How to prevent infectious diseases

  • 2017

SALVATION COURSE Unit 3: The psychological Learning object 1: Infections

The excessive emphasis that people put on diseases is disconcerting for the soul, since it places the transient and mutable bodily nature, in a position of undue preeminence, while the vicissitudes of the body only matter to the extent that they can contribute to enrich the experience of the soul.

Man-initiated causes, life after life, constitute the important factor; these develop as diseases, as some disastrous consequence in the circumstances and events, and as general conditioning of a certain incarnation. Man must learn to treat these causes, recognize them and discover what is the conditioning energy that produces the corresponding effect, first dealing with the task of counteracting the cause, opposing a trained will.

We will see the seven psychological causes of the disease, inherent in the substance of all forms in this world cycle, because all forms are imbued with the life energy of the "imperfect Gods." We will go from mild to serious, or from low risk to high risk, classifying diseases into typologies.








Very light

Very slight




Very serious

Very serious



  • Determine the causes in cases of diseases type seven
  • Establish relationships between the trinity and the septenary of energies.
  • Define prevention and promotion actions against diseases


The disease, both physical and psychological, has its roots in the good, the beautiful and the true and is only a distorted reflection of the divine possibilities. The frustrated soul, when trying to fully express some divine characteristic or inner spiritual reality, produces within the substance of its envelopes a point of friction.

INTRODUCTORY ACTIVITY. Between the truth and the lie.

Gregory House is an eminent doctor who heads the department of medical diagnosis. It has a double specialty in infectology and nephrology. He is a misanthrope with a arrogant, cynical and sarcastic attitude, who dislikes treating patients. House is a brilliant doctor, completely reluctant to routine work, who does not respect established procedures and has a very bad deal with people, but who before complex cases is completely devoted to his resolution. Doctor House is an American television series released in 2004. From the first episode the main rule by which House is guided to diagnose diseases and discover the truth is pointed out : Everyone lies. The tension between truth and lies is one of the main themes of the series.

Daniel Rand is a millionaire orphan who was taken to the mystical city of Kun-Lun where he grew up to become his champion. Daniel was recognized as a member of royal blood, and rigorously trained in the physical and philosophical aspects of martial arts. With 19 years, he faced his rite of initiation: the opportunity to get the power of the "Iron Fist" defeating the dragon. Daniel succeeded, and got, in addition to a dragon scratch on his chest, the power to concentrate all his spiritual energy in his fist and make him as strong as iron. Daniel Rand is a leading businessman in the mortal world, a shrewd detective, and educated in the two world system. Daniel is a professional and an expert in Kun-Lun arts. You can speak English, Chinese and Japanese fluently. It has strength, speed, intelligence, extreme training in martial arts, increased vital energy. Possessor of the power of Shou-Lao the Eternal, he makes the immortal Iron Fist a living weapon and one of the best martial artists who has walked the face of the Earth. Iron Fist is an American television series of the year 2015.

  • After watching the first episodes of the Doctor House and Iron Fist series, answer the following questions: How to end the tension between truth and lies? Why is lying considered a cause of illness? What is the importance of martial arts for the harmony of the centers? How does the transition from mysticism to mentalism take place?

ACTIVITY ONE: Beauty and their lives.

We have here a word that qualifies the desire of all men to achieve what they consider a desirable goal as the norm of life, and for which they have decided to fight. The beautiful, from the angle of the divine aspect, concerns the quality of life. I would like to refer you to the definition of the words spirit - soul - body, defining them as life - quality - appearance. Life is the expression of the energy of the divine will to good; quality is the expression of the energy of the soul, and at present this energy acts predominantly through the life of desires and the determination of men, in each stage of evolution, to possess, take over and enjoy what they consider beautiful. A definition of "the beautiful" and man's range of desires differ widely and depend on the degree of evolution; However, all this depends on the perspective of the life of those who want and the place they occupy on the scale of evolution. When man is unable to achieve at any given time what he considers "beautiful, " he determines his predisposition to disease, which has been caused by that internal friction. In the current stage of racial development, a majority is dragged into sick conditions, as a result of the friction initiated in the struggle to achieve "the beautiful"; a forced struggle, imposed as an evolutionary yearning, because they are souls and are under the influence of the quality of the second divine aspect.

