Reviving the tree house

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 culture of respect .. 2 free purification of the environment .. 3 source of blessings .. 4 sowing awareness ..

In recent years, some countries have decided to make the policy of inclusion not only a measure applicable to human beings, it is also transcending nature and animals, itself to every living being.

culture of respect ...

It should be mentioned that where this measure has been most applied is in countries where the culture of respect and social welfare is the most important. Countries where the educational level is considerably higher.

However, these types of measures are available to all of us, it is not something that is difficult to carry out, it is something that possibly requires only a change of mentality and attitude.

If we have ever given ourselves the time to walk calmly and contemplatively in the forests or sites with biodiversity, we will have noticed the well-being that is breathed, butterflies, squirrels and not least the trees can be appreciated.

free purification of the environment ...

In today's big cities, trees and any type of vegetation are an endangered species. Thus we can see that wooded areas are devastated to build shopping centers, buildings and large corporations. What we may not know is that the most affected are ourselves by eliminating a natural source of oxygen and purification of the environment, which costs us nothing and only demands respect.

In some apocalyptic films such as Mad Max there is a future with a desolate environment, without trees, consequently there is not enough water, there is no food and a continuous cyclical heat effect that if we think about it is very scary.

In contrast, countries and people who are anticipating possible consequences are sowing well-being, health and, as if that were not enough landscapes of great beauty, they are betting on prosperity.

source of blessings ...

In a physical way it is important, but there are also some spiritual currents that affirm that in forests and places full of vegetation there are beings that provide blessings to all who travel there.

As always, although in a relative way what is fashionable is devastation, absolutely what is really beneficial for us is to include vegetation as part of our landscape.

The signs exist, it is we who must have the sensitivity and talent to understand and apply them. Take the direction of health and leave the culture of deterioration of our environment disguised as happiness.

Every human being, animals and plants have a particular function, the disappearance of any of these means an imbalance that can be detrimental. For example, the eventual disappearance of bees will have the impact of lack of pollination and lack of vegetation, and many scientists warn of this fact. If we look a little, how many bees have we seen in the last week?

The average view is of a bee a week which means its possible extinction and also the possibility of ours.

sowing awareness ...

As always, the recommendation here is to focus in a different direction from the one we are currently oriented to, change our mentality and attitude, act with the assurance that everything positive we do will return to us in that same direction, sow awareness and everything else In addition we will be given. Just because it is.

AUTHOR: Pilar Vázquez, collaborator of the great family of the White Brotherhood

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