Co create your reality, the way to change the world.

  • 2017

Today everything is manifested much faster than before. A few years ago, months or years could pass between what we thought and manifested. Instead today, sometimes we don't finish thinking and suddenly it happens. Sometimes we don't even have the time to mature an idea, or really know if what we are asking for is what we really want.

Understanding how conscious co-creation operates is no longer an idea of ​​a few, if not an urgent need of all mankind.

We are creators, that is something that fewer and fewer people question. But we must learn to create what we really want instead of the things we are creating today: fear, uncertainty, violence. All this we have created, simply by paying attention to it.

Remember that we ask every time we focus our attention on something. Both in what we want and in what we don't want. By focusing our attention on it, and believing that this can happen to us, we are generating coherent magnetic slings between what we think and what we feel: that is, a perfect combination to manifest physically.

If I see in the news that crime has risen and give me statistical data on how there are more deaths, robberies, etc. I immediately believe that, I think about that and it generates fear, that is, I feel that these things can happen to me, since the probabilities statistically went up.

Today everything manifests faster, so we cannot afford to continue paying attention to what we do not want. Today more than ever we should choose with total awareness the experiences we want to live, to help generate a much more loving and peaceful world.

The year of the magician, the potential to create everything you want.

This is an intense year, numerologically it is 1, which is also the card of the Magician in the Tarot. That tells us that this year has all the potential to take us where we decide to go. We can heed our fears and create as our wizard our worst nightmares or we can start creating the world we want at once. Learning to co-create consciously today is imperative. Do not remain a victim, or arms crossed imagining that this is the responsibility of others. If it's not now, when, if it's not you, who ...

The world may be falling apart, but if you recover your power and create your world in abundance, nothing that happens to others will touch you, as if you lived in a parallel world. But the importance of it is not that you save yourself. You can help save others, through your example. We cannot transform people unless we transform ourselves. We cannot change anything unless we change ourselves.

If you recover your power today, if today you stop being afraid, your life will be transformed into what you could never have imagined. When that happens, you will be approached by other people who are probably having a hard time telling you: look, I met you before and you have changed and I see that it has done you very well. I see you happy, I see you in abundance. I want to know how you did.

Then you can show them the way and they can also create for themselves the life they want to live.

By saving yourself, you will be riding the road to all who know you.

Even if the world falls apart, you will discover that none of it can touch you. That you do not depend on the world economy, pharmaceutical companies, the politician on duty or technological advances. If you learn to co-create consciously, you can live the life you want to live and thereby teach everyone around you.

I invite you to read the co-creation series that was published on this same page a while ago to start Co consciously creating.

AUTHOR: Beatriz Cueto, editor of the great family of

You can find out more about Beatriz on her website

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