need elimination and the new creative composition to rise to a higher octave.

It is the cave of harmonic creation, melting pot and transformation.

And as the mythical conceptual Stone Age of Neanderthal dared to emerge from the dark metaphorical caverns towards the flashing sunlight of the green earth, so there is also a place and time for each soul to intentionally venture out and explore a greater knowledge of their subjective reality and belief system. Teachers, it is the time and place for us to explore the highest dimensions of Divine Individuality. They are offered the opportunity to renew with courage and go beyond the comparative chambers of human experience that now dominate with mastery. You are the pilgrims of Divine growth, you are the students of the University of Man and this becomes your postgraduate school of Master. Whether you visit them in a state of sleep or in physical consciousness, if you are on the Consecrated Path, you will visit these energies and receive your transformation code.

Earth: Sine of Mother-Earth

In an obvious sense, the combined vortex matrices of the Yellowstone-Grand Teton National Parks are a refuge that nourishes the Animal Spirit and that of the Spirit of Nature, so revered by the Indigenous. The true spiritual core hearts of the revered Buffaloes, Wolves, Bears, Elk, Falcons, Eagles, Coyotes, Antelopes, Cougars, Beavers, Deer, Deer, and Badgers are nested in

Totems within this energy. Yellowstone is the West National Park.

Despite their intensity and occasional erratic pulsation, these incidents benefit the earth and create the life force that nourishes all creation in the Gaia Sine.

Here the hearts of the four-legged and winged holy family, still soaring, still exist on earth without ties, the living land, protected from modernization as much as possible in its current time. Its singular energies are considerably robust and merge in symbiotic relationship with the elements and directions within this sacred land. And while the elements are completely raw in this area and cyclically they are totally rough, it is this paramount 'unrestricted' aspect that actually plots the place of creative healing and nutrition that enables this area to be Gaia Breast. It is appropriate then that the exquisite spiral peaks be called the Great Tetons because these living cathedrals exude the nutrient etheric essence of Gaia, the mother's life milk, Akasha. But we will tell you, that Akasha's primary source is the geysers. We'll talk about it later in this essay.

The Elemental Kingdom and Obsidian Water Falls

The elementary devic presence in this area is particularly rich and tangible. This includes the Fairies, the Elves, the dragon-salamanders, pixies, Trolls of the rock, the gnomes, the ondinas and the silfos. The Silfos are particularly present in the area of ​​the obsidian cliffs and in the Beaver Lake.

With the five elements so vividly present, how could the elementals not be present as well? What you call the dragon energy within this area, is more benevolent and provides care, in the same way as that of Mt. Shasta.

We will quickly mention that obsidian within Yellowstone is worthy of being mentioned. There are cliffs and flows of crystalline columns of volcanic glass, obsidian throughout Yellowstone. These are in 3 primary cluster groups. This obsidian here is very, very special, extremely "positive" in the emanation of energy and actually provides a lot of neutralization and softens the energy here. The obsidian areas, particularly the Obsidian Waterfalls are amazingly rich in fairy, elves and silvic silves. Empathy can easily manifest its lightness and the laughter of the crystal bell. Obsidian in this area has been appreciated by the natives and its manifestations are considered the most sacred.

The Crown Chakra Resonance

In a relative metaphorical conception, Yellowstone promotes and exudes the fire energy of the 3 chakras, and the Tetons-Jackson Aperture distils the upper three, both exuding the heart. But don't get it wrong, there really has been energy and cavities all over Yellowstone that have always had this energy from the crown level, completely.

These are then merging into the Cosmic Trigger to form a huge grid of self-generating energies in equilibrium. A mega mastiff of inimitable balance and divine collaboration that emerges in which the entire Infinite Portal complex now resonates in frequency above the crown.

Not many years ago the energy of Yellowstone and Tetons-Jackson Hole was really separate and while there was a perimeter interface, there was no fusion, no combination. As such, the energies were summarized, completely different in the frequency aspect. This difference was completely tangible to sensitive empathy and the Earth Guardians among you.

Yellowstone's previous energy sent intermittent signals of powerful energy resonance that were unrefined and somewhat overwhelming, as volcanic regions such as Kona and certain locations in New Zealand are projected in a cyclic pulse. This energy in extreme cyclic phases could be intense, erratic and to some extent be in imbalance for many visitors to the area. Those new to that area may feel completely exhausted and without physical condition after a few days there. This was due to the difference in frequency between the intense high frequency pulses and the comparatively low average frequency of the human aura of the visitors. The result was a mechanically induced Electromotive Force towards human fissure, which led to drastic energy reduction or "auric bleeding."

