Consciousness Expansion Leadership Group ~ Kuthumi, Lord Maitreya, Pleyades Sho, Lady Nada and Sant Germain

  • 2014

Obviously, this is a very important topic for our readers. Many will want to know how the five Earth advisers will emerge in the coming months and years. This is perhaps a little more complex than most people might think.

It is complex, because there are many issues at stake that relate to what can and cannot be done. We all know that humanity has free will and we are careful not to trample. At the same time, there are many things we would like to do in this appearance in public light and things can slow us down if humanity's free will begins to block our progress. First of all, in our role as Earth Advisors we need to be invited in the world of humanity. A significant part of humanity has to do this. This means that it allows us to speak with you in a way that shows that we are really here . Therefore, we must present ourselves in a way in which people can really see and relate to us in a way that has not been possible in the past.

Let me tell you that it was not possible in the past because there were restrictions based on when we could emerge and when we could get closer to humanity.

Having said that, I think it is obvious that we need a new relationship with humanity and this will be carefully coordinated with our human allies who have already invited us to their private lives. We rely heavily on these human allies who are already working closely with us. The WeSeekToServe team is one of our allied groups with whom we have already worked. In order for us to work closely with humanity in the next year,
We are going to depend on our human allies to open the way for us to come from now on. We need more help beyond simply being invited. We also need the
Human beings are willing to work with us in full cooperation. In the future, as we begin to be better known to mankind, there will be a great demand from us who are in the Community of Teachers.
We have already talked about the five that will be in the place of the Earth Advisors, three from the Community of Teachers, Mr. Maitreya, the Master and Lord Yeshua St. Germain, and two of our allies outside the Earth, Sho and Ken'u, who have volunteered to be with us as specialists for the delicate transition period we are entering. There is so much that is changing that it can cause chaos among some sectors of humanity that do not understand what is happening.

This is one of the things we will work with our human allies. Just as these messages through cover a number of topics, at this particular moment in the history of the Earth, how the Earth advisors will relate to humanity, how are we going to speak directly to humanity. Is it going to be one-to-one or through groups? How will communications be handled? Few Advisors are available in comparison to the billions of human beings who have curious minds and many questions. Therefore, a way must be found to present the basic material for humanity, for its consideration. At the same time, we will work, if necessary, one-on-one with the leaders of the world who need advice on how to deal with current human problems. Earth advisers will offer advice that will be more appropriate and will offer more options to humanity. We are not here to act as dictators of humanity. We want to point out the dangers on the road that we are going to step on together and that we want to offer suggestions on how to avoid obstacles along the way. How will we avoid blockages in our joint path? Humanity will have many decisions to make on this path to a new golden age. This period that we are going to go through will be mainly about the individual and group discovery of its superior qualities. Not only discover them, but find a way to act in a way to share these qualities as best you can on this planet with all other individuals and groups and without impeding the spiritual evolution of any other person.

In essence, this is the goal. How to take humanity to a point where every human soul on this planet has opportunities to advance their spiritual path without obstacles and move forward on that path as fast as they are willing to meet that goal. This moment is not necessary to say more because we will continue to provide you with more information through our human allies.

Thank you for taking this message seriously.



The members of the Leadership Expansion of Consciousness Team (of the CELT) are Maitreya, Anubis, Osiris and Ondru. As the name implies, this is the team that leads the Community of Teachers and allies outside the Earth with the purpose of expanding the consciousness of humanity.
More information about Maitreya is available at in the Teacher Community section. Information on Anubis and Osiris is available in the Allies section outside the Earth.

Ondru was, for some time, a member of the Earth Masters Spiritual community. When he reached his personal point of decision, he chose to continue his spiritual advancement in Sirius. - However, as it became clear that help was needed here on Earth, he felt that such It had once been premature to leave Earth at a time when it could be useful for this planet.

He was granted permission to return and he is here now. We will focus on emergency events and emerging progress in 2014, but there is much more at stake in the world.

We will talk about the objectives objectives of humanity and anticipate the expected progress in 2014.

