The Gabriel Gabriel infuses in each one energy vibrations through images

  • 2017

When the Gabriel Gabriel infuses into each of you energy vibrations through images that are a bit light and even fun, everyone has the opportunity not only to feel much more pleasure, but above all, to feel much more effective in the process.

We are aware that liberation, on some occasions, can become a somewhat complex activity for many of you, especially if those energies you release are closely linked to some ancient deep wound, which It has been affecting them for a long period of time. We also know that the simple fact of being able to recognize and accept these energies again is usually something that causes you a certain level of fear and as a result, a large part of you ends up putting up resistance to the whole process that involves the release of the old energies and the acceptance of much lighter energy vibrations granted by the Gabriel Gabriel.

It can be very useful, to develop a positive visualization in order to publish what seems to be not only light, but also cozy

It is possible to think that " freeing " is an action as simple as shedding old and heavy clothing after a tiring and hot day and finally being able to feel that relief that occurs after leaving each layer aside. . And in fact, each of you has the opportunity to free yourself by stopping carrying those heavy burdens that you have on your body, and be able to feel much lighter and even much happier by getting rid of each of them.

Now we invite you to visualize yourself inside a beautiful waterfall or a shower and at the same time give yourself the opportunity to feel that so extraordinary and refreshing, it is clean and let all the weight that has been accumulating previously, disappear. Now visualize a team composed of angels or your favorite teachers coming to where you are in order to help them and offer you their high energies to transform, heal and alter the old energetic vibrations that affect you.

Leave fear aside and be creative, allow yourself to visualize all those images that delight you and serve as an impulse to continue!

No matter how they look at it, each of the visions will help them feel much lighter and create a space in which they can easily fit their own deity. It is certainly a completely glorious process ! They have the opportunity to publish in a much more effective and pleasant way if they have the will not to forget, all this is always only an indicator in which their important evolution and growth is appreciated, in addition to everything they want to experience during their incarnation in the Earth

It is possible that this whole process will be much easier if they give themselves the opportunity and allow themselves not only to play, but also to truly approach the launch with each of the visual elements that will allow them to be able to adopt this process. The changes that occur in the energy vibrations of each of you are not only profound, but also sacred; However, instilling in you the energetic vibrations of pleasure and lightness gives you the possibility of being much more effective and more welcoming with everything that this great process entails.

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