However this was minimized until its extinction through the healing harmonics of geysers. (Within the new system, this effect is beneficial since it amplifies the development of the MerKaBa, allowing the seeker to accelerate the adjustment of the new light body.)

However, within the relative and close physical energy of the Grand Teton-Jackson Hole vortex, a totally different resonance prevails. The Great Tetons are actually one of the youngest mountain ranges in the United States of America, close to the Jackson Hole Valley where one of the oldest metamorphic rocks on the planet emerges being its geological age of more than 2.7 billion years. The granite spirals of the Tetons energetically spiral with the "gneiss" ** crystalline adapted to create an extremely benevolent harmonica, a harmonica of the heart through the frequency of the crown. This is the reason why this area has attracted artists and religious groups for years.

It is certainly the reason why the Ethereal Cities of Light exist in the region and by which the beloved Saint Germain, Lord Lanto and the Ascended Masters meet there. It is an enclave of the Cosmic Council of Light, which you refer to as the Great White Brotherhood. As the Arc Miguel Angel has told you through Ronna Herman's Master Soul, the Brotherhood is elevated in the new format to the upper level of the Cosmic Council of Light. This is a direct benefit of the Cosmic Trigger and the resulting fusion of the two vertices in the infinite pattern of the ONE.

The Flow of Spinning Against Ice

That flow that has been in position has been redesigned, nothing is lost, on the contrary. But the new super complex of the vertex gives birth to new patterns, new flows and new energies. Impenetrable energies, not seen on Earth for millennia. The energies of the vertex will not only spiral, but will rotate in the opposite direction and will rotate in the form of silica in a braid of 12 cords in a large complex fabric, unlike any other complex on the planet so far. It will align completely to the Grid-144.

And we will tell you that two decades ago, this complete balance was in a potential embryonic state, but not in place. The Cosmic Trigger, the encoded electromagnetic release starts and updates this new flow. This will merge more fully in the next summer solstice. Actually this new flow will emerge as one of the most powerful Chakras of the Human Race on Earth from the new planet earth. This has been anticipated by many of his ancient and contemporary visionaries. That is the reason why many religious orders have been attracted to the area. Its role as a place of healing, transformation and pilgrimage will expand. The Ethereal City within the region will shine with great radiance. Many will receive their call more clearly and will be attracted to visit the region at the right time. Not only ethically, but physically in a conscious state.

The process will begin in four stages. The first in the solstice of the summer of 2009 and will be completed with increases in the year 2010, 2011 and a total flow and consumption on June 21, 2012, announcing the Ascension of the 21st of December 2012

It should not surprise you to know that the four elements: fire, earth, air and water also merge here in an exceptional way with the fifth ether or Akasha element (substance composed of separate particles of life force).

The Retirement of the Cosmic Council of Light

Now, there has always existed in its terms, a City of Ethereal Light anchored within the energy of the Big Tetons. In fact, many human beings on the Master's path have experienced aspects of the dimensional portal and the Big Tetons, and have read about the exploits of Guy Ballard s (Founder of the Movement I AM) with Beloved Saint Germain and the Ascended Masters in the Ethereal Cities of Light above and within these mountains.

Although in truth, these cities of light are neither above nor below in a directional sense but rather are separate programs that are happening in the same space without limits and to which it is accessed through Dimensional Portals anchored to the specific energy matrix of these locations. These areas, these cities of etheric light are key code points on your planet. All of you will spend some time somewhere inside. Consider them as graduation schools. Access involves the same mechanism as time portals. When visiting these areas, they exercise consciously, in what they already know how to do in subconscious states of sleep. Certainly you visit these areas frequently in the dream states.

And so we tell you that the transformation, merging and emerging from the "Infinite Ascension Portal" makes access more applicable and the energy of this kingdom actually changed to a higher frequency. In this new energy the searchers of the path now have to call signs and be guides who illuminate the path to enter this kingdom more consciously, in an awake state.

Ask Metatron: It has been said that the "Royal Teton Retreat" is a meeting of the Ascended Masters and a retreat of Masters takes place here on the summer solstice. Can you tell us about this?