Time is based on what we must direct our hopes and plans for 2014 and see how things fall into place with the progress of humanity.

The review of the way in which those of our dimension worked with humanity has been our main objective. Both those who are emerging and those who are not, everyone will be working with humanity and without an effective working relationship we cannot go far to help humanity climb a step. To date, however, those that are emerging have to make a substantial appearance with the governing bodies of the Earth, but before the end of this year, we hope there will be a circumstance of success.

Once this plan is put into action, we have many other objectives to manifest the subsequent level.
First, there is the situation of spreading the word of our commitment to humanity. This is a very big task, a task that, at any time or place, will be a challenge. We have many plans for events in various parts of the world with various leaders until we feel that the turning point of informing these leaders can be expanded to a project of informing the general public about us and our relationship with humanity. as teachers, advisors and guides - whether we have already emerged or not.

Organizing these events will be a great task, but we are addressing it day by day. New events, which we expect, will expand as word spreads after each event. We look forward to seeing world leaders inviting the Advisors to speak in their countries, but for now, we will focus on regional events (for example, the Middle East, Asia, Europe) that represent a certain part of civilization in the face of a culture or specific country We hope to have this done in mid-May 2014 and then the five Earth advisors will travel to specific places where the population is prepared to experience their presence first hand. Once we feel that the advisors have a good relationship with the presenters of the regional events, we will start an outreach program to accommodate the most specific areas and regions. To achieve this, we will have to introduce more members of the Earth Advisors so that we will then be able to spread and thus meet the demands of the task. We cannot force this matter.

We have to make our efforts and expect what comes in their natural progression.

Then our plans will take a different direction, since it is the human being who must do the real work to get humanity out of its quagmire. We are nothing more than advisors and we will have to establish effective means to achieve it.

Humanity will have to understand, accept and recognize that our means of guiding them will be expressed by those in humanity we choose and train to be the voice of our thoughts. We have a lot of work to do here to convince humanity of this methodology, which allows them to be comfortable with the fact that we have a class of proxies to spread our thoughts instead of always appearing in the physical form of ourselves. Due to our very different planes of existence, telepathically transmitting our thoughts and suggestions consumes less energy than otherwise. Every physical aspect requires a tremendous effusion of energy and in order to conserve and maximize the efficient use of energy, we have to use more conservative or easier communication methods.

Thus, our next step is to normalize the procedures of how we will communicate and guide humanity, which will have several forms, one of them is through our formed channels. We have implemented the specific protocols and procedures with those groups that we have trained specifically for this purpose.

The information we offer should be handled in a group environment, a group where its members are balanced each other energetically, mentally and spiritually. We do not want there to be any gurus or leaders among those who become our voice, which would surely lead to many power struggles widely illustrated in the past in the history books of the Earth. We have trained our channels to work in these groups with balance, to support the workload and balance the information, since each channel represents a fraction of the training. The distribution of information is best served in this way.

There will be trained, official and unofficial voices that represent our thoughts for the fulfillment of their soul agreements before birth.

Spreading the message of our commitment to humanity and the standardization of communication protocols are two important steps in our cohesive cooperation with humanity and are very important steps before we can proceed. Without these steps, little else can be achieved.

The Leadership Team Expansion Consciousness (Celt)


We have waited to reach 2014 which is considered a year of awakening for many on a large scale. It is a year that will bring changes - changes that are necessary for the survival of this planet and for its ascension as well.

Much information was shared in the past about our mission, our roles and responsibilities, and our collaboration with humanity. Many steps have been taken out of sight and unknown to the public - steps that built bridges between us and people who play the role of representatives of humanity. This is going to change now greatly. The first steps in a new direction were taken at the end of 2013 through events in which - The Earth Advisers representing the Community of Teachers and our allies - were invited to speak with groups of invited people in two geographical locations different. We greatly appreciate these opportunities as these two events are seen as the starting point of a new collaboration and a new era for humanity.

More events of a similar nature are currently discussed and organized.