The discernment of supreme beauty is the discovery and integration of reality: the discernment of divine goodness in eternal truth, which is the ultimate beauty. Even the charm of human art consists in the harmony of its unity.

Multiple groups of lives are known as creative hierarchies, in all stages of growth and development that forms will use. In the group of the fourth creative Hierarchy is the highest aspect of the human being, his "Father in Heaven." The fourth creative Hierarchy occupies in our solar system what could be considered the third place.

  • First, the lives or the three Persons of the Trinity.
  • Second, the prototypes of man, the seven Spirits.
  • Third, man as the lower manifestation of a self-conscious Spirit.

Therefore, esoteric astrology is about Life and Lives, which animate the points of light within universal Life. LIFE is dynamic energy from the Big Dipper, Sirius and the Pleiades, transformed into magnetic energy through seven systems and through seven rays.

  • Create a design that represents your concept of harmony.

ACTIVITY TWO: Goodness and its rays

What is the good? Is it not the expression of the will to good? Does this will for good not develop and should it develop on the physical level, in what we call will among men? Wouldn't it be possible for the soul, constantly trying (on its own level) to adapt to the Plan that complements the divine will to good, strives to propel its triple expression, personality, to express goodwill - doing it at the right stage Evolutionary development and when is it active and functioning?

However due to the resistance of nature form, still unsuitable for the desired divine expression, friction occurs immediately and disease appears. I believe that even if we briefly consider the questions asked above, the probability that the inclination of the soul towards “the good” will produce resistance on the physical plane will be demonstrated, and the disturbance thus generated in the consciousness of man can produce and produce disease. Such a disease is responsible for most of the difficulties that evolved people, aspirants and disciples suffer. This friction then produces a secondary reaction and leads to these psychological conditions called "depression, inferiority complex and sense of failure." This particular source of disease, "the good", mainly affects mental types.

Facing the world of personality, God discovers himself as a loving person; in front of the spiritual world, it is personal love; In religious experience, it is both. Love identifies the will of God. The goodness of God rests at the bottom of divine free will: the universal tendency to love, to show mercy, to show patience and to minister forgiveness. The Father exercises the will to satisfy the desire. The Mother satisfies the desire and is attracted to the Father. His mutual response begins the creative work, and the Son is born, inheriting from the Father the impulse to love and from the Mother the tendency to create forms.

The building Rays whose nature is consciousness and whose expression is sensitivity and specific quality, cyclically produce the manifested world. The seven stars of the Big Dipper are the originating sources of the seven rays of our solar system. The seven Rishis of the Big Dipper are expressed through the seven planetary Beings, who are His representatives, and who are His Prototype. The seven planetary Spirits manifest themselves through the seven sacred planets. Each of these seven rays, coming from the Big Dipper, are transmitted to our solar system through three constellations and their ruling planets.

In the physical universe we can see the divine beauty, in the intellectual world we can discern the eternal truth, but the goodness of God is found only in the spiritual world of personal religious experience. What are the possible diseases of the three people?

ACTIVITY THREE: The Truth and its centers.

It is said that the true or the truth constitutes the measure of divine expression, which any man can manifest in his particular degree of evolution at any stage in the history of his incarnations. This expression of the truth presupposes that behind what he manages to express there is much that he is incapable of manifesting; The soul is constantly aware of it. This inability to live up to this high ideal, of which man - on his particular level - is aware and can conceive, in his best and enlightened moments, inevitably produces a point of friction, even if man is unaware of it.

One of the main manifestations of this particular friction and the sickly condition it produces is rheumatism, widespread today and has been for centuries; From the medical point of view there is no proven and attributable cause, and the Orthodox reach many conjectures and conclusions. It mainly affects the bone structure, being in fact the result of the inability of the soul to express "the true" within man, the instrument of the soul in the three worlds. Man, in turn, no matter his inferior position on the scale of evolution, is always aware of the unattainable; he constantly realizes the desire to improve, which is not related to the expression of the will to good or to "the beautiful" (although he may be aware of it, to a greater or lesser degree), but definitely with the expression of something closer to the ideal of man, as he sees it and on the physical plane. Therefore friction starts and some kind of illness occurs.