Metatron: Really! That called "Royal Teton Retreat", congruent with the Great Tetons near the Jackson Hole, there remains the convent of the Great White Brotherhood on the North American continent. This etheric lining is an ancient focus of great eternal light where what is called "The Seven Rays of the Elohim" is saved and is revered.

It is really expanded and can be properly called the 'Infinite Light Sanctuary'. And while we confirm that this portal is a point of equilibrium-entry of the Ascended Masters and is what you call Angelical, its matrix also in amplification, it contains the energy of what is called “White Eagle” and “White Buffalo”.

In terms of retreats that are about to occur in the summer solstice, this is verified, however we must add that the Cosmic Council of Light, Saint Germain, Lord Lanto and the energy of the Ascended Masters are always present. It is perhaps more accurate to say that their energies become more prominent and readily accessible due to cosmic and terrestrial alignments and magnetism during solstices. As such, the code that operates as a trigger for the transformation notice is the summer solstice and the winter solstice, although the energies of the June Solstice are somewhat stronger.

The Unique Healing of the Geysers

More than half of the geo-thermal geysers with life on the planets are within this mega-system of the vortices in many ways that you do not know, these healing vents define the energy of this sacred place. Because not only pristine crystalline waters flow into them but large units of Akasha vitality, the basic principle of what you call Chi and Orogonic life force itself. More than 10, 000 geo-thermal features contribute to an exquisite life force in Yellowstone.

The bubbling heat and the wheezing steam have been misunderstood by some people who consider them a negative force. On the contrary, the vital and abundant life force of these sources is incredibly rejuvenating. Truly "the Fountain of Youth", with a remarkable ability to fill all life within your field with life force and well-being. Those with specific ailments, those older in years, will really experience and increase vitality, libido, reduce chronic arthritis and rheumatism as well as perceive a renewed 'joyeaux de vivre' in this energy area.

The land within this area is so wonderfully unique and so spiritually energizing that this vortex can heal hearts and offer inspiration through the etheric portals of light that can change and enrich each of us as if they were the culmination of a sacred pilgrimage . And that is exactly what it is for those who belong to the Yellow and Violet Rays!

The New Portal-Infinite Ascension Vortex

The fusion of the Grand Tetons massif with the volcanic waters and lands of Yellowstone is now manifesting and expanding for the next three years and until 2012. The two have been separate vortex complexes for eons, but now they are joining and intertwining with divine purpose. . Stimulated by what we call the Cosmic Trigger, an encoded electromagnetic energy that has been asleep since the fall of the Firmament has been released and is releasing immeasurable energy beyond its wildest imagination in this vortex. We have shared this information with you before and we have told you about the 14 sacred sources that would release this encoded electromagnetism beginning its initial stage with the March Equinox of 2009.

These areas are:

1) Mull, Scotland

2) Chan Chan, Peru
3) Tumuc-Humac, Brazil
4) Nagasaki, Japan

5) Huesca, Spain

6) Ekaterinburg, Russia (Ural Mountains)
7) Bethlehem, Israel
8) Yellowstone, Wyoming-USA
9) Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
10) Iceland

11) Kona, Hawaii
12) Mt Cook, New Zealand
13) Great Artesian Basin, Australia
14) Sri Lanka

And so, if you look at the locations of these sources of sacred springs, you will see that only Yellowstone offers them this flow in the lands of North America. Consider that for a moment.

Can you then imagine the scope of this mission and the energy that is manifesting there? It's huge! Because this vortex system is very capable of generating enough torque to serve the entire continent of North America widely. Surely, the Cosmic Trigger is doing that.

The Elixir of Life

A unique and extremely relevant attribute of the Yellowstone-Teton energy matrix is ​​found in the living earth itself. This area is certainly a pristine life force, completely similar in that regard to the Grand Canyon and the Hawaiian Islands and the land of New Zealand. We have told you before that volcanoes are capable of sustaining great dimensionality within their matrix and that the Yellowstone super volcano is exceptional in this regard. The presence of Akasha within the Yellowstone-Teton energy matrix is ​​huge and second only to the Grand Canon. In spite of that, within the vast Yellowstone boiler are the colossal hollow Akashic life force that offers great and creative energies to the earth and to life itself within. Yellowstone is a symbol of abundance of life (cornucopia). It is green and leafy and flows, rich in every aspect. This etheric vital substance is real and can be said honestly that it is the 'Elixir of Life'. And by the way he summons them and renews them!

