Integrating new frequencies of the divine male by Patricia Cota-Robles

  • 2015

Humanity and all evolving Life on this Planet are still assimilating the powerful Gifts of Light with which we were blessed during the three Spring Full Moon festivals, the Mystic Month of May and the Baptism of Sacred Fire of our Mother God, the Holy Spirit that took place on the day of Pentecost. According to the Company of Heaven these facets of the Divine Plan that is being unveiled were successful beyond the greatest expectations of Heaven.

Please pause for a moment and experience the euphoria that is pouring out from the Beings of Light in the Realms of Enlightened Truth. His abundant Joy confirms that as promised, the frequencies of Crystalline Solar Light of the 5th. Dimension that Humanity has received so far this year, has allowed the I AM Presence of each person on Earth to recalibrate the Victorious Triple Immortal Flame in our Hearts and activate the genetic codes within our DNA and RNA structures that They contain our full Divine Potential as Sons and Daughters of God.

This crucial re-calibration and activation have paved the way for the I AM Presence of every person on Earth to be able to successfully complete the next step of preparing Humanity. The Divine Intention of the next step is to prepare each and every one of us at the cellular level to be able to experience the maximum benefit of the Activities of Light that are destined to be carried out from August 15 to 20, 2015. That monumental facet of the Plan Divine being deployed includes FREEING HUMANITY FROM THE CLAW OF OUR HUMAN EGOS BASED ON FEAR and an unprecedented INITIATION TOWARDS A SUPERIOR ORDER OF EXISTENCE THROUGH OUR PRESENCE I AM.

After eons of time of sobbing and lamenting through the difficult experiences of our self-inflicted pain and suffering, Humanity is finally in a position to reverse one of the most oppressive and destructive effects of our descent into the illusions of separation. and duality Mass Humanity is finally vibrating at a frequency that will allow us to withstand the new CRYSTAL FREQUENCIES OF 5TA. DIMENSION of the DIVINE MALE FROM THE HEART OF OUR FATHER GOD.

These are the frequencies of Light that our I AM Presence has been waiting for and should use in the process of freeing ourselves from the manipulative and abusive interference of our fragmented and fear-based human egos. This influx of the Divine Masculine will take place during the Solstice of June 21, which is not by chance the FATHER'S DAY in the United States this year.

The Company of Heaven has revealed to us that the integration of the new frequencies of the Divine Masculine of Humanity is a crucial factor in the progressive steps that are being unveiled this year in order to allow all of us to benefit from the influx of Light that is destined to happen on August 15-20, 2015. Please allow me to talk to you about the Divine Masculine and the inadvertent formation of our fragmented male human ego. These masculine aspects exist within each person and have nothing to do with the gender of one's physical body. Once we understand this information that comes from Above, we will realize the magnitude of what the new frequencies of the Divine Masculine will mean for the Ascension of Humanity process.

Some of this information may be familiar to you, but we have many new people who have requested our Circular . Please be patient while reading this article, it is vital for everyone to understand what the success of this facet of the Divine Plan means and the preparation of Humanity and ALL Life in evolution n on this sweet Earth . With greater understanding, our I AM Presence will be able to guide us infallibly as to what our individual part of the Divine Plan is and how we can participate more effectively in this momentous opportunity.


When we incarnated for the first time on Earth as Sons and Daughters of God, the hemisphere of our left brain was activated by the Male Polarity of our Father God. That Polarity of God manifests itself as a blue Sapphire Ray of Light that pulses with the Masculine Qualities of Divine Will, Power, Illuminated Faith, Protection and the First Cause of God's Perfection. After the Blue Light Ray of our Father God activated our logical and rational hemisphere of the left brain aroused the center of power inside our Throat Chakra. It was then anchored in the Divinity of our Heart as a beautiful feather / blue plume of Sacred Fire.

Simultaneously, while the Male Polarity of our Father God was activated inside the left hemisphere of our brain, the Female Polarity of our Mother God was activated inside the right hemisphere of the brain. This Polarity of God manifests as a crystalline pink Ray of Light that pulses with the Female Qualities of the Transfigurative Love, Unity, Reverence for Life and the Breath of Sacred Fire of the Holy Spirit. Once the Pink Light Ray of our Mother God activated our intuitive and creative right hemisphere, it awakened the center of Love within our Heart Chakra. Then this Ray of Light was anchored in the Divinity of our Heart as a beautiful plume / pink feather of the Sacred Fire.

Once the Blue Flame of the Power of our Father God and the Pink Flame of the Love of our Mother God were perfectly balanced in the Divinity of our Heart, they merged into a magnificent Violet Flame. This Sacred Fire is known as the Violet Flame of God's Infinite Perfection. In Divine Time, the Violet Flame ignited from the Divinity in our Heart and expanded into the physical brain structure, activating our pineal, pituitary and hypothalamic glands, and the ganglion center at the base of our brain.

Once the activation of our spiritual brain centers was complete, our Crown Chakra opened to its full extent and the full Divine Impulse of Christ Consciousness began flowing through our pineal gland into our mental and emotional bodies. We were fully aware of our Father-Mother God, the Company of Heaven and our I AM Presence. In this natural state of awake consciousness, we could easily communicate with all the various Aspects of Divinity through the open heart and telepathic mental communication.

