The Neptune God in the life of the human being

  • 2019

All myths and allegorical figures recall an inner and unconscious state of the human soul. The gods being archetypes, do not escape it. In this sense it is worth asking: What does the god Neptune mean? He is a Roman god, whose equivalent in Greek mythology, is Poseid n . Likewise, the feast of the god Neptune is celebrated in summer, on July 23.

What is your symbolism?

Already from the dawn of rational thought (7th century BC); it was sensed that the seas and water was the beginning of life. Fact corroborated by the empirical observation that it; It surrounded the whole earth. Being accordingly, a substrate of igneous matter. Hence Thales of Miletus has claimed that the beginning of everything was water. But what does this symbolism mean?

In the first instance, the gods reflect an internal reality, and can have the character of principle, hence it is said that the god Neptune, is the " lord of the seas ." Traditionally the seas and waters are associated to the emotional world, while the earth to the physical body and its configurations. In this sense, the god Neptune is the symbol of the interior waters, that is: the emotions and unconscious feelings that are contained within your physical body.

What does the trident of God Neptune mean?

It should be noted that the god Neptune has a particular tool, namely: a trident. This is a three-pointed instrument, which has ancestral meanings for all cultures. For example, for the Greeks it could represent the teeth of sea monsters (which psychologically alludes to aggressiveness), also for Christians an attribute of Satan, who punished sinners in hell through the triple actions of: 1 ) possessiveness or selfishness, 2) sexual lust and debauchery and 3) pride. This is a clear indication of the feeling of guilt.

On the other hand, the trident of the god Neptune can mean, the triadic possibility of basic emotions: joy, fear and anger. It also seems an archaic element of the paternal phallus, which establishes its coercive power in the early stages of psychosexual development, through the castration complex, and with it the moral and emotional consciousness.

In this sense we see that in its negative aspect the god Neptune with his trident, can symbolize a childish return to guilt and emotions associated with this feeling. However, in its positive part, it can symbolize a kind of magic wand with which the human being accesses his emotional world to discover its sources, and in it: Love, temperance and humility, which transcends the feeling of guilt Childhood for oedipal desires.

The Neptune God in Astrology

Formerly, the planets of the solar system were the gods whose forces influenced the future of the human being and to which a series of qualities were attributed. Thus, from the astrological perspective, The Neptune God, is embodied in his homonymous planet, which has deep qualities, (as well as the ocean floor) such as intuition, receptivity, deep social changes and revolutions of anarchic or totalitarian character .

In addition, your address is in the pisces sign. This planet is vital in the person's birth chart, because if it is badly aspected, it could be related as a tendency to suffer from deep psychological trauma and mental illness, especially mood disorders (such as depression, bipolarity, anxiety or perversion).

With everything seen, it could be said that the god Neptune from an archetypal viewpoint, is a form of the collective unconscious, which encompasses the I, and the Non-I, that is, the processes that transcend Cartesian subjectivity, being in Ultimate, universal.

Author: Kevin Samir Parra Rueda, editor in the big family of

More information in:

  • Cirlot, E. (1992). Dictionary of symbols . (9th Ed.). Barcelona, ​​Spain: Editorial Labor. SA
  • Chevaler, J. (1986). Dictionary of symbols . Barcelona, ​​Spain: Editorial Herder.

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