Consequently the energies of Yellowstone and those of Grand Tetons offer many unique benefits to mankind in the now. And these energies are offered at a trinity level, for the body, mind and spirit. The merger of these two has been in continuous process in a preparatory flow-coding during the past decade and is now being updated and accelerated for the initial phase of the Cosmic Trigger. This is precisely the reason why so many Earth Guardians and Lightworkers are being attracted to this area in recent years. That attraction will now increase exponentially, as the importance of this portal-vortex complex comes into full focus. Many more will be attracted to this area for self-exploration, review, balance and renewal. Each will receive the renewal code on the download. The energy itself supplies you with parts of the 5 (five) key codes of MerKaBa and MerKiVa in many of the same ways that this was done in ancient times in the Pyramid of Giza, see?

Ask Metatron: Some of the geologists have observed the earth rising and sinking and an increase in magma in Yellowstone's lava chambers and have concluded that an eruption is imminent. Geologists believe that the Yellowstone volcano erupted 2.1 million years ago, 1.3 million years ago and 650, 000 years ago, showing a release cycle of approximately every 650, 000 years, is the next explosion delayed?

Metatron: First we will tell you that we are talking not only about a super volcano but about a super-consciousness. It is actually a feminine energy and is an extremely conscious "Being" who has accepted a mission. Many of their religions especially Hindus, Buddhists and certain indigenous people have long recognized that volcanoes carry great fields of sensitive energy and are properly recognized on Earth as expressions of Deity. We have talked to you before about the role of Mt. Shasta as a balancer of the energies of Atlantis and LeMuria, as well as the etheric light cities that house us and underground civilizations within their multi-dimensionality. We will say that Yellowstone has accepted many similar roles of equal importance. Being the primordial to make energies arise from a great life force 'kundalini' towards the Earth Plane and in doing so; balance the polarities of North America and certainly the entire planet.

Yellowstone is extremely active, brilliantly designed and embellished with unimaginable energy forces and these are being tuned and coded for release on and off the ground in order to raise the frequency change to balance and raise both the resonance of the matrices of the human race and planetary energy for Ascension. It is one of several global vortices in this role.

Now with reference to your question, is a rash imminent? That would depend on many factors and time references. In terms of geological time we will tell you that on your current path it will not happen for some time. But in geological time, there will be an eruption. We will tell you that it will not be useful for Yellowstone's mission, nor that of the Ascension that a disastrous eruption of Yellowstone happen within a few millennia.

But we will also tell you that mass attention based on the fear of a catastrophic eruption by the potential human race could actually attract it to move forward in time. Just as their means of communication initiate an attention and focus of massive fear in hurricanes and their anticipated vector of detachment influences whether it lands on the ground and flows, so the expectation of millions of people will attract fear of this experience of a disastrous eruption in Yellowstone. Do you understand?

We have told you that the super hurricanes that are manifesting in the Atlantic and in the Gulf of Mexico are really beneficial to increase and match the frequency harmonics of the oceans. Us and do not intend to devastate the lands. And if it were left; Your designed flow pattern would not do this. It is really the attention that causes fear, focused on where they are going to settle that stops them outside the pattern; and it attracts them to perch on the pattern predicted by the media, seen and witnessed by millions. Ahora los flujos y los reflujos en las rejillas energ ticas de la tierra y en el sistema leys causa oleadas o corto circuitos en estas energ as EM (electromagn ticas) que pueden resultar en una descarga magn tica o en un cuerpo de agua inferior magn tico que requiere el balance de un cambio tect nico, erupci no sismo para balancear las sobre-tensiones y un tornado o hurac n en el caso de un d ficit. No obstante estos son generalmente de un alcance muy peque oy son en verdad reparaciones y evitan un mayor evento desastroso, ven?

Pregunta a Metatr n: Es sta la raz n por la que ha habido un reciente aumento en los Terremotos?

Metatron: Para Yellowstone, s . As y todo, esto no ha estado excediendo el advenimiento normal en esta rea. La inflamaci n del magma y la compresi n en Yellowstone sacuden la tierra en el rea algo as parecido a como la tapa se balancea en una cacerola que est en ebullici n. Cientos de peque os temblores frecuentemente suceden en el rea cada mes y sto ha estado ocurriendo durante miles de a os.