The Christ Consciousness is our Right of Divine Birth as Sons and Daughters of God. It manifests as a yellow-golden Ray of Light that pulses with the Divine Qualities of Illumination, Wisdom, Enlightenment and Understanding. Once our Crown Chakra was opened to its fullest and we began to receive the flow of Christ Consciousness, that Ray of Light was anchored in the Divinity of our Heart as a beautiful yellow-gold plume of the Sacred Fire.

That event completed the physical manifestation of the Triple Immortal Victorious Flame that is burning as the Divinity within the Heart of each person. This is the Sacred Fire that the I Am Presence of each person successfully recalibrated to the Crystalline Solar Light Frequency of the 5th. Dimension. This happened in May 2015,

The Consciousness of Christ is the awake state of wisdom that our Father-Mother God gave us in the beginning and was intended for us to use and maintain during all our Earthly stays. This is the level of awareness that our Fathers God intended to have when we were choosing how to use our Free Will, our Gift of Life and our creative faculties of thought and emotion.

The original Divine Plan was for the Sons and Daughters of God to remain in the elevated state of Christ Consciousness while we learned to become co-creators with our Father-Mother God. The goal was for us to use our Life Force to co-create previously unknown patterns of Divine Love, Peace, Harmony, Balance, Abundance, Happiness and Abundant Joy as we expanded the boundaries of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth with each thought, emotion, word or action we expressed.

In order to ensure the fulfillment of that facet of the Divine Plan and to keep his Sons and Daughters focused strictly on the Light, our Father-Mother God gave us A warning: “Do not participate in the Tree of Knowledge of GOOD and EVIL. "

Our Fathers God knew that as long as their Sons and Daughters never used our Free Will or our creative faculties of thought and feeling to empower evil, WHICH IS NOT MORE THAN THE ABSENCE OF LOVE, we could not create the serious mutations of evil that were They manifest as poverty, disease, war, greed, crime, corruption, inclement weather, abuse of power and all other forms of pain and suffering.

Our Father-Mother God knew that while the Power of our Father God was always in balance with the Love of our Mother God and that every choice and decision we made was made from the Loving Wisdom of Christ Consciousness, we would never have to experience painful human deformations or cope with distorted illusions of separation and duality. But tragically, that was not going to be.

There was a point in time when the Sons and Daughters of God made the decision of Free Will to experience with our Life Force the empowerment of thoughts and feelings that were not based on Love or Reverence for Life. Once we made that fateful decision, we began to experience for the first time the painful effects of our actions. We can use our Life Force to create whatever we choose to build through our thoughts, feelings, words, actions, memories and beliefs. What is important for us is to realize that we are RESPONSIBLE for whatever we choose to create.

Over time, the negative results of our thoughts and feelings caused us to descend to such painful and jarring frequencies of vibration that we could no longer hear the inner guidance of our I AM Presence or the Celestial Realms. We get scared and think that maybe we could eliminate our pain by closing our Heart Chakra and blocking our ability to feel.

Our Heart Chakra is the portal through which the Love of our Mother God enters the physical plane. Once we decided to close our heart chakra, which blocks our Mother's flow of God's love, she was forced to withdraw. The Beings of Light in the Realms of Enlightened Truth said that the fateful decision is the event, overwhelmingly responsible for the sustained pain that Humanity suffers and the Earth have experienced since our fall from Grace eons ago.

The infinitesimal amount of Divine Love that our Mother God was able to project through our right hemisphere of the brain after we closed our Heart Chakra, was barely enough to sustain brain consciousness. This caused our right brain to become almost asleep. When that happened, the Blue Flame of Power of our Father God and the Pink Flame of Love of our Mother God no longer merged into the perfectly balanced Violet Flame of God's Infinite Perfection ..

The balanced Violet Flame of our Father-Mother God was the catalyst that activated our spiritual brain centers and opened our Crown Chakra, so that we could receive the flow of Christ Consciousness into our pineal gland. Without the support of the Violet Flame our spiritual brain centers began to atrophy. This forced our Crown Chakra to close. This tragedy prevented us from receiving the flow of Christ Consciousness and remaining connected to our I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven.

Once we lose the Consciousness of Christ and the awareness of our I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven, we begin to perceive the physical plane as our only reality. We arrive at the distorted conclusion that our physical body is all that we are and that the gratification of our physical senses is our purpose and reason for existence. As we traveled heavily through our Earthly existence by making choices that were not based on Love and that led us further towards separation and duality, we felt more and more confused. We develop a fragmented personality, an alter-ego based on fear. This human ego based on fear usurped control of our Free Will and manipulated our creative faculties of thought and feeling.

Without the balance of the Love of our Mother God we begin by abusing our Masculine Power. Our fear-based ego made power-oriented decisions that did not take into account how our decisions would affect other people or if they would reflect Reverence for Life. When we were in male bodies we abuse our power by being violent and aggressive. When we were in female bodies we abuse our Masculine power by suppressing it and allowing it to be dominated and oppressed. Evidence of this imbalance and the abuse of our Masculine Power through our human egos is obvious in virtually every ailment that exists on Earth today.