It is our intention to meet as many groups as possible in 2014, to be seen, to make ourselves known again, to be re-introduced to humanity, to establish friendly relations and to be invited to join in collaborations with humanity for the Improvement of this planet. We would do this with groups of people around the world. with the emphasis of "groups". We come as a group and we are interested in working in and with groups. We have prepared a list of topics, issues that we consider extremely important to be addressed in the first round of collaboration with humanity. These issues should be treated globally and not in isolation by only a few. Transparency regarding our collaboration with humanity is also an important factor. We want everyone to see and understand the projects in which we are working with humanity. We are committed to exchanging information with you in that you will require an open mind and willingness on your part to abandon old beliefs and old values. It is these projects and others like them that will stimulate human creativity and create an environment conducive to the growth of the human soul and the environment that allows everyone the freedom to follow their own spiritual path.

The issues that we have identified as urgent in our list are:

• Global poverty reduction

• A new approach to leadership
• A new understanding of wealth and its distribution
• Resource management - also known as the commons
• Crisis management - especially in war zones
• Education - child and adult education alike
• Environmental awareness and its administration
• "In the name of God" - what it really means

These are just some examples of our list, examples that could overlap in some aspects, but never underestimate the importance of the larger image. These themes are all related to each other, all the pieces of the same puzzle, of the same theme called Humanity on Earth.

We are here to work with you on aspects of humanity that are in a desperate situation and need to be corrected to allow the next milestone to be reached on humanity's path to ascension.

Those of you who are open to receiving information from us through those who are willing to serve as our voices, have already had one or more calls upon awakening in the past. You have already gone through your moments of reasoning about the current state of the world, visible and invisible. Many of you have been open to the understanding that there is more to what is taught in schools and that it is sacred knowledge waiting to be released. Well, I have news for
you: the time has come to release this sacred knowledge worldwide.

This individual awareness that has to be something more that can be seen with the naked eye is the first step on its way back to the origin of humanity.

At the same moment they realize that the world out there is

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End of the form larger and richer than what your conditioned mind is allowing you to perceive this same moment is sacred. It is sacred because it reconnects with Source and although this reconnection is done through a very thin cable, this cord is nevertheless able to expand and show you the way back to its origin.

In fact this moment was sacred.

Therefore, those of us who have come to help you on your way also see ourselves as catalysts to the higher consciousness that you all carry a higher consciousness that is latent and needs to be ignited. And this, too, is an element of action on our list: to ignite your conscience and guide you to higher realms to discover your own true divinity.

Our list is long. It covers physical world projects that are tangible.

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projects that can be touched, seen and felt, but also other projects that are related to other realms and dimensions that can only be perceived with greater awareness, the consciousness that allows you to understand how
Access the invisible world. This understanding, this knowledge, is part of the education that we intend to offer you as well.

The year 2014, the year of open collaboration between us and humanity, to become an extraordinary year for humanity a year of miracles for some, a year of facing the facts and the reassessment of the values ​​and beliefs of others.

We are looking forward to it. We are looking forward to satisfy you and work with you, giving you the power. We are looking forward to building a solid foundation for our association, an association that paves the way for future generations to walk in peace on this sacred planet.



Think of a blank sheet of paper in front of you. You are the scribe of the text that will be written. You can be the creator of the text. Or it can be the student attending class or an interesting lecture, taking notes to remember the content. Or you may be working on a specific topic in a team, taking notes, exploring together and developing what needs to be documented before it can be shared and published. Many things are feasible using a sheet of paper.

The blank sheet of paper is the opportunity that everyone is given now - in 2014.

On a larger scale. This is the expected moment of revelation about yourself as human beings of this planet. It is the hour of truth given to you by your older brothers, an opportunity that you have longed for and that now has arrived, after waiting eons.

It's time, the year of transparency, to ask honest questions and get honest answers. It is the year of admitting and recognizing setbacks and errors and realizing the deeper meaning of all this.

