You are the landscape, by Esther Beltrán

  • 2010

The road travels alone. Individually. Nothing and no one outside can experience, experience, what our soul has chosen to feel.

That intimate loneliness, which we fear so much, is a great Master. It is the one that allows us to discern and know ourselves beyond the external character that we have manufactured to relate to others.

This space is not only necessary, it is essential to delve deeper into our essence. To reconnect with her, to understand who we really are.

Once this work is done, we will be able to relate to others from a new perspective.

Even if it seems like a paradox, looking inside is to better understand what is outside, because of that universal law that tells us that what is above is below, what is inside is outside .

Our environment will be different when we change the angle of our own vision, and begin to see the world with other eyes. With the eyes of the Soul, with the eyes of Consciousness.

Those of us who have been forced by the circumstances of life to meet our individuality must be grateful. Despite the pain and suffering, despite the despair that forced loneliness has often caused us.

Learning to transcend it is learning to feel good inside. And that is not an easy task.

Sharing anxieties makes us feel lighter. Carrying them, accepting them and letting them go by ourselves is much heavier. However, when there is no other option, that is the only choice. Transcend or succumb to pain.

The human being tends to transcendence, because inside he knows that this is his main mission. To transcend is to understand that we are much more than we see, hear, touch and feel.

To transcend is to discover our divinity.

As all opposites touch each other, pain and joy are closer to what might be assumed with the naked eye. Deep pain pushes us into an abyss from which we can only return by transcending it, understanding that this pain is no more than the shadow of our capacity to love.

The feeling of abandonment and helplessness, the deep sadness, are the opposites to the Unity that is experienced through Love with capital letters.

That Love towards all that is allows us to understand that we are part of a complex and infinite network, and from that plane, there is no Loneliness, no fear, no pain, no sadness.

When we admire a landscape of spectacular beauty, we can only feel “full” of what we see. We are part of that landscape, not only as observers but as an active part of that picture of perfection and harmony.

And by tuning into that Harmony, we tune into our own essence, which is undoubtedly as harmonious as the landscape.

Learning is an individual path. Sharing is the gift of expanding that learning.

If you ever feel alone, remember: You are part of the most beautiful creation of the Universe: YOU are the landscape.


Esther Beltrán (3/11/2010)

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