Since our human ego believed that his only purpose was to gratify our physical senses, he decided that whatever he needed to do to achieve that goal would be perfect. This selfish decision gave our permission to the ego to lie, cheat, steal and kill to get what he wanted. These destructive behavior patterns catapulted us further into the darkness and greatly amplified our pain and suffering.

For eons of time, the Company of Heaven has been working with the I AM Presence of each Son and Daughter of God in order to help them raise their energy, vibration and consciousness at a frequency that would explode the claw. paralyzing the human ego and once again allow the I AM Presence to take full control of its Earthly Bodies. THIS IS THE DATE OF THE DIVINE PLAN THAT IS INTENDED TO BE CARRIED OUT FROM AUGUST 15-20, 2015.



On June 21, 2015 millions of people in the United States of America will grant power to the Divine Masculine expressing the Love they have for their Earthly Fathers. On that day, billions of people around the World will empower the Divine Masculine by focusing on the influx of Light that will occur during the June Solstice more powerful than Earth and Humanity. have ever experienced since the fall of Grace and the inadvertent deformation of our fragmented male human egos.

Together we will co-create a Collective Cup of Consciousness through which our Father God and the Male Aspects of Deity through Infinity will attend the I AM Presence of Humanity to raise the Male Polarity inside our Heart Flames and our left brain hemispheres towards the 5th Solar Crystal Frequencies. Dimension of the Male Qualities of Divine Will, Power, Illuminated Faith, Protection and the First Cause of God of Perfection .

This glorious Activity of Light will be ensured within the Heart Flame of each person and these 5th Solar Crystal Frequencies. Dimension of the Divine Masculine will be integrated day after day with each breath we take in preparation for the influx of Light that will allow our Presence I AM to explode the bonds of our human ego and initiate ourselves in a higher Order of Existence. That miraculous event will occur from August 15 to 20, 2015.

Each and every person who is reading about the events of the June Solstice and the influx of Light that will occur in August, have been preparing for lives to assist in this unique facet of the Divine Plan. If that were not the case their I AM Presence would not have brought them to this sacred knowledge to their sphere of wisdom and conscience.

You will help raise the consciousness of the masses of Humanity in many ways by participating in these Divine Opportunities. Ask your I AM Presence how you can be the most powerful Light Force during these Cosmic Moments and you will be unequivocally guided to your right and perfect place.


Every possible advantage of the outside world is being provided to help us achieve maximum benefit from this facet of the Divine Plan that is being unveiled. The Portal of Light through which the Light of God will initially flow during this Cosmic Moment is the Open Door for the most powerful frequencies of Divine Healing and Love on the Planet. The permanent seed atom for this portal is the foothills of Tucson, Arizona, but the portal itself expands throughout the Southwest of the United States of America.

The Light that flows perpetually through this portal from the very Heart of our Father-Mother God is the Flame of Healing through the Power of the Infinite Transmutation of God and the Flame of Transfigurative Divine Love of our Mother God . The event that will sponsor the Activity of Light inside this portal from August 15 to 20, 2015 is the 29th. Annual World Lighting Congress.

The Clarín Touch has sounded in the Lightworkers around the World inviting those who resonate with this facet of the Divine Plan to come to Tucson, Arizona, to serve as the OPEN DOOR THAT NOBODY CAN CLOSE on behalf of all our sisters and brothers in the Family of Humanity and Mother Earth by herself. Together we will form a powerful transformer through the unification of our Heart Flames. Throughout the week, the Light of God will build the momentum through the Portal of Light in Tucson and at the right and perfect Cosmic Moment the Company of Heaven will initiate the I AM Presence of every man, woman and child on Earth towards a SUPERIOR ORDER OF EXISTENCE. This will occur for each person in perfect alignment with each other's Divine Plan and for the highest good of all involved.

The more people meet in the 29th. Annual World Lighting Congress in Tucson from all over the World, the more powerful our transformer will be and the more Light we will be able to receive on the physical plane of the earth representing Humanity and Mother Earth.

If you have the Call of the Heart to be physically present in Tucson for this Activity of Light, know that Beloved Mother Mary and Saint Germain are preparing your Heart Flame to withstand much more Crystalline Solar Light from the 5th. Dimension that you have ever experienced. This is being accomplished through your I AM Presence within the frequencies of God's Bliss, Wonder, Reverent Respect and Sublime Gratitude.

For those who are joining us in consciousness from various locations around the Globe, know that your Heart Flame is also being prepared by Mother Mary and Saint Germain in any way that is most appropriate for your unique service to the Light for this event.

For those who are in the process of making their decision about attending the 29th. Annual World Lighting Congress and those who would like to align with the Portal of Light in Tucson, please watch the 3-minute YouTube Video and you will experience some of the wonders of this site.

By Patricia

Translation: Alicia Virelli

Integrating new frequencies of the divine male by Patricia Cota-Robles

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