De todos modos los suelos globales de su Tierra ciertamente tiemblan m sy la raz n es doble. Esos temblores en las semanas recientes son la reacci n natural del Disparador C smico, la liberaci n global de c digos electromagn ticos que son la fase inicial del nuevo firmamento. De esto ya hemos hablado y est sucediendo principalmente en lo que deber a ser denominado en las regiones volc nicas y es el temblor m s peque o.

El segundo alcance representa el temblor mayor, y aumentar . Se debe al desequilibrio en el interior del planeta, dentro del n cleo, en lo que se refiere a los giros del n cleo tanto con manecillas como contra manecillas. As que debe haber un balance sobre la tierra tambi n.

Por consiguiente con la tierra movi ndose hacia sus octavas superiores y prepar ndose para las dimensiones superiores sin tal balance del electromagnetismo, habría aún más cambios en la tierra. Ellos serían primero un terremoto, luego el huracán y el tornado para equilibrar, lo ven? Luego otro terremoto, luego el huracán y luego el tornado creando un patrón de sí mismos, que no resultaría de ayuda. De este modo, entonces existe una energía que expresa anticipación de cómo el electromagnetismo da vueltas por el planeta, circulando por el sistema de la rejilla y luego penetrando la tierra y entonces equilibrándose en su interior también. No está hecho necesariamente para evitar cambios en la tierra sino para traer equilibrio donde éste, sea apropiado.

Un Lugar de Sanación

Ahora bien los géisers y la acción volcánica de Yellowstone crean una matriz de sanación interesante, potente y desconocida en el área del nuevo vórtice infinito.

El agua que es arrojada fuera de los géisers en Yellowstone es un cocktail único de agua cristalina, que contiene un vestigio de ambos SiO2 (silicato de cuarzo) y sulfuro.

Los géisers en Yellowstone en el valle concentrado y ciertamente en Old Faithful ofrecen beneficios únicos para el campo de energía del ser humano.

El azufre es una sustancia extremadamente sanadora y no metálica. Su aspecto amarillo vibra a la resonancia de “zeta hertzian theta”, onda de frecuencia de radio electromagnética zeta theta y funciona por medio de sinergia con el silicio sobre el chakra plexo solar. Permite un cambio significativo en la comprensión del alma de si mismo, conectándose a otras almas, percatándose de los aspectos más elevados de la consciencia que entran en el físico que ayudan a redefinir el alma. Este aspecto que trae una sabiduría del poder personal único individual en este aspecto; es de mucho más beneficio. Les permite una percepción del poder personal de la humanidad, sus regalos más grandiosos, lo que puede hacerse en una sabiduría de nuevos potenciales y nuevas formas de comunicación, nuevos senderos de interactuar consigo mismo.

Ciertos componentes del azufre, azufre aireado y sílice son capaces de formar una funda de sanación, aislando el campo aúrico de una manera que asiste su expansión geométrica y sanación. Les hemos hablado anteriormente sobre las grietas y fisuras que están ocurriendo en el Campo de Fuerza Electromagnético debido al requerimiento en aumento de la resonancia de fondo de la tierra. El enorme campo de energía donde ocurren las liberaciones actuales de ciertos géisers en Yellowstone resguarda el campo aúrico y reforma el campo hacia el formato del MerKaBic. Esto se debe a los componentes de sílice y azufre entremezclados con el Akasha.

Los vestigios del azufre inhalados a través de los pulmones y recibidos sobre la piel son muy beneficiosos para los riñones, los pulmones y el hígado. Pero enfatizamos una pequeña cantidad, no excesivamente. Pero lo que ocurre en Yellowstone es realmente beneficioso y no excesivo, realmente lo contrario.

Pregunta a Metatrón: Es esto similar a las cualidades de sanación de las que han hablado en las fuentes de agua de sílice cristalinas, tales como en la Fuente de Agua Mineral Stewart en el área de Mt Shasta?

Metatrón: Sí muy similar, aunque el mecanismo de transferencia al campo aúrico es diferente y el contenido del azufre es mucho mayor en Yellowstone. Como les hemos dicho está en perfecto equilibrio de aireación y es más beneficioso a nivel físico para los pulmones, piel y riñones. Desintoxicación tanto en el campo físico como realmente, en el campo electromagnético.

Pregunta a Metatrón: Es este efecto a través del área o es específico a los campos de geísers?