It is interesting to note that this inability to express the true or to "be the Truth" is the real cause of death, among men who have not reached the stage of discipleship or have not yet received the first graduation. The soul gets tired of responding to the friction of its instrument and determines to conclude the experience in that particular incarnation. Death, therefore, ensues as a result of the initiated friction.

The centers, as we know, govern the endocrine system, which in turn controls the seven main areas of the physical body and is responsible for the proper functioning of the entire organism, producing physiological and psychological effects. The importance of this glandular system cannot be overestimated. It is a miniature replica of the septenary constitution of the universe and the means of expression and instrument of contact for the forces of the seven rays, the Seven Spirits before the Throne of God.

  • How has systemic thinking contributed to the integration of the three values ​​of reality? Create an infogram that correlates the three values.


"John saw the number of the redeemed and all praised the Lord. Some sang, others prayed and all praised the Lord ”I WILL PRAISE MY LORD

There are 144, 000 redeemed, but John also saw a crowd dressed in white and seven lamps that were burning in front of the sun. These are the "seven spirits of God", "like lamps burning before the throne" that the prophet saw in the symbols of the vision. But he did not see the seats of the twenty-four sentries alongside these seven helper spirits of the mind. This record represents the confusion of two presentations, one referring to the headquarters of the universe and the other, to the capital of the system. The seats of the twenty-four elders are in the capital of our local system of inhabited worlds.

But about the capital of the Universe, John wrote: "And from the throne came lightning and thunder and voices" - the transmissions of the universe to local systems. He also visualized the directional control creatures of the local universe, the living compasses of the host world. Salvington's four control creatures, who operate on the currents of the universe, maintain this directional control in Nebadon and are capable of being assisted by the first spirit of mind, the assistant of intuition, the spirit of "quick understanding."

We know that life flows from the Father through the Son and through the Spirit. We know that of Twelve Creative Hierarchies, seven are in manifestation. We know that the Seven Master Spirits are the sevenfold channel of the river of life that is poured over all creation. We know that the Ancients of Days also play a role in this inauguration of life in a new world, and that each Elder is represented by Three Activity Buddhas. We know that the Maternal Spirit of the Universe really vitalizes the original lifeless models and imparts to that activated plasma the prerogatives of organic reproduction. We observe that these three are the levels of God the Sevenfold, designated as the Supreme Creators in space-time.

The Life Carriers are the progeny of three pre-existing personalities: the Creator Son, the Maternal Spirit of the Universe and, by designation, one of the three Ancient of Days that preside over the destinies of the corresponding superuniverse. (In the Great Universe there are 21 Elders, notice the difference between the 24 Elders and the 24 counselors).

The seven Spirits, the Scriptures of the world tell us, are "before the Throne of God", which means that They are not yet in a position to ascend to the Throne, symbolically speaking, because they have not yet acquired a complete divine expression. These Lords of the Seven Rays are greater and more advanced on the spiritual scale than those great Lives that form the Council of the Lord of the World in Shamballa. They are the Representatives of the Energies of the seven rays that animate the seven sacred planets, but they are not yet as divinely developed as They. The problem of humanity, in regards to imperfection, is complicated, not only because of the fact that the seven energizing and animating energies are "contaminated with imperfection", but because the Lord of the World, from the angle of the solar Being For example, it is far from perfect, for this reason our planet Earth is not a sacred planet. It is said that Sanat Kumara is the divine prisoner of this planet, held here until the "last and tired pilgrim has returned home." This is His heavy karma, although it is the expression of His desire and joy; “The tired pilgrims” are the atoms (human or not) of His body, which are contaminated by imperfections due to His imperfections; His complete "healing" will mark the moment of His liberation.

All truth - material, philosophical, or spiritual - is both beautiful and good. All true beauty - material art or spiritual symmetry - is both true and good. All genuine goodness - be it personal morality, social equity or divine ministry - is equally true and beautiful. Health, sanity, and happiness are integrations of truth, beauty and goodness as they blend in the human experience. Such levels of effective life occur through the unification of energy systems, idea systems, and spirit systems.




The father. The Divine Presence

The Eternal Son Christ.

The Infinite Spirit The Seven Lords.

The Father and the Son. The Spirit of Truth.

The Spirit and the Mother. The Holy Spirit

The Mother and the mind: The mental gifts.

The Father, the Son and the Esp. New man.

