The unknown planets of the Solar System

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 How is the Solar System? 2 How are the dwarf planets 3 What are the dwarf planets of the Solar System 3.1 Ceres 3.2 Eris 3.3 Makemake 3.4 Haumea 4 Do the unknown planets of the Solar System influence our lives? 5 The nature of the unknown planets of the Solar System

You may not know that there are unknown planets in the Solar System . Although this statement may not be completely true. Some people do know about its existence, but not the vast majority. Do you think if we know them?

How is the solar system?

Unfortunately, the living Earth is alone in a huge cosmic void in the Milky Way neighborhood . This galaxy, with several million light years from end to end, houses what we know as the Solar System, composed of various planets and other phenomena. Together they orbit around a yellow star, called the Sun.

As a result of this neighborhood called the Solar System, each of the worlds and phenomena has an influence on humans . The Moon, Jupiter, Saturn ... we were all born from the same disk of matter that shaped this small portion of the galaxy.

However, although at first glance we can see some worlds such as Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Mars or Saturn, there are many other planets that we are unable to observe without the right equipment . And what is more striking, some are not even visible with long-range telescopes.

Therefore, throughout history, it was believed that the Solar System consisted of only 8 planets . These are in order of proximity to the Sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

Subsequently, just about 100 years ago, a small cold and remote world was discovered which was called Pluto . But recently it was degraded to the dwarf planet for various reasons.

And this is where the unknown planets of the Solar System come in. Beyond those already named, there is a group of small worlds that could also influence our lives . Although they don't usually appear in books, they are out there. We refer to Ceres, Makemake, Haumea and Eris .

How are the dwarf planets

Generally, dwarf planets are small worlds with unique characteristics, similar to other planets, but not exactly the same. And so they receive that nomenclature that may seem little will be.

To begin, let's discover the similarities of a dwarf planet with the other bodies of the Solar System:

  • A dwarf planet orbits its star, like any other.

  • The dwarf planet has enough mass to house its own gravity, which gives it a rigid and spherical body.

  • These types of planets do not revolve around a larger one as if they were satellites except for their own star.

So far, they don't seem very different from conventional planets. But the dwarves, as opposed to their older brothers, have not cleared their orbital neighborhood . That is, its gravity and its situation does not influence decisively in other nearby stars, which continue to function with relative independence in the surroundings. This deprives them of the consideration of planets.

What are the dwarf planets of the Solar System

As we have said, the known dwarf planets of the Solar System are Ceres, Eris, Makemake and Haumea . There is also Pluto, but for being more famous, today we will ignore it, since our goal is to shed light on the unknown worlds.

Naturally, these worlds seem to influence our lives just as Saturn, Jupiter or Mars do . Not because of ignorance they will be less important. And in fact, it is estimated that there may be even 200 or 300 planets similar to these beyond Pluto, in the Kuiper Belt. As we see, there are many mysteries to discover in this solar system.


Ceres receives its name from the Roman goddess of motherly love and plants . Discovered by Giusseppe Piazzi in 1801, he followed the classical custom of naming these worlds in honor of divinities.

This world is in the middle of the Asteroid Belt, between Mars and J piter . It is rarely taken into account, but its mass is one third of the asteroid of the belt. It is even believed to conserve water inside and may have volcanic activity.


Eris is a world of recent discovery. It receives its name due to the Greek goddess of discord . It can also be called as Éride, and was the culprit of the famous Trojan War. In addition, it has its own divine satellite, called dysnomy.

Eris is located beyond the eccentric orbit of Pluto, so it receives the name of plutoid, as all those around the Sun behind Neptune, the last planet. It is found in the known as Kuiper Belt, full of comets and other icy bodies.


Due to being discovered at Easter, Makemake received the name of the creator god of Easter mythology . It is also a plutoid beyond Pluto and of enormous proportions for the place where it is located, the Kuiper Belt.


Haumea receives its name due to Hawaiian mythology . She is the goddess who protects the island where this little world was discovered in the Kuiper Belt. As this divinity had many children, their satellites have also been baptized with names of Hi'iaka and Namaka, two of them.

Do unknown planets in the Solar System influence our lives?

Since not long ago they didn't know each other, an important question arises. Do the existence of these unknown planets of the Solar System influence our lives ?

The truth is that the answers in this regard are very varied and even controversial at times. For example, if we attend to the postulates of cosmoenergetic astrology, we discover interesting questions .

For this astrological branch, they only have total conviction that there are 5 stars that influence human beings . That is, their research indicates that Venus, Moon, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter are the only ones confirmed .

On the other hand, they always questioned the effects of the possible Plutonian personality. And also do not believe in the influence of Ceres and are investigating other worlds and stars such as the Sun, the Galactic Center, Neptune or even Uranus. That is, for this branch of astrology, Haumea or Makemake, for example, nothing would influence us .

The nature of the unknown planets of the Solar System

In the absence of evidence of the influence of these worlds, it is possible to verify a reality, we share origin . That is, billions of years ago, our sun was no more than a star. This star, during its formation, created an accretion disk on which matter was absorbed and expelled. From this the planets were born. What we see today from Saturn or J piter has its origin there.

And from there precisely the Earth arose . And from Earth we were born living beings that later evolved into humans and the millions of species that today inhabit the world. Thus, it is obvious that we share the same origin, both with J piter and its enormous influences such as Eris and its remote sphere .

While it is true that the Eris movement and its possible conjunctions did not bind us in almost anything, it does not seem far-fetched to believe that just as the birth day of a living being is important, the similar origin of the worlds that house us should also have it .

Be that as it may, investigations into the unknown planets of the Solar System are still in full evolution . From the news that may arise we will give account in due course, so keep an eye on our great community.

By Pedro, editor of the White Brotherhood

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