Without Money and Unhappy? Know these Herbs and Plants Your life will change!

  • 2017

Maybe, your money doesn't give you up? Has your life turned into prolonged misery? Do not despair! It is time that you know the herbs and plants that will bring to your life, prosperity, happiness, money and love. Do not doubt a single moment , you deserve the best!

How do herbs and plants attract money and prosperity?

"Herbs and plants emit their own energy, affecting our environment, either negatively or positively"

Surely, when you look at the title of this Article, you may have asked yourself, but ... how can herbs and plants attract money and prosperity?

Plants and herbs, are living beings, are conceived of birth, growth, development, old age and death . Depending on the species, these perspire diverse aromas, be they of softness and attraction to the Human Being and other living Beings, or failing that, create disgust, and even, for some, death.

That said, it is clear that herbs and plants emit their own energy, affecting our environment, either negatively or positively . In this way, the affectation of plants and herbs, provide direct contact with us, attracting into your life what you intend to create.

On the other hand, it is no secret to anyone that herbs and plants have healing properties, with which, it is possible to relieve, repair and alleviate, any type of disease or symptom in any living Being of nature.

In other words, plants and herbs are the medicine of living nature . If you study the essence of a plant or an herb, you will realize that it is composed of vitamins, minerals, hormones, enzymes, proteins, alkaloids, trace elements, among others. All these compounds are essential in the cure of diseases, this, because their work is on the body of the living Being, acting effectively in the affected or diseased organ .

Now, herbs and plants are also capable of filtering and eliminating negative energies that oscillate in your environment or in your life, normally, envies, criticisms and curses, which disturb your economic aspect and your happiness. It would be as if plants and herbs absorbed this type of energy of a negative and perverse nature that come into your life.

It is important that you take care of the herbs and plants that you have in your home, in your residence, in your office, and other places that you frequent, in an appropriate way. You should keep them well groomed, free of pests and diseases . Talk to them, tell them how beautiful and aromatic they woke up, band them, place good amounts of organic and natural fertilizer.

I invite you to do investigative reading on the recent explorations on the healing properties of herbs and plants, in addition, it would be excellent, that you also inquire about ancient cultures that talk about the energy effects of plants and herbs. This is the case of the oldest Oriental cultures, and of the indigenous indigenous cultures of America . You're going to get passionate, I guarantee it!

Herbs and plants that attract money and happiness

The herbs and plants are also capable of filtering and eliminating negative energies that oscillate in your environment or in your life

There are a variety of plants and herbs that have special abilities for healing, attracting money and prosperity .

In general, I will mention the most effective herbs and plants with the fastest action in achieving the objectives you want to achieve, for this exact case, prosperity, happiness and money.

(Water Pachira)

If you really want to surround yourself with positive energy, Aquatic Pachira, better known as Castaño de Guinea, will be the first plant you should get. It is an arboreal that is born in humid tropical soils, according to the findings, it is native to South America and Central America, normally, it grows in large quite populated groups.

Its leaves are palmate green, with a docile and greenish bark. Its flowers are long with narrow petals that open similarly to banana peels. The outgoing stamens are beautiful orange and yellow.

It has been cultivated for decades because of the edible fruit it produces, with a peanut-like flavor, it can be eaten raw or cooked, the leaves are also edible.

This plant that attracts money and prosperity for you and your business, can be placed in medium shade environments, should be sprayed daily. If you provide necessary care and conducive conditions suitable for growth, this plant develops quickly .

(Plectranthus Verticillatus)

The plant that can attract money to your life quickly, if you comply with their respective care, is the Plectranthus Verticillatus, called the empress of wealth.

This plant lives approximately two years, is aromatic and extends about 60 cm . Its leaves are opposite, rounded and bright green pleasing to the eye. The leaves are tubular and bilabiated, protruding in the form of racisms with high stamens, they are very beautiful .

Originally, this plant was brought from southwest Africa. Currently, it has been naturalized in the temperate environments of the two hemispheres . Due to its money attraction properties, the Plectranthus Verticillatus, is grown for sale, in addition, it has healing properties.

(Dracaena Sanderiana)

Let's keep going. In your home, in your office, or in the place where you want to take care of it, you could not miss Dracaena Sanderiana . This traditional plant of good luck, receives the names of, Dracaena Tape, Bamboo of the luck, Belgian of evergreen and plant of the tape. It is said that its origin is from Cameroon, precisely from the tropical environments of West Africa.

According to the research that has been carried out on this plant, its energy properties have been confirmed that will help you create in your life and around you, positive energies that are essential for your good luck, thus, achieving your economic goals that You want so much.

An important detail that I want to share with you, has to do with the sacred character that this plant possesses in the Eastern countries, this, to which it possesses properties in astral influences.

Around the world, there are several crops of Dracaena Sanderiana, however, you can live in low light environments, this, because the sun's rays can damage your leaves, leaving them yellow.

(Marigold or Margarita)

It is the turn of an herb that produces flowers endowed with great beauty, comes from Asia Minor and the Mediterranean Region. In some parts of the world they call it a gold button, normally its use is ornamental. Its flowers are yellow or orange . I tell you exactly about Marigold or Margarita .

If you cultivate in your home, in your office, or wherever you like, a Calendula herb, and you take care of it diligently, the negative energies, gossip, envy, will leave your environment and your life, attracting for you positive energy, prosperity, love and great well-being . Around the world, according to its properties, it is considered one of the main plants that attract money for your life .

Medicinally, it has several properties, which have been used throughout the world.


To attract money, which is not lacking in our plantations, Basil . Traditionally it has been used in the kitchen and in medicinal and aromatic environments, but in reality, it has highly energetic properties in relation to the attraction of money.

This plant is native to Iran, India and other tropical regions of Asia, however, it is very sensitive to frost. It should be taken care of as a priority and with position to the sun, although in summers it is good to place it in good shadows.


As a good luck charm, don't forget to load the Ruda plant . Since ancient times, this herb has been used medicinally, it has a quite strong aroma . According to history, it is native to the Mediterranean, Southwest Asia and Macaronesia regions.

If you really want luck and money in your life, you should carry a small seedling of Ruda as an amulet, it will give you protection, luck and positive energy . However, you must comply with these indications: keep some stems in a plastic bag, then, in a brown bag you must place the Rue and a real ticket, of the nomination you want, finally, close the bag with a loop of golden cloth

It is important that you develop this indication on a Friday with a crescent fourth moon, repeating the phrase three times : "that money is never lacking, and that prosperity and fortune come to me"


Finally, I want to talk to you about Cinnamon . Normally it is used in gastronomic environments, however, it is a tree that is capable of achieving salary increases, luck in all aspects of economic nature and new job offers .

It is native to Chile and Argentina, comes from the Canelo tree and can reach up to 20 meters high .

What did you think of this experience? I hope that like me, it has been exciting and interesting for you. There are still more plants and herbs that you can use to attract money and prosperity, however, I exposed the most important ones, start practicing these tips now!

"Repeat daily: I have the strength to earn money"

Author : William Hernán Estrada Pérez, Editor in the Great Family of hermandadblanca.org

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