It is the year that our long-lost partnership will begin to flourish again in public - at least with those of you who are open to a collaboration with us.

2014 is the year to rekindle the fire of trust, friendship and collaboration between us.
The Masters of the Earth made the courageous decision to present us to their side from the beginning of their reappearance. The objective here is to confirm our presence, but also our alliance and friendship. And this alliance and friendship must now be reflected among you, the readers, and us. This new Earth needs to embrace a new understanding of life on Earth.

Life on Earth - let these three words sink inside you ... Life on Earth ...

Our mission is to support the Masters of the Earth and their mission with humanity. Life on this planet is multiple and comes in a variety of degrees of consciousness called evolution. One of the reasons why there is so much ill will in the human kingdom is based on the fact that there are different degrees of consciousness that currently live alongside each other.

When we look at plants or the animal kingdom, we do not find these gaps in their evolutionary path - they all develop to the same degree at the same rate. The human kingdom is different. The gaps they have developed are to blame for the world we see today - a world that is out of balance. Therefore, the goal for 2014 and beyond - apart from our reintroduction and establishment of trust and friendship - is to look more closely at these different degrees of consciousness that cause so much damage and pain on this planet, understand their causes and find ways to help close the gap.

I have mentioned before that my task is to help the Masters of the Earth in the collection of data and the understanding of the individual conscience and the conscience of the groups or societies. This is my skill set. The indicator that shows the progress of people in their respective evolutionary paths is reflected in the degree of consciousness, which changes at a higher vibratory rate the further they advance. This change has important characteristics. Features that are more focused on the well-being of everyone rather than that of one.

Unity in its different stages of development is becoming the focus of the expansion of the individual's consciousness.

My subject is complex and not easy for many to understand at this time. Make sure that those of you who are interested in it are offered information to understand more about the importance of consciousness in the path of evolution and peace in the world. You will also receive a guide to work on yourself if you wish. We have just begun to interact openly with humanity. At the same time, we are learning from those with whom we are interacting. The best way to collaborate is with the representatives of humanity.

Therefore, the year 2014 is also a year to get to know us first, to learn as much about our partners as possible, to keep in mind that misunderstandings can occur and be willing to admit them and talk about them without losing faith. Building the foundations of this long-term partnership is an important factor for its success. Only a strong foundation in harmony with committed partners can be sustainable - partners that respect and trust each other fully. This is my goal for the first phase: to help build strong foundations and the platform for the development of collaborative work, to grow and flourish in the way we have planned together.

I thank you for the opportunity to share my thoughts with you again.
His friend,

SHO (of the Pleiades)


At the beginning of the year, many of you like to reflect on last year and take a look at the new one. Well, we can assure you that next year will be a year of many changes. Some of the changes will come with concerted events during which the five Earth advisors will make their presence felt more publicly.

Naturally, this is a great step, not only for humanity, but for those who are taking a step forward. There is much enthusiasm in our kingdom too.

What can they do to go through these changes? The way forward is to embrace the new truth, to be open to the wisdom and beauty of the newly braided ties. Many of us are going to work in the background to reach as many people on this planet as possible. It will be impossible to monopolize our words or actions, since we will reach people in many, many ways. You will be able to feel us in your hearts, feel us in words of truth and hear us speak to you.

The year 2014 will undoubtedly be an important milestone. Prepare for this beginning. While the world as we know it shakes, there will also be an awakening, a very positive vibration around. The times we live are exciting.

For those of you with a deep yearning for change, a determination to help make this world a better world, this is a golden opportunity.

We want to strengthen the ties between humanity and us to a degree where seeking our advice is normal, where they can feel the support of their older brothers and sisters at all times. We do not want to be there only in difficult times, when humanity feels the need to approach us, but we want to be part of this golden age, when what has been achieved is celebrated. And there will be a lot of celebration and many achievements as humanity reaches quieter coasts to a deeper understanding, a higher consciousness and a clearer vision of the road ahead. For each and every one of you - and also each and every one of us - the beginning of 2014 will be a moment of reflection and a time to make new plans.