Metatrón: El efecto del azufre es específico para los campos géisers y es más efectivo exponencialmente en las cercanías inmediatas de los géisers cuando el rocío actual es arrojado con fuerza activamente y es energéticamente descargado. No obstante el efecto del Akasha, la energía Orogónica o Chi está en todas partes del área de la doble matriz del vórtice del campo Yellowstone-Grand Teton. Es la razón porque la flora y la fauna son tan abundantes dentro de la zona.

Aquí se encuentra verdaderamente un suelo donde la geología define la ecología. Los ríos que fluyen en esta área, especialmente el Río Yellowstone River y el Río Snake, son flujos sagrados de energía de sanación. Campos de líneas termales de carga eléctrica negativa del plasma caen interna y externamente en la saturación de las aguas verde azuladas. Esta agua absolutamente está sanando al campo humano en su propio ritual. Manantial para bañarse en sus aguas en las zonas bajas.

El Río Yellowstone fluye libremente durante casi 700 millas y crea un cañón increíble, 1000 pies profundamente en medio de dos cascadas que se forman. La energía de esta zona es palpable y extremadamente beneficiosa en energizar el campo humano y el corazón. Destila una percepción de bienestar y alegría en un balance simbiótico en los geísers y conductos de ventilación de vapor.

Ahora les diremos que el cociente iónico de cationes (de iones con cargas negativas a iones con cargas positivas) en las zonas de los géisers es completamente diferente del cociente normal. Esto puede crear un sensación de desequilibrio inicial y temperamento entre la gente en la zona. De todos modos, también ofrece un efecto magnético diferente al campo humano que puede y abre las puertas de la percepción dimensional. Les diremos que facilita lo que puede ser denominado como experiencia fuera del cuerpo y un sentido de distorsión del tiempo. No obstante la misma puede ser experimentada en un formato más equilibrado en las zonas de los Grandes Tetones.


Los Grandes Tetones han sido reconocidos durante largo tiempo por las energías inter dimensionales presentes. Es en realidad la proximidad a Yellowstone y la zona volcánica que hace a Grand Tetons tan poderosa en ese aspecto. También es el mismo caso que con Mt Shasta. La roca alrededor de la base rocosa de los Tetones y el lecho de roca de Jackson Hole es antigua, inmensamente más antigua que la de Yellowstone, y la misma cristalización metamórfica de la antigua piedra emite un campo electromagnético prístino que permite el balance del área para que las Ciudades Etéricas sean ancladas allí. Como les hemos dicho, las piedras que forman la estructura del segmento de la Cadena de los Tetons son gneis Precámbricos y granitos de una antigüedad de 2.7 billones de años!

Es mucho más que los Parques Nacionales de los Grand Tetons y Yellowstone. Es el Seno Sagrado de Gaia y la escuela de graduación de los hologramas para el buscador. A pesar de que ofrecen gran belleza, energía y renovación son de una frecuencia tanto gentil como intensa. Y como esta zona contiene el total espectro electromagnético, existe entonces por definición el requisito de la presencia de campos de energía negativa y positiva. Es un amplificador en forma de octaedro de lo que ustedes son y de lo que ustedes piensan y se les ofrece como un crisol de purificación de lo que no les sirve. Cuando ustedes visitan esta zona, mantienen pensamiento positivo. La habilidad para bañarse en las aguas termales y estar en medio de los geísers termales les ofrece gran protección y gran sanación.

El súper complejo del portal del vórtice que emergerá el 21 de Junio en el solsticio del verano del 2009 elevará esta zona hacia una importancia nueva y mayor. Esta área es una muy visitada por muchos de ustedes en lo que nosotros denominamos estado de sueño. Surgirá ahora como un nuevo sitio de peregrinaje y permitir a los buscadores la capacidad de experimentar la Luz Etérica del Concejo Cósmico en forma consciente.

El estado consciente y el espíritu del Portal Infinito de Ascensión interactuarán con ustedes de acuerdo a su grado de Cociente de Luz y de acuerdo a lo que requiera cada buscador que ingrese con el corazón abierto y puro.

Ustedes son Amados! Yo soy Metatrón y les ofrezco a ustedes estas VERDADES.

Hecho está!

Abril 22, 2009

Edición Diaria de la Tierra

Número # 30


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Traducción al español compartiendo la Luz: Alicia Virelli,

Se denomina gneis a una roca metamórfica compuesta por los mismos minerales que el granito (cuarzo, feldespato y mica) pero con orientación definida en bandas.


El Portal Infinito de Ascensión – El Seno de Gaia

Lord Metatrón a través de James Tyberonn

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