Remembering our psychic abilities

  • 2014

There are many qualities of Human Beings. Many more than we remember. All of them are inherent to us, they belong to us.

What do we mean when we talk about psychic abilities?

To the capture of that subtle world, and sometimes, so little noticeable. That world so deep, so authentic.

To that world that is not perceived with the physical senses. To that world that feels and at the same time provides us with much more information: real information.

Those perceptions that make us feel One with the All, where there is no separation, no limits, no judgments, no differences.

Perceptions that unite us, that generate a common unity to all.

Perceptions where I feel you from a distance, from silence.

Perceptions where any encounter with trees, plants, animals, things and people are talking to me. They are giving me a message. The meetings are not arbitrary.

Perceptions at the same time very present in animals and very related to us with instinct.

What happened in the 2004 tsunami? The animals felt the great wave and went to another place.
Sample your connection with the All, listen to that other type of communication.

Is this type of communication present in me?
Do I communicate, for example, with the different objects or plants in my house?
Am I able to feel the connection with a person despite the physical distance and the silence of the words?

How to access these capabilities?

Silence, listening and non-judgment are some of the key elements.

These elements being the basis, there is also what is known as Information Codes.

What is an Information Code?

It is the language of the Source itself. The soul's own language.

Each code is the energy of Life manifesting itself, a bridge of union between our soul and the Source.

The codes allow us to establish communication with higher dimensions, aligning ourselves with frequencies of great purity and Love.

Just as communication between people is based on words, communication with other dimensions works through information codes.

When we come into contact with each Code we tune in to the frequency of the Source, the frequency that sits in our Being.

What are these codes for?

The purpose of each of these Codes is to Recall what is already in us.

The Codes function as keys that open information doors, allowing us to remember.

And I wonder: What are some of our psychic abilities?
We mention them and we will develop them in later articles.
Sensory, sensory, extrasensory, suprasensory, visual capacity of other worlds, telepathic, unfolding, multidimensional, extraterrestrial, intra-earth connection, among others.

Author: Elisabet Esteban Mulet
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Remembering our psychic abilities

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