We recommend you not chisel your plans in stone, but only draw them in the sand. As the year progresses, you will probably find that the plans you had visualized may not be worthy of being achieved or that they are no longer a priority in your life. It is good then that you are able to change them and replace them with new ones. Be open to changes and adapt to the situations, the news, and the challenges that 2014 will bring. As the year progresses, we will all meet in the seasons cycles. Spring, when ideas, changes and new seeds begin to germinate.

Summer, when things develop, when projects take shape, when the richness of life is in bloom. Autumn, when the harvest is harvested, when you can see the results of new forms and approaches. Winter, when it is time to rest, rejuvenate and reflect on what has been achieved - and prepare for new ideas and new seedlings that will be planted in the next year's concept. The concept of the seasons is very well known to you in agriculture, but you almost never take it into consideration in your daily life. There are also mini stations in daily life, or stations that last several years in your calendar. It is wise to live according to the seasons since it is a natural tool. If you identify your personal station and integrate it, you will receive many benefits from it.

We, the Earth advisors, are very happy to be walking this path of the new year and beyond with you. We encourage you to move forward with determination, courage and the knowledge that we are here to support you every step of the way. His joy is our joy, his achievements are ours, and ours are his.
Together, we are going to plant the seeds, enjoy the growing plants, harvest the crop and reflect in 2014. The team spirit is strong.

Thank you!



My colleagues, my colleagues have all talked about one way or another that 2014 will be a turning point, a milestone in our relationship in which we will be, for the first time in literally in eons, walking side by side openly and I hope to work hand in hand in fulfilling the plan, the Divine Plan for humanity at this time, the establishment of the framework, the platform for a new civilization and a New Earth .

I would like to talk to you about what is required of you in this collaboration and specifically what is required of your hearts and minds. There are many who do not accept our help with pleasure, who do not see the need for change, who do not see the precipice on which humanity is now.

Many will not accept the information, many will ignore it and many, unfortunately, will fight even with nails and teeth. This is a prerogative of humanity .

But many more are open to new times and new forms and to the changes that must be made to ensure the survival of humanity - not only that humanity survives, but that it prosper, embracing this new and better page of the great plan, the Divine Plan for Mother Earth and all the lives it sustains. So we would like you to embrace your free will and bring your shoulder with joy to help bring to light this new life that is being offered to you. Those of you who read these pages, this web page, are somehow the forefront of knowledge as to what is happening and how our impending approach will change everything in 2014 .

So you will be able to help dispel and quell the many fears that will arise, Principle of the form even in some cases the shock. You will have been prepared and you can be agents of calm, agents of light, agents of optimism as parts of humanity. We would like you to play that role, immerse yourself in this mission be bearers of peace and understanding, of cooperation or even of association.

Each of you in your own way can put your grain of sand, you can see this vision with your own eyes, be the voice for the new time, prepare your ears to listen. Everyone can find their own way to facilitate change, to open the way to this new world.

You do not have to look far, this knowledge is engraved in your heart. Encuentre allí el coraje, encuentre allí la firmeza y encuentre allí la alegría que este nuevo comienzo trae . Eche una mano, y forme parte de la vanguardia de la creación de la nueva civilización, del nuevo tiempo. Algunos de ustedes trabajaran en la ciencia, algunos de ustedes trabajaran en las pizarras, en las salas de operaciones, en los laboratorios, y muy importante también en los hogares. Es en este nivel del suelo que se inicia un renacimiento del Mundo, donde la luz se vierte desde adentro, en sus tareas de amor y de vida cotidiana. Para cada uno de ustedes es parte de este Renacimiento del mundo a su propia manera especial.

Les extendemos nuestra mano, les saludamos, les damos la bienvenida a este nuevo año, 2014, ya este nuevo tiempo.

Su hermano,


Grupo de Liderazgo de Expansion de Conciencia ~ Kuthumi, Lord Maitreya, Sho de las Pleyades, Lady Nada y Sant Germain

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