Karmica Board June 21-23, by Kwan Yin

The Karmic Court is a group of divine beings whose service, tempered by mercy and compassion, is to see that Divine Justice is given to every individual, using the Earth as a classroom. After passing through what is called death these individuals are allowed a prudential time to rest, visit loved ones, and to generally unleash the tensions of past life. Karma is a spiritual debt that we contract before the divine laws every time we transgress the law of Love. The Karmic Court is made up of Divine Beings with much Light, Goodness and Mercy, they are in the lower Ethereal Kingdom, in a White Building, called Temple of Great Mercy and Love, to which souls come before they incarnate and when they disembark.

The Karmic Board never punishes any stream of life. The sentences are never given as punishment, what happens is that there is a Cosmic Law that states that the soul reaps what it has sown, because the way the soul used the opportunities on Earth, will determine future assignments.

Many souls have to be contained when the memory of their lives on Earth is read before the Karmic Board, realizing what they could have done to help others, and did not.

At the moment when the soul appears before the Karmic Court, it is accompanied by the godparents. A great angelic being calls each one, who are entering with their godparents, usually they are the Ascended Masters.

They are summoned by a messenger to appear before the Karmic group to account for the use given to God's life and energy during the period of earthly life. The group then assigns each individual from a specific classroom to indoor levels where they can learn better how to overcome past life mistakes and prepare for greater perfection in the life to come.

The Karmic Group decides who would join the Earth every year (either for the benefit of the breed or for the individual to pay for their previous mistakes). The service of these Divine Beings is always Divine Love and never in any respect, there is no intention of punishment.

In the visit of the Karmic Court to Earth they offer dispensations and project all their radiation of mercy, forgiveness, for which, people should try as much as possible to remain harmonious to fully receive the flow of all the blessings they project. They also closely monitor the evolution of the Planet, the kingdoms of Nature and the elementals.

Twice every year, June 21, 22 and 23 and December, the Team meets at the Teton Retreat, to hear humanity's requests, and if possible, ensure that God's qualified energy is granted to help to the evolution of the Earth and its inhabitants in the next six month period.

Each person should meditate that day, if done in a group it is much better because the added energies produce wonderful results that bless those who meditate, the Earth and their humanity. People can request to be dispensed in their personal Karma or they can request it at the Planet level. To dispense is to exempt from an obligation, to absolve from a serious fault.

The virtues of the Karmic Board are Love, Truth, Mercy, Compassion, Justice, Opportunity, Forgiveness.

“They are the divine Beings regulators of the individual and collective Karma of humanity. Every being upon disembodiment is invited to appear before this court to analyze the use and qualification of the divine energy that was given to that individuality in his past incarnation. Is composed of:

Pallas Athena - Kwan Yin - Vista - Portia

Goddess of Freedom - Lord Saithru - Lady Nada

Shri Lean - Mother Mary ”
Rubén Cedeño

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