Dynamic ideas

Qualified ideas

Innovative ideas

Harmonizing ideas

Probleming ideas

Motivational ideas

Organizing ideas

Dynamic forms

Magnetic shapes

Diffuse shapes

Harmonious forms

Crystallized forms

Fluid forms

Physical forms

  • Draw up a table similar to this one in which it differentiates the three ages, that of the machine, that of systems and that of ideas, in which it can be seen that the era of systems is a synthesis whose thesis was the era of the machine and its antithesis is the age of ideas.


The three main rays summarize in themselves the process of creation and energetization through the impulse of divine will; The work of the remaining four rays consists in elaborating or differentiating the qualities of life and producing the infinite multiplicity of ways that will allow life to assume its many focal points and express, through the evolutionary process of manifestation, its various features. The attributes are the spiritual, exceptional and universal values ​​of the triple aspect. The kingdoms could be considered as differentiations of Life. The mineral and solar kingdom are the result of the activities of the first and seventh rays.








7 and 1

2, 4 and 6

3 and 4

4 and 5

5 and 2

6 and 3

1 and 7

Each of the kingdoms of nature has developed or is developing an outstanding quality, and considers secondary to the other divine attributes. It is difficult to grasp the meaning of the consciousness and activity of the mineral kingdom, because it is far from ours. It is also difficult to understand, or consciously see, for example, that the nails, teeth and bone structure have intelligent conscience and perception, of the same type, although in varying degrees, than the eye or a sensory nerve. But it is so.

  • Bones are a specialized type of connective tissue made up of cells (osteocytes).
  • Teeth are a type of tissue formed by calcium phosphate.
  • The nails are mainly formed by hardened dead cells that contain keratin, a fibrous protein that the body produces naturally.

Ernst Haeckel, in 1866, was the first who tried to establish a phylogenetic hypothesis of biological diversity, adjusted to the then young and triumphant theory of evolution. Three other kingdoms were located between the mineral and vegetable kingdom: M nera, protisto and fungi.

The term Mónera, currently in disuse, in the former classification of the five kingdoms meant the same as prokaryotic, and thus continues to be used in many manuals and textbooks. Living beings are currently divided into three domains: bacteria (Bacteria), archaea (Archaea) and eukaryotes (Eukarya). In the Archaea and Bacteria domains, prokaryotic organisms are included, that is, those whose cells do not have a differentiated cell nucleus, while in the Eukarya domain the most known and complex life forms (protists, animals, fungi and plants) are included. . So while bacteria are prokaryotic microorganisms, viruses are an acellular microscopic infectious agent that can only multiply within the cells of other organisms.

The effects of this seventh ray force are very peculiar and will prevail much more than before, since this ray is now coming into power. This energy is widely responsible for infections and contagious diseases. The keynote of the work carried out by the seventh ray is to gather life and matter in the physical plane. However, when viewed from the angle of imperfection, it constitutes the gathering (if they can understand the implication) of Life, lives and the general experience of the creative process. This is symbolized in the promiscuity and incessant interaction of all life within all lives. Its result is the activity that all viruses and bacteria display within the environment that will best nourish them.

When studying these ideas, it should be remembered that:

  1. The good controls the man, through the coronary center, and the friction produced is due to the inactivity of the center located at the base of the spine, which controls the expression of the first divine aspect in man, through its interaction with the coronary center This interaction only occurs when man has reached the stage of a disciple or apprentice.
  2. The beautiful controls through the heart center, and friction occurs when the solar plexus center does not respond. Therefore friction is established. The end of this condition and the evocation of the correct response from the solar plexus occurs when the forces of the solar plexus center rise and mix with the energy of the heart center.
  3. The true as an expression of the divine, establishes its centralization point in the laryngeal center; the failure of the personality to respond, and its inability to express the true can be observed in the relationship between the sacral center and the laryngeal center. When this relationship does not exist, friction occurs. There will be no real expression of "the true" until the forces of the creative center of the sacral center are elevated to the laryngeal creative center. Then "the Word, " which is essentially man, "will become flesh" and the true expression of the soul will be seen on the physical plane.
  • It establishes differences between the words friction and tension. Make a table in which such tensions appear with the possible pathogens.


Alice Bailey Treaty on the seven rays . Five volumes

Urantia Foundation. The Urantia Book

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